Preparation for Manhood (Part 2)

By | March 19, 2021

[March 19, 2021]  In yesterday’s article, I wrote about a brewing but hidden crisis in America. This crisis is the flabby, cowardly, cynical American men who are failing at their societal roles.  While many deny the problem, it is self-evident that men and young boys are no longer preparing for responsible manhood.

What can we do about the manhood problem that sees males reject spouses and their families, commit violent crimes, and fail to support or protect our community or nation?

Remember one of John Wayne’s most famous quotes, “Life is hard; it’s harder if you’re stupid.” Let us, men, stop being stupid.

The West is undergoing an unprecedented cultural change.  We see significant technological creativity that has made our lives easier and given us greater leisure time.  Furthermore, we are vastly richer economically and possess a social net that even our poorest citizens are more prosperous than the kings of the past.

An idea that says that men and boys are socialized into a masculine role that encourages aggression and violence is wrong on its face.  Civilized behavior is difficult.  It is the integration (reduction of) aggression that is learned.  And, it is primarily men who teach it, particularly to aggressive boys.1

The evidence is indisputable.  Fatherless boys are violent.  How can it be that masculine socialization produces harm when the data clearly shows the opposite?  Boys who have no father at home are over-represented as alcoholics, addicts, gang members, prisoners, rapists, and murderers.

Here are a few things that men and young boys can do.  Accept responsibility, be courageous, invest in their family, and reject the new world’s view that all men are brooding, brutish, knuckle-dragging Neanderthals.  The war on men and boys is real and is being waged at multiple levels in America.

Those who fail to see the evidence of the advantage of preparing for manhood are ideologically driven and ethically reprehensible.  As responsible members of our communities, we should encourage the teaching of the ways of strong, independent, stable men.


Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

Hello. I provide one article every day. My writings are influenced by great thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Jung, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jean Piaget, Erich Neumann, and Jordan Peterson, whose insight and brilliance have gotten millions worldwide to think about improving ourselves. Thank you for reading my blog.

29 thoughts on “Preparation for Manhood (Part 2)

  1. Albert Ayer

    Simple advice, teach your boys to be men and teach your girls to be women. The job of a father is to do this by showing what he does every single day. Show them to control anger, treat all others with extreme respect, be physically fit and conduct outdoor activities, and show them what honor, integrity, and selfless service is about. Do this and they will grow up as good men. That is what we do.

    1. Danny Burkholder

      As well, men protect the weak and infirm. This includes women and the elderly. Sometimes it means putting yourself in harm’s way.

  2. Army Captain

    I personally work in the US Army Infantry type units. They only have men in them, so I am familiar with the issue of manhood (or the lack of manhood). Nearly every recruit we gain into our unit needs to be undertake a program of strengthening both mental and physical. There is a clear lack of strength in them that must be helped. We do so. That is why my men do such a great job.

    1. Purse 5

      Good to hear that you recognize the problem (like we see in Gen. Satterfield’s article) and are willing to do something about it other than complain.

  3. corralesdon

    These days, it appears that being a man means you’re crazy. You’re a rapist waiting for a woman to rape. You’re a misogynist, just looking for a woman to oppress. You’re a brute, looking for a woman to punch in the face. You are violent, domineering, and angry. At least according to the University of Texas at Austin.

  4. Jerome Smith

    We do see the “war on men and boys” ongoing, all the time. And, too many good people participate in it by spreading falsehoods about masculinity. They are the soldiers of evil and yet do not know of what they do. That is why when we act or speak, that we know that we are right and not feel right but are right.

  5. Rev. Michael Cain

    Let’s not fail to see the evidence and what is right before our eyes, folks. The trend toward “social justice” is just a way of dividing our nation and setting one person against the other. The problem is that so many of our citizens are too weak minded to see that they are being manipulated. Sad.

  6. Crazy Dude

    The West is undergoing a huge cultural change – Gen. Satterfield. I’m not so sure. Yes, there is much greater economic prosperity but socially we are going ‘backwards.’ Just my opinion. We are regressing toward tribalism, a way of societies that have failed in the modern era.

    1. Kenny Foster

      You have a good point, Crazy Dude. And, we’ve seen this developing for some time now. We look upon it as a way not to discriminate (being sexist, racist, homophobic, etc.). Tribalism is looked upon as the best way to overcome “white supremacy” and thus an inherent good. The problem is that this tribalism is a hugely failed way of social engineering that is proven over and over that it does not work in modern societies.

      1. Dale Paul Fox

        Tribalism is on the growth path. Let’s hope this goes away soon. The world learned a long time ago that this is not the way to go for true success.

  7. Karl J.

    BTW, I like the John Wayne quote. It’s one of my personal favorites. ❤

  8. Yusaf from Texas

    Thanks Gen. S. for Part 2, just as good as the first part. I do like these two-parters because you can give us greater depth of the idea.

  9. Tom Bushmaster

    Indeed, the evidence is clear that the lack of fathers in the home is a national tragedy and yet nearly every person I talk to in my liberal leaning city disagrees. They think that man are the world’s problem and that women don’t need them. That women can do anything now so get rid of the men. But the problem is that doesn’t work and is just a phantasy tail.

  10. Max Foster

    I don’t quote Gen. Satterfield that often here in these forums but I just have to. I need to make a key point. Here is the quote that I like the best …. “Here are a few things that men and young boys can do. Accept responsibility, be courageous, invest in their family, and reject the new world’s view that all men are brooding, brutish, knuckle-dragging Neanderthals.” Gen. Satterfield is spot on with this idea that men must do those things that are right regardless of those who would “cancel” us or threaten our jobs and lives. That is what we call COURAGE. Do men have enough courage? We will wait and see.

    1. Anya B.

      Well, we shall see if men are courageous as a group. Personally there are too many that are NOT.

  11. Dead Pool Guy

    Hi Gen. Satterfield, great Part 2. I know your probably won’t have a part 3 but I do ask that you consider flushing out in more detail what we can do about this “war on men.” Thanks.

      1. JT Patterson

        “We men who still retain a little intestinal fortitude, and the women who believe in true equality of the sexes, must step forward to fight back against this incipient new wave of woke-woman chauvinism.” Key quote from this article.

      2. Scotty Bush

        Sooooo true, Willie. We should not put up with this whenever we run into folks who insist that boys or men are bad simply because they are male.

    1. Nick Lighthouse

      I agree, but let’s all make our own contribution here. Be responsible folks and add to the conversation. That is what Gen. Satterfield tells us, so don’t put the burden so much on him as on ourselves.

      1. Willie Shrumburger

        I think we are starting to see the instantiation of female chauvinism at every level of society. Just look around and you cannot fail to see it. Look at Hillary Clinton and Kamala Harris as two leading examples of it.

  12. Silly Man

    Never lie, cheat, steal, nor tolerate those who do. Simple. To the point and what Gen. Satterfield is also writing but in many more words. Take responsibility for your self and your actions.

    1. H. M. Longstreet

      Got that right, Silly Man…. I too was thinking the same thing. Let’s keep it simple (a Gen. Satterfield rule) and clear (another of his rules of leadership). I’m beginning to get the hang of leadership as I read more of this leadership blog and wishing I had started earlier in my life reading and learning to properly speak.

      1. Jeff Blackwater

        Good points HM. Gen. S. has a great blog, a gem in the rough that could use more readers. Let’s all help get the word out by sending links to his site. That way, we can get a few more to make comments here and learn from them as well.


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