Justice Lies to Us

By | September 22, 2023

[September 22, 2023]  Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn once wrote that anyone who uses violence to suppress people must “inexorably choose lying as his principle.”  Leaders who lie and those who support those leaders who lie are guilty of the world’s most evil of evils.  Even in Dante’s Inferno, betrayal is at the bottomless pit of evil.  My topic today is Justice Lies to Us.

NY Post writer Miranda Devine, one of the few traditional American reporters and my favorite, yesterday posted an article expanding on an old theme we’ve come to see;  America’s leading justice agency bigwigs will lie to the public to protect their leftwing politics from embarrassing truths.

Yesterday, she had an article titled “Ignorant, pathetic Merrick Garland wilts on the hot seat before Congress” [link here].  The bottom line?  The U.S. Attorney General, America’s most senior law enforcement leader, blatantly lies.  In her story, she tells of the roasting he got over many DOJ left-wing actions and policies that embarrassed the agency and exposed their lies to the American public.

Miranda Devine says that Merrick Garland is just another Mr. Magoo (now that is a throwback to an earlier day of a fictional, goofy, near-sighted cartoon character).  She wryly comments that his DOJ is “ablaze, but he knows nothing.”  I watched part of the Congressional hearing, and I was most impressed by Jeff Van Drew (R-NJ), who pushed Mr. Magoo to admit openly to the gross, inappropriate, and easily avoidable failures of the DOJ.  Just like the cartoon character Magoo, Garland was stammering away when pressed by Van Drew (yep, he’s my representative).

Let me say it: Merrick Garland is a serial liar, and he has been caught red-handed.  Mr. Magoo, however, will survive to lie again.


Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

Hello. I provide one article every day. My writings are influenced by great thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Jung, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jean Piaget, Erich Neumann, and Jordan Peterson, whose insight and brilliance have gotten millions worldwide to think about improving ourselves. Thank you for reading my blog.

18 thoughts on “Justice Lies to Us

    1. Scotty Bush

      Yeah, ready for the weekend. Enjoy early fall weather for most of the east.

  1. Pumpkin Spice

    Thank you Gen. Satterfield for coming out and saying what all sane Americans know, Garland lies every time he opens his mouth. You all know the joke. 👀👀👀👀👀

  2. Doug Smith

    Bammmmmm the trurth
    “NY Post writer Miranda Devine, one of the few traditional American reporters and my favorite, yesterday posted an article expanding on an old theme we’ve come to see; America’s leading justice agency bigwigs will lie to the public to protect their leftwing politics from embarrassing truths.”

    1. Good Dog

      Nailed it Doug. I think, however, that regular readers of this blog by Gen. Satterfield know from his past writings that if he is talking about a politician, the odds are that he is calling them out for some major leadership failure. What is the biggest leadership failure, in Gen. Satterfield’s thinking? Lying. Worse? Openly lying to the American public. Merrick Garland will go down in history as the worst US Attorney General. And he deserves our derision.

  3. Willie Strumburger

    Loving this website more and more. Sir, please keep up these types of articles on how big leaders fail. Their biggest fault? They lie. Simple.

  4. Melo in Chicgo

    Gen. S., you are shooting fish in a barrel when you call DOJ Meister Merrick Garland a liar. Everyone knows it and that is why the Democrats want to keep him where he is. He just lies about it all. The real questions is how can anyone work in the DOJ knowing this idiot is in charge?

  5. Unwoke Dude

    Ha Ha, Gen. Satterfield sure knows how to name names when it comes to leadership failures and Merrick Garland, the most senior law enforcement official in America is now a KNOWN LIAR. Impeach him next and tarnish him forever for being called out in front of the American people for lying. We know that Pres Biden will never get rid of him because Biden is not in charge.

    1. Mr. T.J. Asper

      Yes, Unwoke Dude….. I expected you to say that Garland and Biden were both woke and are the supreme wokesters. But I was mistaken. Biden is a nobody because he can no longer make a decision or even understand what is going on. He is merely walked out occasionally to give the impression he is in charge. All sane Americans know otherwise. Even my High School students can see it.

    1. HAL

      Hi Curtis, welcome to Gen. Satterfield’s blog leadership forum. I haven’t seen you commenting before, but you are welcome anytime.


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