The Fatherless Crisis: Patrick Bet-David

By | October 2, 2023

[October 2, 2023]  I’ve been reading up on the fatherless crisis in America for a few months now.  And yes, this is a crisis.  Patrick Bet-David, an Iranian-born American, gives us some shocking facts that will surely turn a few heads.  I like this guy.  He is straightforward in his approach and can simplify some complex phenomena.  His take on the fatherless crisis is worth understanding.

Patrick starts by giving us some disturbing information.  While his information was obtained in January this year, the stats are from 2021.  A father’s impact on a child’s upbringing, both a girl and a boy, is crucial and overlooked.  And given the position of America today regarding families, he believes we are in a terrible place, and that place is getting worse.

“The U.S. has the highest rate of children living in single-parent households of any nation in the world.  About 80 percent of single-parent homes are led by single mothers, at a rate of 23 percent of children living with one parent and no other adult.  The United States stands over three times the world average of seven percent of children raised by one parent.”

 To put that into perspective, the number is three percent for China and four percent for India.  And these are the two most populated countries on Earth.  Patrick claims this is the stat that people want to hide or ignore.  He believes the side effects will not be seen for two decades or longer.  Some say the side effect is already here.

“90 percent of all homeless and runaway children, 63 percent of teen suicides, and 85 percent of children and teens with behavioral disorders come from fatherless homes.  Fatherlessness has a direct link to teen pregnancy and sexual activity.  Roughly 70 percent of teenage pregnancies come from women raised in fatherless homes, and these same women have significantly higher abortion rates.”

He states some additional shocking stats that will make you think.  But these are often taboo subjects the progressive political class refuses to accept.

“Fatherless kids are 20 times more likely to be incarcerated and 11 times more likely to exhibit violent behavior compared to those with two parents.”

 And, here is a fascinating stat that even I didn’t know.

“If a man and a woman raise a child, the kids are less likely to wind up in jail, but they have the same chance as children raised by just their fathers.”

 Patrick tells us that the problem is single mothers without a father in the picture.  The father can discipline the kids properly and give them hope, values, and principles.

“We can lower crime, lower mental issues, help the economy, lower suicide rates,  and decrease homelessness by bringing back the family nucleus.”

Why is this happening?  Who’s to blame?  Patrick doesn’t answer these questions directly but says our moral standards are compromised.  He is saying that maybe we should look at this, or we are in deep trouble.  Good fathers and mothers together who are raising their kids are heroes.


NOTE: You can read his book “How to Raise Successful Kids” (link here) or see Patrick Bet-David talk about it in this video (link here).


Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

Hello. I provide one article every day. My writings are influenced by great thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Jung, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jean Piaget, Erich Neumann, and Jordan Peterson, whose insight and brilliance have gotten millions worldwide to think about improving ourselves. Thank you for reading my blog.

16 thoughts on “The Fatherless Crisis: Patrick Bet-David

  1. Eddie Gilliam

    The article is great but as a single parent household raised by mom. My siblings did well. My brother retired from job im in August with enough savings to put 2 children through college both masters degree. I, retired from the service with 25 years. Read about several homeless single parent children finished high school as top of the class, getting full scholarship to I iurvy League Universities. The person who you’re looking at in the mirror is keeping you your destiny. No one else. Society puts to many people in a box. Growing up I told myself those nay sayer will need a bigger box to keep me from being successful in life.
    Another interesting point, I like to address the main reasons for why the United States has the highest single household is how we view sex and religion in America around the topic.

  2. Max Foster

    Hi Gen. Satterfield, I’ll say thanks up front for alerting me to Patrick Bet-David. He is truly a wonderful man who makes sense. He is like Dr. Peterson in a way, because both are telling us that the “old ways” are the best ways because those ways have been repeatedly tested over the entire origin of the human species. All this new morality will only led to grief. It’s happened before and the Bible and other philosophical texts make it clear. We know it, but most of us will turn our heads and try to ignore it. The FALL is coming, and I don’t mean weather.

    1. Emma Archambeau

      Nailed it Max, once again.
      Too many “modern” young men and women will ignore what is happening to their peril.

  3. Peigin

    Another spot-on article from Gen. Satterfield and exactly the reason I keep cominng back day after day after day. Gen. S. keep these coming and I also look forward to your next “Letters to My Granddaughter.” Wonderful letters.

    1. The Golly Woman from EHT

      Hi Peigin, that is why I’ve been a fan for more than 5 years. This site only gets better with age. 👍

  4. Mother Picasso

    Patrick Bet-David has been giving advice for a long time now and I’ve been a fan for at least a year. Go to his website and listen closely to what he has to say. It may surprise you. Like today’s article by Gen. Satterfield who highlights Patrick, we can appreciate his words only if we take the time to listen closely.

  5. Greg NH

    Gen. Satterfield, I want to thank you greatly for your blog. That is my first point, but to also note that you are making a difference, esp. to those who are our youngest members; those who have had little guidance or showing them what “right looks like.” It is unfortunate that today’s average public school teacher is enthralled with Marxist ideology (even if they deny it). Exposing them for what they are and shaming them for their anti-American ways (which they will also deny) is only the first step. Now we get into having them fired by exposing them to school boards and also shaming the school boards. As any school board member, “What is a girl?” They will come unglued.

    1. False Idols

      “What is a girl?” Great question.

      1. Silly Man

        I nearly fell out of my seat laughing. Me too. Thanks all for making my day.

  6. Fred Weber

    Wow, good stuff here ….. Patrick Bet-David is a jewel for us all.

  7. Wendy Holmes

    Great guy, keep getting the word out on this wonderful man, Patrick Bet-David.
    Gen. Satterfield has a track record of highlighting those who make great contributions to our society, and, on occasion those who do not. 😎

    1. Bernie

      Yep, and another excellent job at that. Hey, Gen. Satterfield, when will your new book(s) be coming out. usually you have one at the end of the year. Just asking. Thanks for your long-standing, decade’s long blog. We love it.
      My favorite book is “55 Rules for a Good Life” – if you can, get a copy now.

        1. Tom Bushmaster

          Yep, exactly why I read Gen. Satterfield’s blog religiously. Every single day. And I enjoy it every single day.


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