Did CNN Hire Baghdad Bob?

By | April 6, 2024

[April 6, 2024]  Yesterday, I was at a local car dealership getting repairs completed on my car and sat in the waiting room where the television was on the CNN channel.  Jake Tapper interviewed ex-Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta and socialist Bernie Sanders.  Tapper was questioning both, Bernie followed Leon, about President Biden’s turnaround, no longer supporting Israel in its fight with Hamas.  It seemed to me that CNN’s Jake Tapper is now the Baghdad Bob of the “news.”

That was my impression, of course, and I could be wrong, but the evidence is strong to support my thinking.  Tapper began questioning Leon Panetta about why President Biden has changed his mind on Israel.  Tapper starts with a few facts, like Hamas started the war by attacking Israel and killing over 1,400 Israelis (but never mentioning the hostages or rocketing of Israel today).  Yet, Jake Tapper’s interview with Panetta and Sanders was classic journalistic malpractice.

Leon Panetta’s answer was appalling, and Tapper never followed up.  Panetta said that with all the Israeli attacks in the Gaza Strip, the severe destruction of Gazan housing and the deaths of “innocent children,” the point of the war is being overlooked.  The point is that a ceasefire must occur.  Panetta is a smart guy but disgraced himself with that answer.  The point of war is never a ceasefire, and his answer surprised me because it was idiotic.  It was as if his answer was a non-answer, like a second-grader making up an answer on a test.

Bernie Sanders was his typical angry, red-faced self.  Practically yelling at the screen, he was demanding that Israel stop fighting.  Jake Tapper again failed to follow up on his questioning.  Sanders was focused all on the Palestinians and was insistent that Israel was not following the rules of land warfare.  Of course, he said nothing about Hamas using Palestinians as human shields or about their deliberate targeting of Israeli citizens today.

What was most disappointing was that this entire interview was an attempt by CNN’s Jake Tapper to do some cleanup work for President Biden on the growing discontent within the anti-Semitic arm of the Democrat Party.  Listening to the interviews made me think of Iraqi Minister of Information Baghdad Bob, who said the Iraqi Army was crushing American forces as U.S. tanks were rolling through Baghdad streets during one of his interviews.

Like Baghdad Bob, Jake Tapper is a propagandist and a sleek one at that.  The fact that CNN now promotes the Baghdad Bob interview style is sad.  Americans who get their news there are living in another world full of lies and deceit (like the Iraqis), and the fact they cannot see where they are is why America is so divided.


Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

Hello. I provide one article every day. My writings are influenced by great thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Jung, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jean Piaget, Erich Neumann, and Jordan Peterson, whose insight and brilliance have gotten millions worldwide to think about improving ourselves. Thank you for reading my blog.

15 thoughts on “Did CNN Hire Baghdad Bob?

  1. Paulette Johnson

    Sometimes, you just gotta laugh at what Gen. Satterfield writes. I do agree however that CNN anchors have become Baghdad Bob.

  2. Lana Morrison

    I recommend this article “The Rise of Political Violence in the United States” by Rachel Kleinfeld
    https://www.journalofdemocracy.org/articles/the-rise-of-political-violence-in-the-united-states/“The Rise of Political Violence in the United States” by Rachel Kleinfeld.
    “Recent alterations to violent groups in the United States and to the composition of the two main political parties have created a latent force for violence that can be 1) triggered by a variety of social events that touch on a number of interrelated identities; or 2) purposefully ignited for partisan political purposes. This essay describes the history of such forces in the U.S., shares the risk factors for election violence globally and how they are trending in the U.S., and concludes with some potential paths to mitigate the problem.”

    1. Lynn Pitts

      Thanks Lana. Good to see you back in Gen. Satterfield’s leadership forum. ✔

  3. Ted

    EXCELLENT observations Gen. Satterfield, as I’ve been saying that for years.

  4. Marx and Groucho

    “What was most disappointing was that this entire interview was an attempt by CNN’s Jake Tapper to do some cleanup work for President Biden on the growing discontent within the anti-Semitic arm of the Democrat Party. Listening to the interviews made me think of Iraqi Minister of Information Baghdad Bob, who said the Iraqi Army was crushing American forces as U.S. tanks were rolling through Baghdad streets during one of his interviews.” – Gen. Doug Satterfield nails it with this comment. I avoid watching CNN because it has fallen so far and so fast because most American have woken up from their divisiveness and racist and anti-Semitic slant to the news.

    1. Bernie

      Yes, Marx and Groucho. You looked at the right para and found that Gen. Satterfield is again spot-on with his analysis. Thanks for that. Let us hope that he gives us more of this kind of reporting straight from his look at what is happening in America. Oh, and on another note, I do really enjoy his letters to his granddaughter. Those letters are funny and useful. I sent them to my daughter in California. I’m not sure she likes them because Gen. Satterfield as a boy is the kind of boy she does not like, her being a liberal and all.

  5. Otto Z. Zuckermann

    Thanks, Gen. Satterfield for your look at what CNN has become. it is slick but bereft of anything moral.

  6. Jonnie the Bart

    Ah, Saturday morning coming down. As I sit here with my first cup of Java and my dog Jake at my feet, I sometimes wonder why America has become so divided and much of it has to do with the stupidity of the uneducated American public and then, of course, of the leftist media that cares nothing about our country and in fact hates America, Jake Tapper being just one of many “journalist” who claim to be better than the rest of us. that is the point of this neo-Marxist (meta-Marxist) bent that they carry around as they see the world thru oppressor/oppressed lens and that the oppressed are automatically the good guys. Of course, they are dead wrong. And yet they cannot see what is right in front of their eyes. And they reject God and all his teachings.

    1. Pastor John 🙏

      At this point, they are lost but we can pray for their lost souls. 🙏

    2. Max Foster

      Jonnie, I too see what you see and it is disappointing. To anyone following what’s happening in America, can see that the Democrat Party has become the party of hate. I would also argue they are the party of murder as they celebrate killing children in the womb and infancide after birth. The leftist have taken over the party and they are going down a road they will have a hard time recovering from.

  7. Peigin

    Hellen Keller, see the way. ….. had me going there for a minute.

  8. Hellen Keller

    Gen. Satterfield, I sure got a laugh out your comparison of Jake Tapper to Baghdad Bob. But, I do believe this description would apply to most of the radical left. They deny reality. 😘 Stay the course. ❤ Love your blog. 👀 See the way.

    1. McStompie

      Hellen, thanks for being funny this morning, and serious at the same time.


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