Why Are Communist Nations Collapsing?

By | April 2, 2024

[April 2, 2024]  Here is something controversial: Communism is the worst political system of the modern era, according to any objective measure.  Today, we can see that over the past few decades, Communism has failed both as a political ideology and economic system.  Communist nations are struggling: Russia, China, Venezuela, North Korea, Cuba, and Laos.  Only Vietnam has survived and thrived, mainly because it adopted a capitalistic economy.

Communism has been tried in 28 countries and each of them failed economically.  They also failed socially and politically, but that is up to the historians to tell that story.  In each of these countries the population starved, propaganda ruled all literature and media, the secret police were everywhere, dissidents disappeared, and militarization was imposed on the poor population.  Likewise, the creative heart of each nation adopting Communism was destroyed.”

There will be many who claim that China is a shining example that counters my argument.  If so, why is it that China’s record-breaking growth, which is far above any other nation in human history, is now failing?  China’s population will be half what it is today by 2050.  China is now being ostracized worldwide because of its predatory foreign policy.  China faces unprecedented sanctions due to intellectual property theft and aggressive dumping of low-priced market goods worldwide.

Communism is based on the principle that everybody does the work that they can and is allowed to take what they need.  Of course, this is an oversimplification, but if we drill down into the Marxist core idea, this is at the most fundamental.  The problem, given the choice, is that people will not work and only take.  For Communism to work, you have to force the population to work and thus enslave everybody to run the economy.

Russia is in a race to be the next Communist state to collapse entirely.  I wrote about Russia’s coming implosion here.  The main reasons were massive demographic decline, exodus of young people (made worse by the war in Ukraine), Western sanctions, aging infrastructure, population discontent, and having few allies.  In addition, they are facing a wave of bankruptcies, and massive inflation, and all Communist nations face similar challenges.

Cuba is also collapsing.  They are experiencing frequent large-scale electrical blackouts, food and fuel shortages, high inflation with the Peso buying 90% less over the past four years, a thriving black market, long cue lines to purchase essential commodities, etc.  And the population sees what’s going on.  Plus, a freedom movement is pushing back on the government.  Many say the country’s government will fail within six to twelve months.

These examples scratch the surface.  Remember Venezuela?

With luck, Communism is on its last legs, some tell me.  But I don’t think Communism is a dying ideology because it still appeals to those who are compassionate and resentful.  That combination is always doomed to fail.


Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

Hello. I provide one article every day. My writings are influenced by great thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Jung, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jean Piaget, Erich Neumann, and Jordan Peterson, whose insight and brilliance have gotten millions worldwide to think about improving ourselves. Thank you for reading my blog.

18 thoughts on “Why Are Communist Nations Collapsing?

  1. Eddie Gilliam

    Article on Communists is on point. The concept is fine but not partial.

  2. Greg NH

    If you are reading this article, I suggest you read the one from today where Gen. Satterfield gives us some of the thoughts that Dr. Jordan Peterson has on meta-Marxism and the linkage to Communism. It will give you a better idea of what Gen. S. is writing here. Here is the link; https://www.theleadermaker.com/meta-marxism-woke-ideology-jordan-peterson/
    One of the pieces of good news is that Marxism and its child Communism is under attack from the main basis that it does not work well. It makes us feel good but grinds us into the ground morally and economically. Social structures cannot be built properly in a Communist state, thus the failures of Communist nations.

    1. Rev. Michael Cain

      Greg, good points, thank you. I too suggest today’s article (4-3-2024) to get a better understanding.

  3. Peigin

    Gen. Satterfield is careful to not say Communism is dead. He knows that this ideology is very attractive because it absolves you of all sin and puts the believers on the moral superior pedestal. 👀

  4. North of Austin

    “Communism is the worst political system of the modern era, according to any objective measure.” Quote of General Satterfield and one of the least controversial statements.

    1. Good Dog

      Got that right, North. Short and sweat. Gen. Satterfield is all over Communism and also its sister ideology of Socialism, which is aligned with the “Progressive” movement in the West. All are undergirded by the new Marxism of Oppressor/Oppressed where that could be anybody, not just Capitalism. Let us not forget the 100 million dead from the 20th century that lays at the foot of Communism. Too many college snowflakes forget that fact.

  5. Melo in Chicgo

    Russia’s coming implosion is being driven today by its war in Ukraine. War destroys much good but also the bad.

  6. Max Foster

    “Communism has been tried in 28 countries and each of them failed economically. They also failed socially and politically, but that is up to the historians to tell that story. In each of these countries the population starved, propaganda ruled all literature and media, the secret police were everywhere, dissidents disappeared, and militarization was imposed on the poor population. Likewise, the creative heart of each nation adopting Communism was destroyed.” – Gen. Doug Satterfield from earlier works.
    If you are new to this website, then go back and read more of what Gen. Satterfield has written on Communism and learn about his thinking on the subject. I see that he continues to evolve his thoughts and today’s article is an expansion on the past works he has written.

      1. Bryan Z. Lee

        Harry, correct, my favorite quote from this article “People are not built for security and safety; those are utopian things the evil of Communism promises. Instead, we are built for adventure. That is a good thing to know. We don’t want to suffer unjustifiably, and that seems reasonable. From that, it might follow that we want happiness even when we all know that happiness is a boat that is easily capsized. If our philosophy is one of impulsive happiness, let’s call it a Utopia Über Alles, then we are not prepared when things go to hell in a handbasket. And that will happen during our lifetimes, many times.” – Gen. Douglas Satterfield

        1. Wellington McBeth👀

          Bryan, yes a very crucial quote and one that I loved too …. Utopic Uber Alles.
          Oh, before I forget, please get your copy of “55 Rules for a Good Life” now, while you still have a chance. And, his other book too “Our Longest Year in Iraq.” You won’t regret that decision.

        2. American Girl

          Good to hear from you again,, Bryan and brilliant observation again.

  7. Ronny Fisher

    Communism is also BIG into the big lie. If you cannot lie, you cannot be a Communist.

    1. Edward G.

      THE BIG LIE, yep, Ronny, you certainly nailed it with your comment. For some reason Gen. Satterfield left out the lies that underpin Communism. That is a big deal. If I’m not mistaken, the lies that are part of Communism is something Gen. S. wrote about earlier.

      1. Salvation Army Woke

        I think today’s article is a more macro approach. In the past, Gen. Satterfield has taken a more psychological, micro approach.


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