A Slow-Motion Trans Wreck: Neera Deshpande

By | July 21, 2023

[July 21, 2023]   In an article from September 2022, Neera Deshpande proposes that our current “ghastly fad of genital mutilation will end when the lawsuits begin.”  Ms. Deshpande makes a strong case that we have hit the peak of the trans fad, and the ideology that underpins it is now in decline.  The reason for the lack of sustainability, she believes, is that it runs counter to the most basic philosophy of medicine; do no harm.

“In January of 2022, the San Francisco-based law firm Girard Sharp, which specializes in class action lawsuits, announced its investigation into the adverse effects of puberty blockers on transgender-identified children.”

Ms. Deshpande points to the UK’s Tavistock Centre, a state-run transgender youth clinic that was shut down after an independent report concluded that it was “not a safe or viable long-term option” for gender-confused young people (link here).  Soon after this report, a London-based legal firm announced a class-action lawsuit on behalf of a thousand families whose “children and young adolescents were rushed into treatment” and, as a result, “suffered life-changing and, in some cases, irreversible effects.”

“That we have reached a turning point on the issue of gender ideology is beyond question, especially seeing the increasing numbers of detransitioners—those formerly identified as transgender who have now returned to identifying with their sex—publicly speak out against the medical repercussions of gender ideology and transgender healthcare.”

She states that transgenderism is primarily driven by a social contagion among younger adolescents, particularly teenage girls.  As the number of detransitioners grows and those who “were caught in [the] social contagion begin to regret their immature decisions, cosigned and affirmed by the psycho-medico therapeutic complex,” the evils of the transgender movement will be more apparent.

Indeed, for adults and children alike, today’s transgender healthcare violates the “do no harm” principle of medicine … exorcizing gender ideology from society will require a total divestment from the opinions of the so-called experts; it will require us to commit to the truth, beauty, and goodness that have allowed man to flourish, and the absence of which, as we see today, cause man to suffer needlessly.” [emphasis mine]

Will it be the lawyers who finally help us rid ourselves of this horrid social contagion?  Ms. Deshpande thinks they are only the beginning.  But it will only happen when we recognize that this medical “malpractice” is truly a spiritual issue.


Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

Hello. I provide one article every day. My writings are influenced by great thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Jung, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jean Piaget, Erich Neumann, and Jordan Peterson, whose insight and brilliance have gotten millions worldwide to think about improving ourselves. Thank you for reading my blog.

22 thoughts on “A Slow-Motion Trans Wreck: Neera Deshpande

    1. Frank Graham

      ….. and this whole trans movement is bound to be dead and we are stupid for supporting it. We are only destroying children.

  1. Lady Hawk

    I couldn’t find much on Ms. Neera Deshpande, but I want to thank Gen. Satterfield for bringing her writing to our attention. Thank you for that. She certainly nailed it and I hope to hope that she is right that this horrible fad gets crushed and those who were part of it are humiliated repeatedly for the rest of their lives for destroying children.

  2. Nick Lighthouse

    Lawyers saving us from the trans ideology? I don’t think so. They are in it for the money and when the money dries up, they’re out.

    1. JT Patterson

      Right Nick, lawyers are selfish. Period. Will they help. Yes, but not on principle. That is why they are not a good long-term partner in this fight.

  3. Idiot Savant

    “Indeed, for adults and children alike, today’s transgender healthcare violates the “do no harm” principle of medicine … exorcizing gender ideology from society will require a total divestment from the opinions of the so-called experts; it will require us to commit to the truth, beauty, and goodness that have allowed man to flourish, and the absence of which, as we see today, cause man to suffer needlessly.” – Neera Deshpande, great comment. Keep your articles coming our way and thanks to Gen. Satterfield for making it visible to us.

    1. Liz at Home

      Yep! I couldn’t find any other article by her. Anyone help me find them?

      1. Pumpkin Spice

        And it is a fight, I agree with you JT and Nick. Yell this from the top of your house. ha ha, not literally.

  4. Grover in the Grove

    While fair-minded people can agree that gays or people with gender confusion should not be discriminated against, the general public doesn’t appear to be ready to accept gender as simply a social construct or that people can be whatever gender they choose. These contentions, the conceptual foundation of transgenderism, fly in the face of reality: the biological difference between the sexes.

  5. Rev. Michael Cain

    Gen. Satterfield, thank you for finally writing about this evil transgender movement. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

    1. Janna Faulkner

      And let us not forget to pray for the souls of these lost people, especially the children.

  6. Karl J.

    Hard to deny Ms. Neera Deshpande. Thank you Gen. Satterfield for highlighting her article. She is spot-on with her commentary, yet I suspect the typical crazies will be coming out for her. I’ll stand with her and say I agree and say it publically.

  7. Rowen Tabernackle

    A disorder of gender identity that afflicts a minuscule number of Americans has become a polarizing cultural cause celebre.

    1. Jerome Smith

      Rowen, yes it is a mental disorder. Clearly, the transgender phenomenon is the tip of the spear of the LGBT movement, greatly energized by the Supreme Court decision on same-sex marriage that includes in the definition of liberty the right of people to “define and express their identity.” For the LGBT movement this literally includes the right to decide one’s gender, to claim the rights of an alternative gender (since gender is malleable, there are choices other than simply male or female), have the choice acknowledged by society as a civil right, and ultimately become accepted as a conventional lifestyle.

    2. Boy Sue

      … and I wonder why when you have a senile idiot in the White House who promotes it. Too many folks in America are sheeple.

      1. old warrior

        Guys, just kick their ass hard enough and they’ll come around.

  8. Willie Strumburger

    Medical philosophy = do not harm.
    Hard to get this wrong, but the trans supporters have done so.


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