Letters to my Granddaughter: No. 9

By | June 28, 2023

[June 28, 2023]  Sometimes, things come along just when you need them most.  The hard-boiled eggs were colored in pastels, craftily hidden throughout the backyard, tucked behind a tree, hidden in the grass, behind a bush, and on the fence post.  And there was Mom gathering all her children together.  It was Easter Sunday, the first Easter in my memory, so I was pretty young, maybe five or six, preschool for sure.  Our Mom had taken great care to make this day memorable for her children, as it should be.

Those were the days whenever I thought of Easter Sunday, it brought up images of colored eggs, baskets of straw, wearing a coat and tie and attending church services, running around after church to find those hidden eggs, sometimes not well hidden, to get as many eggs as possible.  Then I would make sure my brother Philip had the same number as me – he was slower, being younger, so I shared a few.  I admit I always had one more egg than him, maybe two more.

My parents carefully managed Easter Day so I could understand why it was special.  Mom’s job was to be the force that held the family together with love and loyalty through her dedication to God, Country, and Family.  This also meant knowing why we were hunting Easter eggs, the symbolism that unfortunately escapes most kids like me.  How was it that I came to know the link between colored eggs, Easter bunnies, family, and church?

Patiently and very carefully, Mom told the story of the man known as Jesus in the Bible.  The tale, or should I say the great story, was fascinating.  Usually, I’m bored.  Not this time.  Mom had a way to make the story easy to follow and make it seem fascinating.  Anyone who has read the Bible or can tell a good story about a person knows that this is no easy task.  I think that is why our morals are told in stories rather than lists on a tablet.

As best I can remember it from Mom telling this story many times, Jesus, the man, was forced to carry a wooden cross and crucified on it as punishment for preaching the Word of God.  Now, this wasn’t very comforting for me.  Why would anyone do such a thing?  But Mom continued.  Three days after his burial, He arose, a rebirth.  “What did he say?” I asked.  Like she had anticipated my question, the same question I would ask every Easter on the telling of the resurrection.  Mom calmly told us Jesus said, “Greetings, do not be afraid….”  Wow.

Then, Mom told us how the ancients had common rituals and practices.  One of them was the search for eggs.  And like eggs do, they hatch with new life.  The symbology was not lost on me.  Thank you, Mom, for patiently connecting the dots for me, your eldest child.  And now I pass along that story to my eldest grandchild.


Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

Hello. I provide one article every day. My writings are influenced by great thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Jung, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jean Piaget, Erich Neumann, and Jordan Peterson, whose insight and brilliance have gotten millions worldwide to think about improving ourselves. Thank you for reading my blog.

23 thoughts on “Letters to my Granddaughter: No. 9

  1. Elizabeth Denato

    A wonderful and beautiful series of letters.

  2. DocJeff

    Best letter yet. Thanks Gen. S., well done!!!!!

  3. Manly Man

    Another amazing blog by this guy, General Satterfield. 🇺🇸

    1. Julia

      YEP and exactly why I read his blog. One of the best.
      “In December of 2006, as suddenly as my life changed when I arrived in Iraq, we got hit upside the head with a Presidential Directive. We would do a 180-degree turn and start getting ready for the most significant surge of troops of the war to regain control of the war and do it on our terms.” I see a followup coming our way. What is it going to be? Suspense is here.

  4. Janna Faulkner

    Gen. Satterfield, your website and esp. this series of letters to your granddaughter has given me the inspiration to do the same thing. I don’t have a website, but I will handwrite my letters (i have great penmanship) to my grandson in the hopes that someday he will read them and maybe gain a little understanding of who I was (yes, I will be gone by then) and so he can appreciate what I did ordidn’t do in my life. I think it important for young folks to know better their parents and grandparents and greats too. Gen. S, keep these letters to your granddaughter coming …. also I hope you compile them intoabook.

        1. Jill Sunny

          And third. Hey, did cha hear Supreme Court crush legal discrimination in colleges. Now the college snowflake wimps heads are exploding. He he he he he

    1. The Kid

      Janna, I agree that our children and children’s children should understand and know their relatives better. That gives them more and better choices in life. ✔✔✔✔

    1. Mikka Solarno

      … spells his name SATTERFIELD. Typo, I’m sure but be careful.

  5. Emma Archambeau

    Gen. Satterfield, I’m just really really loving this series of letters.

  6. James Earl Samson

    Just a suggestion, but those reading these comments should also be reading the tab labelled “Daily Favorites.” Gen. Satterfield gives us two articles a day that help put the world into perspective. These are articles he thinks will be most helpful and he is usually right. I don’t always read them, yes I admit it, but I try and get a lot from them. Often they compliment his article of the day. Also, I agree with the others here who are big big fans of Gen. Satterfield. I hope he continues writing for-ever, for-ever. I love this website.

  7. Jerome Smith

    Stay strong everyone. And watch what is happening in Russia. Things are about to get very interesting.

  8. Qassim

    Two runs at the top of the 9th inning. For a win. Thanks Gen. Satterfield. And I encourage everyone to get a copy of his latest book, “55 Rules for a Good Life.” I read it. Makes you have hope for us all.

      1. Bernard

        Good to see you are back, Golly Woman from EHT (whatever EHT is).

        1. Art Kelly III

          Yep. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 Gen. Satterfield is an American Patriot.

      2. Willie Strumburger

        Thanks for the link to your favorite book, Golly. I like Gen. Satterfield’s “Our Longest Year in Iraq” best of all his two. Keep reading these articles, learn from them, and remember only you are responsible for your well being, no one else.

      3. Eddie Gilliam

        Gen Douglas
        Excellent life experience story for your granddaughter. She can see her papa was a man of great courage.


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