Dave Portnoy Pizza Guy is a Hero

By | September 26, 2023

[September 26, 2023]  I love pointing out heroes.  They make my day every time I hear about them, and on rare occasions, I see them in action.  That is the case of pizza guy Dave Portnoy, who took a leftist Washington Post reporter to the cleaners and won.

A big story from last week was when Barstool Event organizer and pizza shop owner Dave Portnoy got wind of a “hit piece” from a WaPo reporter.  Dave learned that one of WaPo’s reporters would go after him in an upcoming article.  Dave took to the offensive, called the reporter on the phone, and recorded the entire conversation.  And he had all his information ready.  When he posted the recording on X, it went viral.

Despite being criticized publically for underhanded, biased reporting, WaPo went ahead with the article writing:

“… quickly accused of supporting a man who has been accused of sexual misconduct and has a history of using racist, misogynist and homophobic language that he has defended as jokes.” – Tim Carman & Emily Heil, Washington Post, September 22, 2023

Dave correctly says that people don’t want to be told [by liberal reporters] what to do, how to live their lives, what to laugh at, what pizza to eat (nach).  He notes that he is happy to expose them “for the trash that they are.”  And those attending the pizza feast agreed with Dave.  Attendees were calling these reporters “lunatics” and saying things like “journalism is dead,”

A few days ago, on Friday, I posted a link to a PowerLineBlog article (link here) titled “Portnoy’s Complaint” that shows the entire recording.  Dave’s epic takedown is fun to watch.  Watch it now.

Pizza guy Dave Portnoy is a hero.


Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

Hello. I provide one article every day. My writings are influenced by great thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Jung, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jean Piaget, Erich Neumann, and Jordan Peterson, whose insight and brilliance have gotten millions worldwide to think about improving ourselves. Thank you for reading my blog.

20 thoughts on “Dave Portnoy Pizza Guy is a Hero

  1. Fred Weber

    I heard about this on Fox News a couple of days ago and thoroughly enjoyed their take on it. This Dave Portnoy guy sure knows how to take down a liar. That is what this dumb bitc# WaPo “reporter” calls herself. These reporters from WaPo and just about any media, sure have drank the progressive coolaide. This I know from personal experience. They lie al the time because that is what sells. Everything they do is for a buck. No morals at all.

    1. McStompie

      Yeah, Fred. You nailed it. No morals, no truth, all sucking up to the corporate elite teat.

  2. Wendy Holmes

    Gen. Satterfield, I just love love love your channel. I’ve been reading it for a year or so, now, and enjoy reading your articles each an every day. I noticed lately you are moving slowly into current events more instead of talking about the long-standing human proclivity to be a leader or not. That’s okay with me. I enjoy both. And, I also enjoy your newest series on Letters to your Granddaughter. I hope that the men reading this are paying close attention. Remember that girls/women are more interested in people, men/boys in things. When Gen. Satterfield provides writing about people, your granddaughter and us girls are all over it. Your granddaughter is one lucky girl and she does not know it yet, but she will.

    1. Bryan Z. Lee

      Yes, powerful stuff. Gen. Satterfield is all over this idea that we must be responsible and truth tellers. Love your family, God, community, and nation.

  3. Watson Bell

    Liberal Reporters. That is a contradiction in terms. Liberals are crazy and tyrant wannabes. Reporters are neutral. Both cannot exist at the same time. 😜

    1. USA Patriot II

      He He He He… Watson you nailed it and made me laugh. Liberal women are the antithesis of an American.

  4. Mikka Solarno

    Just love this guy Dave Portnoy. If I could, I’d buy his pizza and talk with him all day long. The guy has a big mouth and I love that. Says what he thinks and is not inhibited by progressive idiots like at WaPo.

  5. Army Vet

    Yes, I LOL’ed when I viewed the X clip. Wonderful catching another progressive reporter with a bald face lie. And she went about doing the article anyway. Reputation destruction is the way of women. I want to start a new movement, Revoke Women’s Right to Vote. Thank you Gen. Satterfield for today’s post.

    1. Rowen Tabernackle

      Sign me up, Army Vet. I’m all for it. The US has been in decline every since women got the right to vote and run for political office. Women are selfish, self centered, mean, nasty when they don’t get their way, and have a proclivity for reputation destruction as their way of fighting back. And they will never let you forget one little thing you did wrong, ever.

      1. Veronica Stillman

        Powerful arguments. Let me think about this and I’ll let you know later if I agree or not.
        Okay, thought about it and I agree. I will take a generation but America will be a better nation for it.

      2. osmodsann

        Wow, some different thinking here today. Not sure I agree at all with the premise.

        1. Janna Faulkner

          MGTOW – The TRUE Reason WOMEN Should NOT VOTE | Pearl Reacts
          Pearl is on it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just love her. Lots of common sense talking and a provocative idea that will go nowhere but I love her talking about it just to see liberal women get “triggered” and mad. Ha Ha.

  6. Boy Sue

    Hero = yes. Why? Because he called out the liberal thinking that any one not like them is evil and must be destroyed at all costs. That cost is okay even if it means being publically embarrassed for lying. Weird for a “journalist.” Oh, journalism no longer exists in America. it is just the lap dog of the Democrat Party. No surprise here. This is the party of the KKK and pro-discrimination still today.

    1. Emma Archambeau

      Got that right, Boy ……. and thanks. Your comments are exactly why I read this leader forum and Gen. Satterfield’s comments too.

      1. Yusaf from Texas

        It is always great to hear from you Emma. And these comments today are really interesting.


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