Category Archives: Book Review

Reading List (Update): WW2 Flyboys

By | February 18, 2018

[February 18, 2018]  Clint Eastwood once said that “The guys who won World War II and that whole generation have disappeared, and now we have a bunch of teenage twits.”   As documented in James Bradley’s popular Flags of Our Fathers (2000), Eastwood’s reference to the greatest generation was as much out of respect for their great accomplishments as it was… Read More »

Reading List (Update): A Story of Survival

By | November 20, 2017

[November 20, 2017]  The English philosopher John Locke once said that “education begins the gentleman, but reading, good company, and reflection must finish him.”  He was referring to the importance of learning how to be a productive citizen and sets forth the ingredients to do so.  Everyone I know will attest, firsthand, that reading good books and reflecting… Read More »

Reading List (Update): The Confederates

By | September 18, 2017

[September 18, 2017] Warning for those with a fragile mind, hypersensitivity to reading things about events during the U.S. Civil War, or are a college “snowflake” … this book review may cause you to require mental counseling. I’m just kidding of course; as I don’t expect readers of this leadership blog to be such a person. Today’s review… Read More »

Reading List (Update)

By | June 30, 2017

[June 30, 2017]  On this Reading List Update, I’m going to deviate a little from the typical leadership book review and recommendation.  Provided here today will be a more comprehensive look at one book (more in the future) that peaked my interest and with others who found it helpful for developing all levels of leadership.  Today’s book is… Read More »

Reading List (Update)

By | May 18, 2017

[May 18, 2017]  One of the good things about reading a book is that occasionally I stumble upon one (usually accidentally) that reinforces the time-tested basics of leadership.  With the weather improving daily and my daily walking for exercise improving, I find myself less drawn to books that require thinking and more to those that entertainment.  I consider… Read More »