Is the Bible True?

By | March 5, 2024

[March 5, 2024]  I’ve always been intrigued by attempts to “prove” that stories in the Bible are true.  One I find most interesting is the claim that Noah’s Ark was found, likely on Mount Ararat, in modern-day Turkey.  The idea of “proof” harks back to the idea that if we could only scientifically prove one story true, then it follows that the Bible is true, or at least we are on the right track to proving it true.

The most obvious problem with the question of whether the Bible is true is what we mean by the word “true.”  Does “true” mean that something must be logically and scientifically proven, with hard physical evidence, or that most people believe something is first accurate or moral to be true?

My purpose in this article is not to attempt to uncover the origins of the Bible, the many interpretations of the stories, or even how humans viewed the Bible across time and cultures.  One thing we do know about the Bible is that it was the first printed book that became widely available for anyone to read, at least to those with the ability to read.

I would venture to say that since the Bible was the first book and a book of such great significance, all the books that came after are somehow a play on the Bible itself.  We cannot write a story about people without somehow duplicating parts of the Bible.  Of course, that may be a bit of an oversimplification.  Still, some agree that the major patterns of human interaction today are not that dissimilar to what humans did thousands of years ago and are captured in the Bible text.

I would also say, although somewhat more controversially, that if we were to read all the books in the world and then we were able to take out of them the main themes and condense those themes, then we would see in those condensed themes the Bible as the fundamental beginning of them.

Dr. Jordan Peterson, who has studied the Bible’s text, says, “People of the Christian faith believe that the Bible is true, but that I don’t know what they mean by true?”  Dr. Peterson is one of those I listen to and have been influenced by, so I would pay close attention to his ideas about whether the Bible is true.

He asks the question of whether Biblical truth is the precondition for truth.  Now, that is something that got me thinking about this issue.

“The Bible is true in a very strange way.  It is true in that it provides the basis for truth itself, and so it is like a meta truth; without it, there couldn’t even be the possibility of truth, and maybe that’s the most true thing, the most true thing isn’t some truth per se, it’s that which provides the precondition for all judgments of truth.” – Dr. Jordan Peterson, “Here’s Why the Bible is True” (link here)

And that is an explanation not to be overlooked or put down by atheists or pragmatics.  If you are a religious person, then you understand that no ethical behavior can be determined through an accumulation of knowledge in facts and discoveries of Noah’s Ark but by elevating some ideas over others, and that is when the religious domain stands forth.

Whenever possible, have a vision for what is of the highest virtue, which gives meaning to our lives.  An accumulation of seeking that vision is what we call culture, which gives us structure and is the basis for faith.

Is the Bible True?  The Bible is the basis of truth, so it is more than truth in that respect.  It is the prerequisite for truth.


Listen to the song that topped the iTunes chart.  Link here.


Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

Hello. I provide one article every day. My writings are influenced by great thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Jung, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jean Piaget, Erich Neumann, and Jordan Peterson, whose insight and brilliance have gotten millions worldwide to think about improving ourselves. Thank you for reading my blog.

28 thoughts on “Is the Bible True?

  1. Eddie Gilliam

    Great job my friend. The Bible was written by inspired men. It on the most published book yearly read by many people including me each day. I love reading the Bible to encourage people including myself to have faith in God. I love Psalms written by David. Genesis which is the first book in the Bible deals with the beginning. In the beginning God created. Some people try to getting into an argument with others on is the Bible is true
    I don’t. Why because it says if man does not believe does that make the Bible none efficient. God forbid. I was told by a wise man that say how much knowledge is in the world and one person have. There is alot. That being said what if the know that you does have and failed to except is true. You will be lost in having a wonderful place in Heaven which is spoken of in Revelation. I challenge you to reading Genesis and Revelation. You can gain true knowledge of what God promised to you 🙏
    While at Minot North Dakota in the 90 til 2004. My pastor Henderson required all his minister to reading the Bible through in 4 months starting on 1 January. If you have not does this as minister or staff members you didn’t preach.

  2. DocJeff

    Gen. Satterfield, a great explanation. If you don’t mind, I’ll use your words the next time I try to explain it.

  3. Crazy Indian

    Crazy good words from Gen. Satterfield. Sir, thank you so much. Is the Bible true? Now I get it, the Bible is more than true, it is the basis of which truth can emerge. It is a meta truth. Well written and thank you for referencing Dr. Jordan Peterson. He has a series on the Bible that it would be very valuable for all of us to listen to.

    1. corralesdon

      Great recommendation, Crazy Indian. I will do exactly that.

  4. USA Patriot II

    Another very powerful blog post by Gen. Satterfield. Thank you for helping me force my brain to think. Ha Ha. Not kidding however, this is the kind of thinking that more of us need to do. That is how I can better myself and also help others. The last thing for us adults to do is to encourage young people that they are wonderful just the way they are. As Gen. Satterfield has written before, young people know that are NOT wonderful the way they are and getting that message that they are is a terrible thing.

  5. Lady Hawk

    “What do you mean by true?” Now that is a great question. Gen. Satterfield does not tackle the answer but moves beyond it to try and answer the question “Is the Bible true?” I hope he soon writes about what the word “true” means in its common usage. That will be helpful here.

  6. Jerome Smith

    For all those reading this blog by Gen. Satterfield for the first time, please pay close attention to how he uses his words. This paragraph says much more than you might expect it to.

    “I would venture to say that since the Bible was the first book and a book of such great significance, all the books that came after are somehow a play on the Bible itself. We cannot write a story about people without somehow duplicating parts of the Bible. Of course, that may be a bit of an oversimplification. Still, some agree that the major patterns of human interaction today are not that dissimilar to what humans did thousands of years ago and are captured in the Bible text.” – Gen. Doug Satterfield

    1. Emoji Girl

      Indeed, it does, Jerome. Thank you for pointing this out. It takes a lot of thinking and study to imagine this kind of article and exactly why I keep coming back here. 💋

  7. Jonnie the Bart

    IS THE BIBLE TRUE? Yes, of course, but more true than we humans can imagine.

  8. JT Patterson

    Other than Gen. Satterfield’s “letters to my granddaughter” series, this article is the cap.

  9. Rev. Michael Cain

    Gen. Satterfield, a very measured approach to the Bible. Thank you sir.

    1. Pink Cloud

      Hi Rev. Cain. More than measured but downright exceptional …. this is why I read this blog. Oh, if you want to find out more about how Gen. Satterfield thinks and the rules that govern his life, then read “55 Rules for a Good Life” and if you want to see these principles/rules in action, then read “Our Longest Year in Iraq.” You will not be disappointed.

  10. Nick Lighthouse

    Sir, I’m happy you touched on this important topic because it pushes my thinking, and will contend that it pushes the thinking of all of us. And, of course, that is the point of your blog, as stated many times. We need more leaders to do just that. Any time I get the opportunity to expand my way of thinking, I’m for it. Sometimes, I reject those ways but at least I have the opportunity as a free man to accept or reject ideas. That is what makes me human and you as well.

  11. Pastor John 🙏

    Is the Bible true? Gen. Doug Satterfield makes the case for the Bible being more than true. It is the foundation upon that which truth is made. Prayers be with you. 🙏

  12. Max Foster

    Dr. Jordan Peterson is great. Gen. Satterfield is appreciated for highlighting Dr. JP. Thanks to you both.
    “The Bible is true in a very strange way. It is true in that it provides the basis for truth itself, and so it is like a meta truth; without it, there couldn’t even be the possibility of truth, and maybe that’s the most true thing, the most true thing isn’t some truth per se, it’s that which provides the precondition for all judgments of truth.” – Dr. Jordan Peterson, “Here’s Why the Bible is True”

    1. Melo in Chicgo

      Max, and thanks to you also for your contribution. For those of us who read this leadership forum, and there are many, I would recommend that we all try to put forth ideas. They will be tested here. They will be used to inform.. But more importantly, YOU will be given positive feedback, even if that feedback is negative. That feedback can be used to improve upon your ideas and that is the point of this forum. Thanks to good people like Gen. Satterfield, we have a dynamic community of those who read and learn here at

  13. Emma Archambeau

    ❤ Just loving this website by Gen. Satterfield ❤

  14. Deplorable John

    Gen. Satterfield, once again, gets it. He understands that the meaning of words matter and that many of us are terribly imprecise in our use of language. That is why it is so important to have freedom of speech, to make sure we better understand one another and have more in common.

    1. Frankie Boy

      DJ, yep! But the politicians we elect will still do whatever they “think” or “feel” at the moment. They are also disconnected from us.


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