COVID-19 Rescue Fraud

By | July 25, 2024

[July 25, 2024]  In 2021, the White House announced the creation of the American Rescue Plan as President Biden’s $1.9 Trillion plan to “provide direct relief to Americans, contain COVID-19, and rescue the economy.”1  What could possibly go wrong?  Fraud.  Fraud on a scale not seen in America in a long time.  If you don’t think this affects… Read More »

President Joe Biden Disappeared for 6 Days

By | July 24, 2024

[July 24, 2024]  President Joe Biden disappeared from the public eye seen since last Thursday where he announced that he was terminating his run for a second term.  He just showed up yesterday.  Is that a problem?  Yes! The tradition of practical and moral governance requires active leader participation in all the important affairs of their citizenry.  Americans… Read More »

The Coming DEI War

By | July 23, 2024

[July 23, 2024]  There is a coming DEI war in America, and the results will not be pretty.  With Joe Biden backing out of his re-election campaign, VP Kamala Harris, a “black woman,” is the obvious choice of those who believe in the DEI ideology. Kamala Harris is now the standard bearer for DEI, and those opposing her… Read More »

J.D. Vance: to the “Cast Aside and Forgotten”

By | July 22, 2024

[July 22, 2024]  In an interesting article by Matt D. Kittle of The Federalist, he writes that Donald Trump’s VP pick will never forget the “cast aside and forgotten.”  This is not a new political theme, but this time, the idea seems to have taken off in a speech by J.D. Vance. At the Republican National Convention in… Read More »