Memorial Day 2024: a Vietnam Veteran

By | May 27, 2024

[May 27, 2024]  Hello General.  After being home from Vietnam 55 years ago and coming upon my 56th Memorial Day coming up next week, it got me wondering where all this time went.  To be honest, I don’t recall much about my first 35 Memorial Days, but a lot has happened over the last 20. What is Memorial… Read More »

Veterans Day 2023:  Joe Griffies

By | November 11, 2023

[November 11, 2023] I grew up in the city of Philadelphia. We lived on a long narrow street lined with small row homes attached by a party wall. There were 23 homes on each side of the street. We knew everyone on our block and all the surrounding homes on the streets that made up our neighborhood. Our… Read More »