Iraqi Army Kicking Butt:  by Army Vet

By | March 28, 2017

[March 28, 2017]  Army Vet discusses how the Iraqi military is about to crush ISIS in Mosul

If I were to be afraid, being in the situation the terrorist fighters are in Mosul would scare the hell out of me … they are about to be crushed by the most experienced and most capable military in the Middle East.  The Iraqi military is closing the noose on the Iraqi city of Mosul and any ISIS defender located there is about to die and, if we’re really lucky, his transition to death will be long and painful.  I know the Iraqi Army and its fighters; they’ve been waiting for this chance for a long time and they will have no mercy.  We should have the highest regards for the Iraqi soldier and policeman.

Now that brings me briefly back to the West and their pitiful concerns about civilian casualties.  If they were so worried about them, why did those governments pull out of Iraq in the first place when they knew it would create a power vacuum and possible blood bath?  Where were the international agencies like the United Nations and the Red Cross when Iraq needed them?  They were all repeatedly warned about the breakdown of security in the country and yet went running away.  They chose to ignore the highly probable scenario that is playing out now with ISIS and the levels of brutality unheard of in the modern age.

Crocodile tears coming from Western nations and their sissified leadership are not unexpected; they have little understanding of Islamic culture, Iraqi politics, or warfare.  Arm-chair-quarterbacking is for boys who play games in their parent’s basements.  These politicians certainly don’t understand the successful U.S. military campaign strategy conducted by the most famous American generals in the history of warfare.  Taught to the Iraqis and overseen by U.S. senior military leadership, the application of these attrition combat tactics and strategy is paying off superbly.  Balderdash, they don’t even know the difference in tactics and strategy.

The fact is, it’s not possible to hide a 30,000 man Iraqi military machine closing in on Mosul any more than it is possible to hide an elephant at a Sweet 16 Party.  War is manly stuff.  It requires strength, courage, and resilience far greater than modern-day politicians can apparently comprehend.  For those who say the Iraqis should use more secrecy and stealth in their attacks on Mosul are, frankly, ignoramuses of the highest order.  That large Iraqi army needs to be seen and heard.  The idea is to instill fear in the enemy.

The greatest strategic failure in America leadership since the Vietnam War was president Obama’s military withdrawal from Iraq.  This is what military lessons in strategy will correctly teach for the next thousand years.  Iraqi military leaders understand you can’t treat terrorists like the Junior Varsity team.  The Iraqi army strategy of surrounding the city and methodically squeezing it with cannon fire and cutting escape routes is the same as successfully used by General George S. Patton in World War II against the Nazi war machine.

The Iraqi Army is kicking butt.  May Allah grant them the courage to carry on.

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Author: Army Vet

“Army Vet” is, of course, a pseudonym. He is real. The only way he would agree to write for was anonymously. As you will see, he’s not afraid to name names and tell it like it is but he fears for his friends still in the military and other 3-lettered federal agencies, thus the fake name. He has worked with leaders of other militaries around the world and served several decades in the U.S. Army. He writes on military leadership but I think you will find him to be unconventional and controversial.

One thought on “Iraqi Army Kicking Butt:  by Army Vet

  1. John Jones

    Absolutely love this! Thanks for sharing! I’ll be back for more.


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