My Blog’s 10th Anniversary

By | September 3, 2023

[September 3, 2023]  I started this Blog precisely 10 years ago, shortly after receiving notice from the General Officer Management Office (GOMO) that I would be retiring from the U.S. Army the following May of 2014.  Like everybody at senior rank, I thought I had many more years in me.  I was indeed popular among Soldiers, I had a no-nonsense and brutally honest personal leadership style (frowned upon today), and was highly respected by junior Soldiers (also frowned upon).  Starting the Blog was my way of getting right in my head what the lessons were of 40 years of military service.

Since starting my Blog, I’ve spun off two books and am working on a third.  Most of the ideas on my daily blog pages are part of how I develop ideas, and how much of the feedback I’m getting helps me focus better and clean up any ideas that are too messy.  Some of my best ideas come from readers who take the time to comment in my leadership forum section (below each article).  I do not edit comments or bar those who comment, but I do expect a level of civility.  Unfortunately, my spam software removes not just spam but legit comments, which is unfortunate.

Remember that my Blog is FREE to read.  And, I don’t solicit money anytime, or will I ever do so.  However, I do shamelessly hawk my books, and if you would like a copy, please go to Amazon.  They are reasonably priced.  Links are below.

Thank you for reading my Blog.


Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

Hello. I provide one article every day. My writings are influenced by great thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Jung, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jean Piaget, Erich Neumann, and Jordan Peterson, whose insight and brilliance have gotten millions worldwide to think about improving ourselves. Thank you for reading my blog.

26 thoughts on “My Blog’s 10th Anniversary

  1. Eddie Gilliam

    Congratulations on your achievement 10 year anniversary. You are doing an awesome job 👏

    1. Xerces II

      We all wish his congrats and success with his future pursuits. Today’s article was the 22nd in a series of letters to his granddaughter. To date, it is my favorite mini series (although getting bigger than a “mini” series). I hope this everntually turns into a book with the same name. All the better that women will buy the book just to read about the childhood of a man who came up from poverty to being a General in the US Army.

  2. JT Patterson

    Gen. Satterfield
    “Remember that my Blog is FREE to read. And, I don’t solicit money anytime, or will I ever do so. However, I do shamelessly hawk my books, and if you would like a copy, please go to Amazon. They are reasonably priced. Links are below.
    Thank you for reading my Blog.”

    1. Yusaf from Texas

      JT, you and I are two of the original readers and commenters on this blog. Congrats to us too.

    2. Dern McCabe

      Great blog. JT, you are one of those who have been in the leadership forum the longest? Right?

  3. Jerry Jones

    I agree, congrats. And my Gen. Satterfield another two or three decades of service to his fellow man.

  4. Joe Omerrod

    The best part of this blog is that it is FREE. Actually, the best part is the great content. Thanks Gen. Satterfield for your insights and for your advice. Read his books, folks, you will be happy you did.

  5. Lynn Pitts

    “I was indeed popular among Soldiers, I had a no-nonsense and brutally honest personal leadership style (frowned upon today), and was highly respected by junior Soldiers (also frowned upon). Starting the Blog was my way of getting right in my head what the lessons were of 40 years of military service.” I’m happy you decided to continue with your blog. If nothing else, we all gain a lot of info from you. Thanks Gen. Satterfield for your insights.

    1. Jeff Blackwater

      Yep, congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Ursala J. Simpson

    Rarely to personal blogs last very long. Typically, they just fade away as the blog owner tires of the daily grind of articles. Some resort to guest writers to fill in the gaps and Gen. S. has done this on occasion. Some of those writers were poor, but many were fantastic. The latest is, of course, Sadako Red. I also love Army Vet and Mr. Kennedy. Gen. Satterfield please please please keep your blog going for another multiple of 10th anniversaries. And, I will continue to get the word out on your two books that are for sale on Amazon.
    Please read my books on Amazon:
    1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,”
    2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,”

    1. Georgie B.

      Even my kids will be reading his books, in particular “55 Rules for a Good Life.” It comes highly recommended.

  7. Emma Archambeau

    Well done, Gen.S. Love Love Love your blog.

    1. lydia truman

      Emma, you da gal and I just love this blog. Too bad that Gen. Satterfield is married. Otherwise I might have had a chance.

        1. Dead Pool Guy

          I’m sure many of the ladies here would be interested, who would not be? I for one, am happy for Gen. Satterfield that he is married to a Brooklyn girl. That is what his bio is talking about anyway. So, I will add my 2 cents worth and say CONGRATULATIONS as well. We are all pleased of the way this blog is managed (and FREE to boot). Congrats, Gen. Satterfield and we look forward to moree articles every single day.

  8. Willie Strumburger

    Congratulations, General Satterfield, may I be the first to give you a much deserved thank you for what you do.

    1. Eric Coda

      My sentiment exactly, congratulations and thanks for all the readers of this important blog by Gen. Doug Satterfield.

    2. Eva Easterbrook

      Let’s all just appreciate that this blog is run professionally (who would expect anything else from Gen. Satterfield) and that the articles are both informative and entertaining, … and that Gen. Satterfield is always bringing up topics that most folks ignore becuase talking or writing about those “topics” is some kind of sin to be punished by our government tyrants. Keep doing what you are doing, Gen.S. And……. thanks you.


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