10 Rules for Success:  Bill Gates

By | December 9, 2020

[December 9, 2020]  It has been said that success is not measured by our accomplishments but by the size of the obstacles we overcome and the courage we show.  William “Bill” H. Gates III is an American business magnate and philanthropist.  He is best known as the co-founder of Microsoft Corportation.1

It’s hard to argue with the success of Bill Gates.  According to Forbes, as of November 30th, he was ranked as the second-richest person in the world.2  More than 1.2 billion people use his products.

The following list of 10 Rules for Success is what Gates tells us is necessary to achieve your dreams:

  1. Have Energy
  2. Have a Bad Influence (take the unconventional way)
  3. Work Hard
  4. Create the Future
  5. Enjoy What you Do
  6. Play Bridge (the card game helps you think)
  7. Ask for Advice
  8. Pick Good People
  9. Don’t Procrastinate
  10. Have a Sense of Humor

Bill Gates led his company Microsoft into a golden era of software.  Interestingly, one of his first significant problems was his early product was leaded and illegally copied and distributed.  He firmly believed that a software developer should be able to demand payment.  His experience may have led to some of his business decisions as head of Microsoft.

These 10 “rules,” or better called “guidelines,” are similar to what I regularly write about here at www.theleadermaker.com.  Readers of this blog will attest to one of my more powerful themes, that hard work, combined with a bit of intelligence, will take us a long way to achieving any goal.

Bill Gates believes that experience, focus, and good decisions – along with his 10 rules of success – can help anyone build a better future for themselves and others.

This article is one of several about “10 Rules for Success.”  These articles are worth reading and can be found here (Barack Obama) and here (Morgan Freedman).


  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Gates
  2. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/much-bill-gates-worth-210037082.html
Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

Hello. I provide one article every day. My writings are influenced by great thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Jung, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jean Piaget, Erich Neumann, and Jordan Peterson, whose insight and brilliance have gotten millions worldwide to think about improving ourselves. Thank you for reading my blog.

16 thoughts on “10 Rules for Success:  Bill Gates

  1. Max Foster

    Bill Gates = Extremely Rich
    Does this equal success? Yes, but only in an economic sense.
    What else creates success? These 10 items (I found more on the Internet) are a good start.
    Hey, thanks all and please have a Merry Christmas in advance. I’ll be spending a great deal of time with family so I might not be able to comment as much … maybe.

    1. Joe Omerrod

      Yes, always good to read what you have to say Max. Oh, I hope you and your family are well and have a wonderful Christmas. Oh, was I not PC in saying “MERRY CHRISTMAS?” Oh, tough sh**. I’m Christian and I will say Merry Christmas anytime I like. Don’t like it, leave the country and go to Cuba or China. You know them, one of those communist places like California. Ha ha.

      1. Bryan Z. Lee

        You are just too funny, Joe. Thanks for a serious but lighthearted comment.

  2. Dead Pool Guy

    Keep up the great articles and let them flow our way. I do manage to read your blog daily (well, maybe not on weekends) but I enjoy each one to include the guest writers you have brought on board for us. I also like the sleek style of the website; clean and simple. That is the way our minds should be ordered; clean and simple. That way, when something big comes along, we can deal with it, instead of running away.

  3. JT Patterson

    Another excellent article to add to the new series on “Rules for Success.”

  4. Georgie B.

    #1 Have Energy…. now that is certainly a difficult one. I see it is at number uno on your list, Gen. Satterfield. It would seem to me that some folks have ‘energy’ and some folks don’t. That would suggest that one’s energy level is determined at birth (or soon after) and that it is part of our personality. If so, there is little we can do about it.

    1. Dennis Mathes

      Georgie, I tend to agree with you but I will add that social factors also influence our ‘energy levels’ and will push our inborn traits further — for good or for bad.

      1. Scotty Bush

        This is more likely the reason for high energy in folks. Good points.

  5. Roger Yellowmule

    Yes! Another 10 ways to achieve success. “Hard Work” stuck out for me. I see it everywhere as one of the keys to doing well in anything. Yet, it is the mantra of so many pseudo-intellectuals of the political left that “no,” the poor must be given what they need. They should not have to earn it thru hard work because we (whoever ‘we’ are) are preventing them from getting somewhere.

    1. Stacey Borden

      Precisely, Roger and thanks for getting to the point I wanted to make. Maybe the leftist politics of so many is really a deadend because it pushes people to do nothing. Just look at all socialist/commie states where there is little creativity, innovation, or plentiful food supplies.

    2. Doug Smith

      Yes, Roger, you are right on target with your thinking. IMO, of course.

      1. Eric Coda

        Good morning everyone, good to be up and about and reading this blog by Gen. Satterfield. It makes for a great start to my day. This post with go with his other two on “10 rules for success.” My goal is to make a comfortable living and this is a good start.

      2. Harry B. Donner

        Yes, excellent leadership blog. We should all pay closer attention and even make recommendations on future topics for Gen. Satterfield.

        1. Yusaf from Texas

          Harry, good to see you back in the comment forums. Glad you made it back.


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