Elegant Words from a 10/7 Israeli Survivor

By | December 16, 2023

[December 16, 2023]  Andrew Tobin from the Washington Free Beacon introduces us to Natali Yohanan, a 38-year-old Israeli woman and survivor of the 10/7 massacre.  The article, titled Netflix and Kill: How a Palestinian Woman Took Over an Israeli Family’s Home on Oct 7, allows this survivor to talk about the impact of 10/7 in her 10-minute video.

“I’ve lived in Israel my whole life, and I felt completely safe.  My door was not locked.  At that time, my saferoom wasn’t ready for anything like that.”

Natali tells us that she and her family suffered terribly and that she, knowing what she knows now, would prefer to die than be in Gaza.  She goes on to discuss that her dad was killed, and she is glad his death was quick.  But she was concerned that the Hamas terrorists had taken the body because they did take bodies.  She was relieved they left him there so he could be buried with respect.  A lot of people don’t know if their relatives are alive or dead.

“We had a lot of people in the Kubbitz who were very involved with the Palestinian people.  One person who did is in Gaza right now; he is kidnapped.  He drove sick kids from Gaza to the hospitals in Israel.  We’re a very peace-loving community.”

Some in Israel call these folks peaceniks and believe they are too trusting.  They are made fun of for their beliefs.  They are very peace-loving, and they want peace.  Not everyone in Israel feels the same, she claims.

“But we don’t feel the same anymore.”

She used to tell her kids that there were kids in Gaza just like them.  They want to go to school and want to be happy and be free.  She says that is what she thought before the October 7th massacre.

“It’s very hard for me as a mother to think about a woman who came to my home and saw the pictures of my kids and who came to steal and to terrify my kids.  And the first thing she did is to open my electricity cabinet (circuit breaker box) and take off the electricity in the saferoom.  She sat and watched TV, and my kids, we had no water, no food, no air conditioning, and it’s the middle of the summer; it was so hot.  She saw my kids’ pictures on the walls.  She knew there was a family inside with terrified kids.”

She also talks about how this Gazan woman who watched Netflix, took the kid’s clothes and her credit card and charged items while back in Gaza.

“It broke my faith that people are good.”

She never thought the ordinary people of Gaza would participate in things like the massacre.  She believed the common people of Gaza were good and that they were forced into terror unwillingly.  Natali no longer believes that, and the people of Gaza are voluntarily participating.

According to members of her Kibbutz, women and children as young as ten years old followed Hamas on October 7th, looting, helping the armed terrorists, destroying, and enjoying themselves.

“I don’t want Hamas to exist anymore … I don’t want my kids to live in the same world that I do.”

 NOTE: You can read my other articles about the 10/7 massacre at this link: https://www.theleadermaker.com/?s=hamas


Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

Hello. I provide one article every day. My writings are influenced by great thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Jung, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jean Piaget, Erich Neumann, and Jordan Peterson, whose insight and brilliance have gotten millions worldwide to think about improving ourselves. Thank you for reading my blog.

20 thoughts on “Elegant Words from a 10/7 Israeli Survivor

  1. Eddie Gilliam

    So sad that the woman family and other have to endure such things.
    David in the book of Psalms say
    though I lived in peace with him. While he was stretching out his hand of friendship, he was secretly breaking every promise he had ever made to me! His words were smooth and charming.
    2 Timothy speaks about untrusted friend
    They will betray their friends, be reckless, be puffed up with pride, and love pleasure rather than God.
    5 They will act religious, but they will reject the power that could make them godly. Stay away from people like that!
    6 They are the kind who work their way into people’s homes and win the confidence of vulnerable women who are burdened with the guilt of sin and controlled by various desires.
    7 (Such women are forever following new teachings, but they are never able to understand the truth.)

  2. Max Foster

    “She never thought the ordinary people of Gaza would participate in things like the massacre. She believed the common people of Gaza were good and that they were forced into terror unwillingly. Natali no longer believes that, and the people of Gaza are voluntarily participating. According to members of her Kibbutz, women and children as young as ten years old followed Hamas on October 7th, looting, helping the armed terrorists, destroying, and enjoying themselves.” — Gen. Douglas Satterfield on his thoughts about Natali’s comments. She recognizes that Gazans have a death cult culture and it must be destroyed before we can avoid another 10/7. Sadly, the entire US White House team is totally CLUELESS.

    1. osmodsann

      Exactly but they won’t change ever, so they must be voted out of office and shammed for their continued policy failures.

  3. Colleen Ramirez


    🎅 🕎
    🎅 🕎
    🎅 🕎
    🎅 🕎

  4. Good Dog

    YEP! Some in Israel call these folks peaceniks and believe they are too trusting. They are made fun of for their beliefs. They are very peace-loving, and they want peace. Not everyone in Israel feels the same, she claims.

    1. The Toad

      Yep, if only they had an understanding that Hamas — and the Palestinian culture — must die or there will be more 10/7s. Israel govt knows this. American President Biden is trying to stop them and go back to the obviously failed policy of a two-state solution. That is clearly a failure and 10/7 proved it beyond any doubt.

  5. Linux Man

    Yes, listen to the full interview, it is not that long. This lady is much smarter than we might initially think for being a “peacenik.” She is very articulate.

  6. Dale Paul Fox

    “I don’t want Hamas to exist anymore … I don’t want my kids to live in the same world that I do.” — Natali Yohanan, a 38-year-old Israeli woman and survivor of the 10/7 massacre. Now this is what we mean that a conservative is a liberal who has been mugged. Natali finally woke up after having nearly been burned and tortured and having her dad killed. This is what happens when “peace loving” people believe the solution to war is loving your enemy. Nope, only high explosives work.

    1. Texas Jim

      Women. Their compassion is so strong that it kills. There is a new movement in America (see Pearl on YouTube) that is saying women should not vote. it is the fat, single, young, stupid white unmarried females that are causing so many of our problems. They are loud, obnoxious, in your face, and grossly irritating to anyone who happens to be in the same room with them. And, they carry a number of STDs too.

    1. Bill Sanders, Jr.

      Indeed, ZB. thank you for recognizing this special time. Be with family and friends.

    2. Jammie

      Just think that there are many in the Muslim world that want to kill Christians and Jews and yet our politicians believe we are Islamophobic for seeing reality. Go figure. That is why stupid idiots like Joe “crime family” Biden lacks the basic morals to be a leader. yet nearly half the country loves his immorality.


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