SWOT Analysis for Female Entrepreneurs

By | May 21, 2019

[May 21, 2019] A SWOT analysis is a comparison of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) about to a specific subject. A SWOT analysis aids organizations and business magnates in deciding on a particular topic.

A SWOT analysis analyzes all the quick and dirty factors as well as the long-term factors that could relate to the success or failure of the decision. The SWOT analysis can be used as a strategic plan to meet corporate objectives. Women acting as the heads of businesses are a fairly new concept internationally. In the modern world, it has become more of a paradigm. Let’s look at the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats related to the subject of female entrepreneurs.

Strengths of Women Entrepreneurs

Women are not afraid of the competition. Instead of disagreeing with the true leaders in that field of business, they are more interested in finding solutions for both parties, i.e., practical solutions. Another strength which is unique to women is that they can easily cater to women-specific businesses. They can easily understand the problems and challenges faced by women when men try to volunteer to respond to their needs. More people today would rather have a woman as a boss in comparison to a man. They have a very nurturing style of leadership, which is cherished and admired by their employees.

Weaknesses of Female Entrepreneurs

There are several weaknesses in the basic leadership qualities and characteristics of women entrepreneurs. They work more but make fewer profits in business because they charge less than their male counterparts. In the long run, this means that it will take more time for a women-managed company to develop fully. Women are also more skeptical of making split-second decisions in comparison to men. In some cases that does work for their advantage. But when it comes to making an on-the-spot decision regarding buying or selling an asset, this is not one of their biggest capabilities.

Opportunities for Women Entrepreneurs

Women entrepreneurs have the finesse to avail the opportunity to enter into the business world by catering to a women clientele. There are several products which women can sell better to other women rather than men. To quote the words of Fiona Madison from Crowd Writer

“From makeup items to women’s undergarments, there is a huge women clientele just waiting to be taken advantage of by women entrepreneurs.”

Shoes, clothing, jewelry, and accessories are just some of the products which can be marketed directly by women for women to make the most of commercial opportunity.

Threats for Women Entrepreneurs

One of the biggest threats for women entrepreneurs is huge conglomerates. Sure, the conglomerate business organizations are a threat to everybody.

Men, working in a specialized field of business, are used to the professional intimidation which can inadvertently occur by simply working in the same field of business as the conglomerate. Some women find it difficult to confront such huge conglomerates in business. Their business ends when it becomes a merger organization acquired by the conglomerate. These conglomerate organizations have the finances and resources to acquire female-run companies at low costs, so it becomes feasible for them to invest in them.

Author: Amanda Jerelyn

Amanda Jerelyn is a productive and profitable Marketing Executive at Academist Help (https://www.academisthelp.com/buy-essay-online). She owns the website Guide2Write (https://www.guide2write.com/) and has a passion for writing and sharing her knowledge.

20 thoughts on “SWOT Analysis for Female Entrepreneurs

  1. Greg Heyman

    Amanda, I looked over your Guide 2 Write website and found it extremely useful. I’m sure it took a long time to build. I’ve bookmarked it and will be telling my friends and coworkers about it.

    1. Amanda Jerelyn

      Thanks alot Greg and Bryan for the appreciation. Yeah it took a lot of time to build that site, but every thing for my readers 🙂

      1. Bryan Lee

        You’re welcome, Amanda and thanks for writing in Gen. Satterfield’s blog.

  2. Yusaf from Texas

    Thoughtful, well-written, and entertaining. It is always a pleasure to open my computer early in the day (here in Texas) to find Gen. Satterfield’s leadership blog with a useful article. Amanda, well done!

    1. Bryan Lee

      I was going to say the same thing. Ms. Jerelyn, really good stuff here. I agree with you 100%. I discovered the SWOT analysis a number of years ago and use it at work. It’s a good tool if used properly.

    2. Anita

      I also agree. It is a pleasure to read about leadership tools. Thanks.

  3. Eric Coda

    Amanda, you have written a fine article that made me think. My brain is not always working in the early morning but I must say I thoroughly enjoyed it. 🙂

      1. Eric Coda

        Thanks for responding. We enjoy this leadership blog because it gives us a variety of leader info, tools, and is really down to Earth stuff.

  4. Maureen S. Sullivan

    Ms Jerelyn, while your article is about female entrepreneurs, it is really about leadership. Whether you are male or female, the basics of leadership don’t change. We may be seen as different than men (correctly, I might add), character still counts, taking care of employees counts, etc. Thank you for a thoughtful blog post in Gen. Satterfield’s blog.

    1. The Kid 1945

      Good point Maureen. I appreciate you jumping on this idea. Great to see you up this morning.


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