7 Features that Separate Highly Successful Individuals from the Rest of Us

By | December 24, 2016

By guest blogger Cassidy Hennigan [See Biography]

[December 24, 2016]  It is easy, and perhaps very human, to look at people who have “made it” and assume that they have some sort of unfair advantage, or even that they have cheated the system in some way or another. While this might actually be true in some cases, the fact of the matter is that there are traits, habits and choices that separate highly successful individuals from the rest of us.

Because of this, if a person wants to count themselves among the successful, they must figure out what successful people do and replicate those actions. This article will lay out a few of the most important factors that help people become successful. In this regard, it is best to take these tips to heart in order to apply them to any goal, passion or dream in order to achieve the level of success that one wants.

#1: Successful people have an innate thirst for new information When going through grade school, teachers, parents and public service announcements stressed the importance of reading. For whatever reason, when people grow up into adulthood, they look at reading as an unnecessary luxury or form of entertainment. To the contrary, reading is something that every successful person should do regularly in order to expand their mind and to take in new information

Reading allows a person to learn more and also change the way they think. In fact, reading helps people become better at thinking and make themselves more articulate overall. It is advisable to read every single day and take in no less than one new book per month. While fiction has its place, nonfiction is incredibly valuable in shifting paradigms and helping a person take their life to the next level.

#2: Successful people do what is necessary, despite their feelings If a person only did the right thing when they felt like it, most people would never do the right thing. Let’s face it, waking up early in the morning, working hard and handling mundane, yet necessary tasks is absolutely not fun and will never become fun. However, since it is necessary, a person who wishes to be successful must learn to separate their emotions from the action and take the time necessary to handle what must be done. In the words of Yoda, do or do not – there is no try.

#3: Successful people take care of their health The body is a temple, so people who want to be successful must realize that physicality and health is the first step toward success. When a person works out five times per week and eats healthy, clean foods, they will have more energy and their brain will function at peak levels. While this does not mean that a person must become a health nut, it is very critical that a person take ownership over their overall health and give themselves the opportunity to truly maximize on their potential by making the most out of their body overall.

#4: Successful people take care of their mind Malcolm Forbes once said: “When you cease to dream, you cease to live.” Dreams begin in the mind, so a person must claim autonomy over their mental function. The book “Think and Grow Rich” lays out this necessity in great detail. Meditation is a practice that allows people the best opportunity to open up their mind and embrace clarity in mental function. In fact, meditation has been shown to lower stress and cortisol levels, which helps a person get the most out of their working day.

#5: Successful people realize that failure is part of the process Failure is not a stop sign, it is in fact a necessary tool for achieving success. Successful people realize this and do not allow failure to make them turn around. In the same way that a person would never give up on a puzzle if they don’t find the right matching pieces immediately, successful people continuously fail their way to achieving a goal by figuring out what does not work, and then finding out what is necessary to make the objective work. Any person who wishes to achieve a successful life must immediately eradicate a fear of failure from their mind.

#6: Successful people fill their inner circle with other successful people A person’s circle of friends is a reflection of themselves and how they feel on the inside. Because of this, if a person hopes to become successful, they should cut out negative influences and instead surround themselves with people who are striving for something. It also pays to have a circle of friends that are steps ahead, so that a person has something to strive for due to positive peer pressure.

For instance, if a person works in the medical field and wants to receive one of the highest salaries in healthcare, they should find doctors and other high quality medical field professionals to serve as friends and mentors.

#7: Successful people don’t try to do it all themselves No one on this planet has ever become successful by themselves. Everyone gets help along the way, so coming to grips with this is a necessary part of the process. People who reject feedback will never be able to achieve the high levels of success that they hope to receive. Because of this, people owe it to themselves to fill their inner circle with like-minded people who will promote accountability.

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Biography:  Cassidy Hennigan is an HR Consultant and a freelance writer who loves to pen down the premises of a successful business and professional life. She believes finding the right balance between motivation, effort and selflessness is the base of such a lifelong construction.


Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

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