[October 28, 2020] In this article, I compare the leadership qualities of Joe Biden and Donald Trump; both running for the U.S. presidency. Alas, hype defines this election, mostly driven by a media accused of both political partisanship and prejudicial censorship. Any leadership comparison is a difficult task, one that data mining, analysis, and the application of seasoned judgment.
To make a clean and fair assessment of these two men is possible. A reading of their websites, analysis of their speeches, and their campaign strategies over the past one year can give us a glimpse into their leadership today.
A few comments before the analysis:
First, a note about my biases. I readily admit my bias against the destructive and insidiousness of socialism as an ideology. I also am a patriot and am unapologetic about it. And, lastly I support our police and other first responders and do so without reservation. I also believe that our federalist system and the U.S. Constitution is the best and deficiencies can be addressed within its current design. I believe our American values define us.
Second, I have done my research with care. The qualities of leadership I use here, follow leader themes taken from articles in my senior leadership blog written over the past seven years. Please refer to both the articles in the blog, my recommended readings (which I have carefully read), and other outside material written on leadership. After several decades in leadership roles, I know a bit about what it takes to be a successful senior leader and what follows is not just about leadership but about senior leadership.
Third, there is little here about specifics of the Presidency in terms of political policy or strategy. For example, there is no judgment on foreign policy, environmental regulations, immigration, oil and gas exploration, etc. This analysis focuses on leadership qualities.
1 | Experienced Judgment | 47 years in politics. Defined by leftist political positions. | 50 years in business & 3.5 years in politics. Defined by conservative values. |
2 | Being Present & Visible | Puts a “lid” on appearances. Often stays at his home without public comment. | Highly visible, conducts many interviews, willing to talk with a hostile press. |
3 | Clear Vision | “We’re about to go into a dark winter.” | “Make America Great Again.” |
4 | Drives a Positive Culture | “America is a racist country.” | “I love the American people.” |
5 | Accountability | Changes positions when viewing his record. | Says US citizens will hold him accountable. |
6 | Decisiveness | Slow to make a decision. Uses committees or commissions. | Makes big decisions quickly. |
7 | Intellectual Competence | Smart but has cognitive impairment. Difficulty articulating thoughts. | Smart and articulate. |
8 | Inspirational | Sees a dark future and drives a “hunker down” approach to life. | Wants to open society and reject fear. |
9 | Gets Results | No one can name a significant accomplishment in his tenure. | Middle East peace, no more wars, tax reductions, growing economy. |
10 | Honesty & Integrity | Caught in numerous lies about his education and family background. | Unfaithful to his wife many years ago. |
11 | Adopts American Values | Rejects values like hard work, religion, staying out of trouble with the law, etc. | Fully embraces American values and speaks about them often. |
12 | Dealing with Unknowns | Deals with unknowns by studying the unknown with the “experts.” | Willing to make decisions without all the information. |
13 | Humility | Says he is the best at everything and exaggerates. | Says he is the best to be President and exaggerates. |
14 | Mental Toughness | Forgets when under pressure and avoids unscripted events. | Can be nasty when pressed but doesn’t avoid critical situations or events. |
15 | Has Big Ideas | Yes | Yes |
16 | Zealous Commitment | Only partly committed to running for president. | Highly committed. |
17 | Adaptable | Yes | Yes |
18 | Great Communicator | No, too much time avoiding the press and other means of communication. | Yes, esp. in his use of Twitter. Criticism that he may communicate too much. |
19 | Builds Trust & Confidence | Difficult to judge this because he does not communicate his positions well. | Yes, but only in a narrow group of dedicated fans. Abrasiveness is a problem. |
20 | Spinoffs | Media gives full support. Hollywood celebrities are on board. |
Spontaneous Trump rallies unrelated to Trump campaign |
This analysis is more appropriate and accurate than ever before, given Biden’s cognitive decline.
And, where was Kamala Harris while Joe’s decline was so obvious to those of us with eyes and a brain? She was lying that Joe was “sharp as a tack.” It makes me wonder whether she is fit to be the US president if she cannot bring herself to tell the truth. The problem for America is that so many low-information and emotional voters are willing to accept her lies at face value, even when they know deep down that she is lying. Better to feel good with a lie than do the work with reality.
After the debate performance on Thursday, June 28th, the world came crashing down on Joe Biden. And this article by Gen. Doug Satterfield about Biden’s obvious dementia (now acknowledged by the lapdogs of the mainstream press) is to be commended. Joe is not fit for office. The emperor has no clothes.
Wow, so very true. 👍
Sir, you nailed it. Pres. Joe Biden is EVIL, corrupt, senile, and destructive in everything he touches. Even Obama knew this, and did nothing to stop Biden.
“Through your actions, you have embarrassed us in the eyes of our children, humiliated us on the world stage and, worst of all, divided us as a nation.” Retired US Navy Adm. William McRaven to Donald Trump
DT has emasculated his followers.
Trump Derangement Syndrome is strong in this one. — Darth Vader
Ha ha ha ha ha, great comment, Julia.
She is a product of her environmental leftist mentality–can’t see beyond the great beliefs and actions of our forefathers and all who actually defended–by war–Julia’s right to freely speak her opinion, in every arena in the US.
Donald does not love the American people. He loves the money American people have and you should give yours to this noble grifter. This is because you are brain dead and even the Donald functions better than you do.
…. and Joe Biden loves Chinese money. Your point? Might want to spell it out to us less smart, knuckleheads.
Some leader that Trump fellow,.,; he cajoled and led thousands to an insurrection at the U.S. Capitol which was an attempted coup within our country. Sorry General it’s best that you stick with General Aubrey Newman as your guide to real leadership and not expouse the traits traitor.
Gen. Aubrey Newman was a real man’s man. He reminds me of what real men are like and one of his traits was that he never ever whined or complained. Gen. N was a man of action. This article does a great job of making leadership trait comparisons between Trump and Biden. And, I do believe we can now “see” the results of an incompetent, dementia patient as POTUS (great division among Americans, high inflation, open borders, high crime, attacks on police, grooming small children to be transgender, incompetent retreat from Afghanistan, giving $100k each to illegal immigrants, return to energy dependence, authoritarian covid mandates, war on parents, attacks on the nuclear family ….). Need I say more? Only a blind man would ignore this. Let the liberal, neo-Marxist whining begin.
Amen Captain–you speak volumes for the Americans who know AND appreciate the sacrifices made for EVERYONE to speak freely without fear of reprisal… while understanding that all words and actions have consequences–good and bad–you’ve seen it up-close and personal. Thank you for your service and thank GOD for the USA.
Never before has this article been right on target.
Gen. Satterfield is a stand-up guy who puts his cards on the table. Good for him and for us. Great list.
You can put a successful infrastructure bill under Biden’s accomplishments now. Trump has several ‘infrastructure weeks’, but could never be bothered with the actual process of building law. Trump was infrastructure weak. Biden got it done. And he’s got the lowest jobless claims since the 1960s. So, there’s that, too. Also, I severely question the rejects religion comment. He’s a practicing catholic. Trump doesn’t go to church. He can’t even name a bible quote. Also, under honesty and integrity you simply put that Trump cheated on his first wife a long time ago. Really? He’s cheated on all 3 of his wives. His ‘foundation’ was shut down, just like his ‘university.’ He has been proven to have lied over 10,000 times while in office. Also, you can add “led an insurrection against the capitol” to your list.
Great article and should be posted on every workplace bulletin board for all to read and think about. There will be those disposed to ignorance and can be ignored. All others will see the poor leadership in Joe Biden and now also in Kamala Harris. Poor leadership leads to serious problems and we are seeing it.
He doesn’t care about the US, he cares about his own $. Are you that blind.
He thinks the American people are stupid, and the accountability they will have is non-existant (which is why he lies non-stop, he thinks he will NEVER be held accountable).
Clear vision: Make America Great Again
That is not a clear vision, that is a moronic campaign slogan.
Most laughable thing I’ve read in a while
I can only hope that the corrupt and decrepit hack and a depraved opportunist Joe BIden doesn’t get elected.
You are a moron, Ken. Now, go take your medication and change your diaper.
Hmmmm, not much of an argument using name calling. That’s the sign of …. Well, you know, the thing.
Specifics please, David. Show us a mature argument not child-like name calling.
Very good analysis. I haven’t seen anything like it anywhere else.
Reading this article, Harry, makes me suspect that most of the US population only votes out of pure emotion. And that, my friend, is a dangerous way to exist.
You got that right, Willie! 👍
Go to my website read the material and look at the videos on YouTube about the conscious and unconscious motivations if you are interested in learning more.
Hi Gen. Satterfield. I want to compliment you on this article dealing with ‘senior leadership.’ I have looked around for a site for a long time like this. The 20 items you have a helpful for those like me who are just beginning their leadership journey.
Great analysis, Gen. Satterfield. No matter which side you decide to vote for, this analysis of leadership should be something you first read. Leadership matters a great deal because it is the grease that lubricates the wheels of political policy. And, Joe Biden has the wheels of socialism as his policy base.
True! I re-read these 20 items again to see if I missed anything and found them spot-on. Highly recommended for those studying leadership, esp. at the senior levels.
Me too, Roger, there is much to be said for these items.
This is a super blog !!!!!!!!! 👀
All items on Gen. Satterfield’s list is worthy of our attention. No one can argue these make up most if not all major categories of leadership. Well done, Gen. S !!. What I want to point out is one of them in particular. “Decisiveness” It’s buried in as No. 6 but probably the most crucial leader characteristic. You can be the smartest, strongest, most resilient, and most honest but if you cannot make decisions quickly and accurately, you will fail miserably. Just keep that in mind when you go to vote this coming Tuesday. Trump is out there making decisions, campaigning, and doing the good fight. Biden is hiding in his basement and when he does come out his people hustle him away before he says something stupid.
I would add “builds trust and confidence” as well.
We miss you Sadako Red. Please write more on the Portland antifa protests along with their allies like Nancy Pelosi and BLM.
Yes, we do miss big RED. The sooner you write another article, the better place the world will be. Your insights are wonderful and enlightening.
Excellent, hard to argue with this. I will nitpick a bit and say that more details and references would have helped.
True but still a great article that no one else has done.
Yep, well said.
Another exceptional article from this leadership blog. Well researched and documented. Thanks.
Gen. Satterfield tells us, upfront about his biases. That is the mark of a good man. However, I will add that most of us here have the same biases. We want good people to be leaders, those with the right skill sets, the courage, and the intelligence to be a great leader. Who wouldn’t want that? These biases are what distinguishes a great leader from a mediocre leader.
Leaders have biases, period. If you know them, you may want to adopt those same biases. For example, I believe in hard work to get ahead. That is a bias. If you want to be a leader, then you must work hard, period. Think about it.
True statement Doc. I haven’t seen you in the comment forums lately. Great to have you back.
Regardless of who you plan to vote for in this upcoming election on Nov 3, pay close attention to what Gen. Satterfield has created as a leadership checklist. I found it, in itself, to be the best part of today’s article.
Yes, like ‘who has big ideas.’ This is a relative concept but tells a deeper story. Good comment, Lynn.
My favorite on the list is “dealing with unknowns.” That is what is really really tough for a leader to handle well. That is the mark of the great leadership traits.
Jonnie, I’m with you. Those leaders who cannot adjust to unknowns and find solutions and direct people to how to solve those unknown problems, are not very good leaders. Keep these articles coming our way, Gen. Satterfield. Some may think you are partisan but we know better. This is how you discuss leadership and learn how to best implement leadership responsibilities.
Well said, JT. I like the way you write.
500,000+ People Watch Trump’s Tulsa Rally on YouTube
Trump campaign communications director Tim Murtaugh said in a statement:
President Trump is rallying in Tulsa with thousands of energetic supporters, a stark contrast to the sleepy campaign being run by Joe Biden from his basement in Delaware. Sadly, protestors interfered with supporters, even blocking access to the metal detectors, which prevented people from entering the rally. Radical protestors, coupled with a relentless onslaught from the media, attempted to frighten off the President’s supporters. We are proud of the thousands who stuck it out.
“Sleepy Joe” what a nutjob. Or is he just mentally impaired. Why doesn’t he release his medical records. I don’t give a crap about his tax returns (for now any way). I want a leader who has the mental facilities to do the job.
We may try to let others know that we don’t have biases but we all do. It’s about being human; only a robot is without bias…no, they have bias too (in their programming). For those who are sane, we adopt biases that serve us well and promote us, our family, communities, and the nation in whcih we live. So, let’s not disparage bias. It’s always there. Adopting bad biases like laziness, wickedness, etc. is not a good thing ……
Yes and of course. Slow Joe, as I call him (ha ha, others too) is the worst presidential candidate in the entire US history. He’s like a rock.
According to the Bible, Jesus is THE ROCK.
#20, spinoffs, just a comment. I’ve been watching a bit of YouTube and found many many videos of spontaneous Trump car rallies across all sectors of the nation; from Brooklyn NY to small-town America. The crowds are saying “I Love You” to Trump when he speaks. The rallies are uplifting spiritually. Just go and search for them and you will see for yourself.
Very good analysis, General Satterfield. Thanks.
I’d like to read about these too.
My bad, I’d like to read more about this list that Gen. Satterfield has laid out for us. This is the first I’m seeing it. I don’t think, IMHO, that anyone could argue with this list of 20. I would like more on them. Yes, yes, I know that Gen. Satterfield has written about them in the past but more now would be great. Anyone have any leads?
Hi Mike. There is plenty of info on leadership studies, both professionally written and in blogs like this one for you to read up on these issues.
We could, of course, add to this list but it stands as an exceptional body of analysis you will not find anywhere else. I searched and couldn’t find anything to compare. Well done, Gen. Satterfield.
Joe Biden does drive any of this, so don’t get too much on your high horse, folks. He truly wants what is good for America. But the problem he has and his people and those that want him as President, is that he is having mental problems. Imagine, if you will, someone who is mentally deficient being president? I can’t. America will suffer. If Biden had any sense, he would quit.
Ouch, you are right Kenny as usual. Thanks. ✌
Just WOW, WOW, WOW…… this is one of the more detailed analysis that I’ve seen when comparing Biden and Trump. I recommend that Gen. Satterfield now compare these men on politics: immigration. foreign affairs, welfare, govt bureaucracy, etc. Those are the topics I’m interested in reading about.
I enjoyed today’s blog post by Gen. Satterfield. I hope that he keeps doing more of these.
People want leadership. It matters not what our station in life is, we desire leadership (teaching, coaching, and mentoring as Gen. Satterfield says) —- maybe because of some inherent feature of humanness but we do need it to survive better and easier. Great article.
I agree with all you wrote, Max. Thank you! I will add that Gen. Satterfield has been on top of this since the beginning of his blog. He goes for the throat about those who are corrupt (I mean that in the widest of terms) and is not opposed to naming names. Sometimes I only wish he would give more details. This articles starts that process. Now, it’s up to us and him to take it further.
Very true Yusaf. And we should all take in as much info as we can. That is what real leadership is about. These 20 items by Gen. S. are just a beginning but they signal what we should all strive for.
Yes, excellent list. This list should go viral. 👍👍👍👍
My bet is that it won’t go viral. The media suppresses anything right now that goes against Joe Biden. I’ve seen it and others have written about it. If you find anything, it’s way down on any list and covered up as much as possible by the social media companies. My bet, personally, is that this article will also be buried.
Eric, you are sooooo right.
Thanks Max. Well written. We all need leadership AND we all will be required to furnish leadership at some point as well. This article is one of the reasons I keep coming back to https://www.theleadermaker.com.
Yes, indeed they do want leadership.
I guess most of us have figured out this leadership thingie !! Ha Ha. In all seriousness, anyone with a brain cannot vote for the decrepped, mental deficient, old man Biden.
POW, powerful … what else can I say. The differences in “leadership” are stark. The contrast could not be more obvious.
I was about to write the same thing, Tom. This article is powerful. It goes to the heart of Joe Biden and Donald Trump. Yes, the contrast could not be more obvious but too many folks cannot see it for their ideological blindness.
Well put and yes I agree this is the kind of comparison you will not see anywhere. Rarely do your find such a website that actually has the author (with tremendous experience) go to the trouble of laying out the key qualities of a leader. Then, go thru and rate people by name. Wonderful wonderful wonderful. Thanks. Regardless of which side of the political divide you are on, this will help you understand key leadership qualties.
Great comment Newton Magr. Thanks.
Tom, you da man!!!