Is the 4th of July a Day of Dogs and Suds?

[July 4, 2023]  America’s Independence Day is special.  It is more than Americans recognizing their independence from the British Empire 247 years ago; it is seen by all those who want the freedom to practice a religion of their choice, raise a family as they see fit, elect a government of their choosing, and going about their daily lives without undue interference.  That is what is called the American Dream.  And the 4th of July is universally celebrated by cooking hot dogs and burgers on the BBQ grill, drinking a beer, watching parades, and shooting off fireworks.

Indeed, the 4th of July is an extraordinary day.  I know that my local township will have one of the largest parades in South Jersey (we don’t call it New Jersey), and afterward, our Veterans will have a gaggle near our swimming pool to have dogs and suds.  We have a Vet that is very Irish, and he has assured us all that there will be no Bud Light for obvious reasons.  We are real men (and women) and would not want to be mistaken; otherwise, woke ideology is a loser idea, and we are not losers.

My Veterans Club will be walking in the parade.  It comprised 142 entries and spans about three miles from front to end, all along a less than a one-mile route.  Since our Vets are at the beginning of the parade, it gives us enough time to return to the midway point, pull up a chair, and watch the remainder of the parade go by.  The parade is always the fun part.  Then we walk about half a mile for our dogs and suds.  The weather is expected to be in the high eighties with high humidity by the parade ends, so that beer will taste mighty good.

If you are able, come out and enjoy the day.


Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

Hello. I provide one article every day. My writings are influenced by great thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Jung, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jean Piaget, Erich Neumann, and Jordan Peterson, whose insight and brilliance have gotten millions worldwide to think about improving ourselves. Thank you for reading my blog.

15 thoughts on “Is the 4th of July a Day of Dogs and Suds?

  1. Karl J.

    I spent the day so for, attending one parade, hit up one BBQ event for vets and spouses, and had a get together with friends to talk about our dads who were in WWII and the Korean War. Thanks to all of those who are regular readers of Gen. Satterfield’s blog and who are great patriots.

  2. DI Fred Thursday

    Have a great 4th. To all my friends here, enjoy the day but do not forget why we celebrate.

  3. JT Patterson

    Another spot-on article from Gen. S. Hey folks, enjoy today … our Independence Day.

  4. Otto Z. Zuckermann

    Hi everyone, enjoy this holiday not as a “holiday” per se but as a celebration of freedom and independence. Join a parade, watch a parade, cook a dog and drink some suds or whatever you like because that is what freedom is about. Be a good person, like Gen. Satterfield likes to say. Do what is good and what you need to do as part of your responsibility.

    1. Erik Pettersen

      I do too enjoy this blog. Thank you. I’m new here and hope to be able to contribute.

      1. Douglas R. Satterfield Post author

        Erik, welcome aboard and I do hope you enjoy what you read here. Feel free to post new ideas or try out old ideas. I think you will find that you can get some positive feedback. That actually helps us all.

  5. Bryan Z. Lee

    This is a lovely blog today and thanks to Gen. Satterfield.
    Be sure to get his latest book, “55 Rules for a Good Life.”
    Happy 4th of July and Independence Day.

    1. British Citizen

      You’re welcome. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

      1. Willie Strumburger

        As Gen. Satterfield would say, “greetings” and thanks for the compliment. It is a good thing that today the US and the UK are allies. Probably the strongest of all allies in the world and that is no accident. Surely there will be idiots like past-US Pres Obama who was anti-UK and yes too anti-American, but nuts like him and his ilk are rare in America. Let us celebrate Independence Day but also celebrate our English speaking allies, in particular, Britain.

        1. Oakie from OK

          👍👍👍👍👍👍 got that right Willie, thanks.

  6. Janna Faulkner

    HAPPY 4TH OF JULY to all the wonderful people who read and comment in Gen. Satterfield’s blog. I have learned a great deal from this blog and I hvae also learned to be truly FREE.


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