Delf A. "Jelly" Bryce

Biography: Delf A. “Jelly” Bryce is a recently-retired senior agent of the United States’ FBI. The name used here, however, is not his real name because what he tells us might be confidential in nature (although not classified). But since he is revealing information that can be embarrassing to the FBI, he does not want to be personally identified and to harm his friends still working there. What I am allowed to say is that Agent Bryce was born in Oklahoma and is an expert shot with his service pistol.

Author Archives: Delf A. "Jelly" Bryce

Nazi Kill-the-Jews Protests on Campus

[May 2, 2024] Scandals come and go, history gets ignored, but the Nazi Kill-the-Jews protests across the world and on American college campuses will continue to be energetic, inflammatory, violent, foreign and domestically-funded, and fully supported by radical leftists in the U.S. government, the Woke social media and many American institutions.  Those in the American government who have… Read More »

The FBI Goes Full Woke

By | January 26, 2024

By guest blogger Delf A. “Jelly” Bryce [See Biography] [January 26, 2024]  Greetings!  Yeah, I’m back.  General Satterfield hounded me to give an appraisal on the decline of America’s FBI and here it is.  You’re not going to like what I have to say, and the FBI bureaucrats won’t either. Okay, here we go with my main points… Read More »

The FBI in Decline: Another Update

[July 6, 2021]  FBI scandals continue to pop up like Prairie Dogs on an open Texas field.  From deep-sixing of essential documents, revealing top-secret information to the media, spying on U.S. citizens without a warrant, stonewalling Congressional investigations, this dishonorable list goes on and on.  Are people finally starting to take notice?  The problem?  The FBI weaponizes investigations… Read More »

The FBI in Decline: an Update

By | September 29, 2020

[September 29, 2020]  A little over two years ago, I gave you some insight into the Federal Bureau of Investigation, where I worked for nearly 20 years.  My point?  The FBI was and is today in severe decline as measured by its internal politicization, particularly the hyper-partisanship activities of its senior officers.  I’m sad to report this to… Read More »

The FBI in Decline

By guest blogger Delf A. “Jelly” Bryce [See Biography] [May 8, 2018]  Greetings.  I’m new to General Satterfield’s leadership blog so he thought it right to say a few words about myself.  First, I was a member of the Federal Bureau of Investigation for nearly 20 years.  Second, I firmly believe in the rule of law, a non-political… Read More »