Monthly Archives: August 2022

The Rise of Wokeness in the U.S. Military

By | August 31, 2022

[August 31, 2022]  A recent speech delivered on July 20, 2022, by Thomas Spoehr, highlights the destruction of U.S. military readiness from the rise of wokeness.  Spoehr begins by saying that threats to militaries throughout history are often explained by the lack of discipline in the younger generation.  Not today.  Today’s veterans point to the radical progressive (or… Read More »

The Greatest Public Policy Failure

By | August 30, 2022

[August 30, 2022]  The responses of governments worldwide in response to the COVID-19 pandemic were the greatest public policy failures since at least WWI.  The response was directly responsible for the deaths of more Americans than any war, disease, or disaster ever to hit America.  And, except for the U.S. Civil War, it wrought more economic and social… Read More »

Leaders Shape Consensus

By | August 27, 2022

[August 27, 2022]  It has often been said– and I want to reinforce it here – that successful leadership means possessing a strong ability to bring people together to achieve a common goal.  Implied here is that the leader helps shape consensus in others.  We see leaders do this through their good words and deeds. “A genuine leader… Read More »

A New Front in the Ukraine War

By | August 24, 2022

[August 24, 2022]  Alexander Dugin is one of Vladimir Putin’s associates who is a vocal supporter of the Ukraine invasion.  Dugin is also an enthusiast of “Eurasianism.”  Eurasianism argues that Russia is a unique civilization that rejects liberalism and is heir to the Russian Empire.  A few days ago, Dugin’s daughter Darya Dugina was killed in a car… Read More »

The Decline of Honor

By | August 22, 2022

[August 22, 2022]  The U.S. Army has met only 40% of its current recruiting goal.  Teachers are leaving the classroom in droves.  Churches and synagogues go empty.  More people are abandoning once traditional, noble professions and similar organizations.  It’s not money or a lack of training and skills causing this phenomenon.  It is the decline of honor. “Honor… Read More »