An American Tragedy: Part 1

By | August 8, 2023

[August 8, 2023]  As a young boy, I remember for the first time seeing black and white television images of a United States soldier driving a front-end loader across the cold, hard ground and stopping at a pile of what looked like mannequins.  He gently positioned the machine into the pile, lifted what appeared to be nothing more than semblances of human bodies of mere skin and bone, and lowered the bodies into a mass grave.  I didn’t fully understand what I was looking at until some time later.  Adolf Hitler, the leader of the Third Reich in Germany, massacred more than six million Jews during the period 1941 to 1945.

If asked, some people on the street may know the meaning of the word Holocaust; if they do, I believe most will say it was the genocide of the Jews by Adolf Hitler.  Younger people may say it was the terrible reign of the Khmer Rouge under Pol Pot, who slaughtered two million Cambodians in the 1970s.  Still, others may answer, according to one of the definitions from Webster’s dictionary, Holocaust means “a thorough destruction involving extensive loss of life.”

And then, much later, we learned of “The Rape of Nanking” by Iris Chang.  In December 1937, the Japanese army swept into the ancient city of Nanking.  Within weeks, more than 300,000 Chinese civilians and soldiers were systematically raped, tortured, and murdered – a death toll exceeding that of the atomic blasts of Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined.

What amazed me from the days I was a young boy, looking at those horrific images from World War II and those of Cambodia and reading about Nanking, was how one person could convince many others to follow his will and carry out these atrocities.

Around the time Pol Pot was committing genocide in Cambodia, the United States Supreme Court ruled in a landmark decision (Roe vs. Wade, 1973) “that a right to privacy under the due process clause of the 14th Amendment extended to a woman’s decision to have an abortion.”  I didn’t fully understand what the Abortion issue was until many years later.  Again, I turned to Webster’s Dictionary for the meaning – “spontaneous expulsion of a human fetus,” and expulsion meant – “take away rights or privileges of membership.” What I soon realized was the atrocities that occurred so very far away have been happening in my country.  Segments of our society have fallen into the morass of barbarism.  It’s called infanticide – a person who kills an infant, especially their own child, with the blessing of the government.

Since the Roe vs. Wade landmark decision, there have been 61,002 543.2 abortions performed in this country.  In the time it takes to finish this story, another 122.3 babies will have their “rights or privilege to breathe the very air that I am breathing now, taken away.”  I am also amazed, as I was with the atrocities carried out by Hitler and Pol Pot and the Japanese, how so many of us have allowed the Roe vs. Wade decision to overwhelm our moral code and allow this to happen in the greatest country in the world.

At no time do I suggest to ever knowing the terrible pain and suffering that the Jews and Cambodians, nor the Chinese, endured while husbands and wives were separated from their children and headed off to the death camps, killing fields or just killed and left in the streets of Nanking.  But as you read on, we now know what it was like in the back rooms of the doctor’s office where abortions (murders) were taking place.  Whatever your position on abortion, the sheer magnitude of this gruesome act of killing babies can no longer be ignored, even though most of the mainstream media did so, and the majority of the Democratic Party is supporting their media brethren.

Part 2 tomorrow and a glance as the mass baby killer, Dr. Kermit Gosnell.


Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Jim Eberwine

Born in Philadelphia into a Roman Catholic environment and a family of eight. My wife and I have 13 grandchildren and four great grandchildren. I am deeply concerned about the direction of our country , but you will not find me on a picket line or demonstrating. I choose to follow the direction of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. who once said, “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”

18 thoughts on “An American Tragedy: Part 1

  1. Pastor John

    Please pray for the souls of the lost.

  2. Tracey Brockman

    Too many Americans are purely uneducated in important history and how to get along with others. Too many are pure narcissists.
    “Leader Trends: Are We Narcissists?”
    “The truly deep narcissist is in possession of a self-righteous arrogance, dreams of intellectual brilliance, or superior moral standing. Yet, putting aside for the moment the outward traits of a narcissist – argumentative, vain, fretful, etc. – it is critical to note that they are completely unaware of their personal faults and are in self-love with their fake but perfect self.” – Gen. Doug Satterfield

    1. Jerome Smith

      Wooh, great recall of an older Gen. Satterfield blog post.

  3. Max Foster

    “What amazed me from the days I was a young boy, looking at those horrific images from World War II and those of Cambodia and reading about Nanking, was how one person could convince many others to follow his will and carry out these atrocities.” – mr. Jim Eberwine. I agree but I might also add that it is the Marxist ideology that drives so much of it. And Marxism is easy because all you have to do is say other people need to be eliminated because of their views or who they are and you are transformed into the most “ethical wonderful person on the planet.” That is why they flock to Marxism. Being a member of Marx is easy, just like living with the Devil.

  4. Adolf Menschner

    Remember that Hitler killed 6 million Jews and other “undesirables.” Unborn babies are the “undesirables” to our liberal, progressive, Marxist, tyrant wannbe nutjobs I see so often in colleges and walking the streets with their little rat dogs.

      1. Emma Archambeau

        Yep, you know those “undesirables” need to just go away …. /sarc. Classic Nazi fascist argument just the same as America’s Democrat party.

  5. Kerry

    As we wait for tomorrow’s part two from Mr. Eberwine, let us never forget that Gen. Satterfield has a wonderful book out that we should all read. “55 Rules for a Good Life” (2022) tells the story and gives us rules about living good. And “good” is not about money but about living up to your own moral standards. Abortion is something Gen. Satterfield stands against at all times, for any reason period. Abortion is evil and nothing at all can a person make even an adequate case to contradict this.

  6. Lady Hawk

    Excellent. It is great to know that there are folks around America with common sense like you, Jim. Thank you, sir!!!!! 😊

    1. Laughing Monkey

      Right Lady Hawk, and I also appreciate the allowances that Gen. Satterfield is making to have some really smart and ethical people write articles. These guest articles sure beat the heck out of the typical crap you find on these below-average leadership websites designed only to make a few bucks. Mr. Jim Eberwine, thank you and please extend my appreciation to your family too.

      1. Good Dog

        LM, yes, I was thinking the same thing. A really good run on guest authors.

  7. JT Patterson

    Mr. Eberwine, great article. I can’t wait until tomorrow to read the second half. Please consider writing in the future for Gen. Satterfield’s website. I’m sure most of us here would love to hear more about what you have to say.


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