[November 28, 2024] There are many ways to give thanks. Thank you to God, Country, and Family. And, of course, to our many friends who are scattered around the world who are never forgotten. My favorite contemporary cartoonist, Michael Ramirez, drew this one for us and thank those who make Thanksgiving Day possible.
Ramirez created this for Veterans Day some years ago, and it remains one of my favorites. This Thanksgiving Day, I’ll use it for today and say THANKS to all those who have made my life and my family’s lives better.

“Thank You” drawing by cartoonist Michael Ramirez
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Once of the big deals about Thanksgiving Day is eating all that bountiful food. I love food and that explains me being about 20 lbs overweight. But once I re-start my walking program, going around the block with my dog three times a day, I’ll start to shed those fat lbs. So, with that said, and a day late and a dollar short, now is the time to say HAPPY THANKSGIVING. And enjoy the rest of the holiday season.
I’m late to the article but I want to thank all our Troops and First Responders. Happy “late” Thanksgiving Day.
Yessir, that true. Thanks to all our Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, Airmen, and Coasties for their service to our nation and for putting their lives on the line for us. For those of us who have seen combat and peacetimes, we know what is better and thus we know alot about Thanksgiving Day, that it’s about thanking the Lord that we can eat well, sleep well, and live like we should.
Michael Ramirez Is my favorite political cartoonist. His artworks are beautiful and I bought a few reprints.
“Better to complete a small task well, than to do much imperfectly.” — Plato
Plato, your comments are always a hoot to read and to try to figure out sometimes what the heck you mean. But, in this case, I think we can all agree that this is about giving thanks on this one special day. But, for those of us who are wise enough, we know to give thanks daily. 🎯
A simple “thank you” to all those responsible for a free America.
By now, we all should know that there’s probably as much myth as fact in accounts of the Pilgrim’s Thanksgiving feast in 1621. It wasn’t even the first Thanksgiving celebration in the New World. Yet whatever the history, generations of Americans have gathered each year with families and friends to give thanks. Enjoy your special day here in the greatest nation on earth, AMERICA. President George Washington declared the first Thanksgiving and we today thank him for being so insightful as a religious man.
While much of the world moves toward destruction, IMHO due to very weak leadership (as in Joe Biden and Kamala Harris). Weakness allows evil to spread and destroy. This is America’s time to give thanks that we elected overwhelmingly Donald Trump who brings strong leadership and he is already making a difference and not even sworn in yet. 😎
Nailed the cause of so much turmoil in the world = poor leadership trying to pander to the evil that walks among us.
THANKSGIVING DAY is here, finally. Getting to spend time with family.
… and I do believe this is one of the core themes that Gen. Satterfield pushes and the reason his website was originally crafted. Thanks all and Happy Thanksgiving Day.
Thank you, God for my life and my family.
Thank you, God for my health and health of my family.
Thank you, God for the world as it is, for we must struggle to be worthy of you.
Thank you, God, for I have faith and trust and devotion to You and your Word.
Happy Thanksgiving Day. 🦃🦃🦃🦃
As a newbie in the forum, I hope to make future worthwhile contributions.
Sir, and Happy Thanksgiving to you and to all our military and first responders.
Indeed. Spend this day with family and friends.