The Trans Medical Scandal Gets Uglier

By | September 18, 2023

[September 18, 2023]  It is difficult to write about the corrupt “trans” medical scandal because so many Americans are oblivious to its negative impact on all of us.  Corruption in medical institutions is rare, but the destruction it is causing today is real, widespread, and unforgivable.

Most of us have heard of the Tuskegee syphilis study experiments, chemical weapon experimentation on humans, the failure of physicians not washing their hands when delivering babies, and probably the greatest medical scandal of this century, the failed Wuhan lab gain-of-function research that allowed a deadly virus to escape into the general population.

Another brewing medical scandal, and one that is avoidable if physicians were ethical, is the “transitioning “of children.  The medical adoption of radical gender ideology is driving a trans movement among children and destroying tens of thousands.  Troubled children (and often their parents), with the full support of schools, academic institutions, social media, politicians, and others, are convinced that cross-sex hormones and life-changing surgery can alleviate a youngster’s pain, reduce suicide rates, and make their lives hopeful again.  They are convinced by adults that should know better.

Too often, children confused by the onset of adulthood, real family problems, and traumatic abuse can undergo life-altering drug treatments and surgery with little or no counseling.  Not because they need it.  What the medical field is doing to innocent and immature children is barbaric.  And worse, there is no good evidence suggesting this helps kids.

“I don’t think kids can ever consent to having full bodily functions taken away at a young age before they even know what that means,” – Luka Hein, double mastectomy at 16

Luka Hein is suing the doctors who performed a double mastectomy when she was 16 as part of her gender transition.  As a society, we recognize that at 16, kids are too young to vote, serve in the military, drink alcohol, smoke tobacco, or get tattoos.  This is common sense to anyone with a soul and a brain.  Luke Hein is attempting to detransition, a complex, arduous, and yet vital process to overcome past decisions by medical personnel.

This scandal is aggravated by political progressives in the medical community and their allies.  They claim that medical transitioning is safe, harmless, and easily reversible.  However, there is more than sufficient medical evidence today to reject this claim.  And because the transitioning is based on gender ideology, those who support it on ideological grounds are seeing their support fade and are pushing back.  That is why the pushback is getting ugly.

Transitioning hormone treatments and surgeries on children is the biggest medical scandal in the history of the United States.  Like most medical scandals, it was easily avoidable.


Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

Hello. I provide one article every day. My writings are influenced by great thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Jung, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jean Piaget, Erich Neumann, and Jordan Peterson, whose insight and brilliance have gotten millions worldwide to think about improving ourselves. Thank you for reading my blog.

23 thoughts on “The Trans Medical Scandal Gets Uglier

  1. Bobby Joe

    Sir, you sure know how to nail an important issue home to the fence sitters. This whole trans movement is one of the most destructive forces on the planet right now and our liberal friends can’t see it. Too bad more lives of children will be ruined before our politicians wake up and smell the blood that is on their hands.

    1. The Northeast

      Our politicans will not wake up for a long long time. They are sucking at the tit of too much money from the rich liberals to change. They are corrupt to the very core of their soul.

  2. Nick Lighthouse

    The culture war is on and we are part of it, whether we want to be or not. Chose wisely. Chose life and fight against these medical scandals.

  3. Martin Shiell

    Gen. Satterfield nailed it here.
    “This scandal is aggravated by political progressives in the medical community and their allies. They claim that medical transitioning is safe, harmless, and easily reversible. However, there is more than sufficient medical evidence today to reject this claim. And because the transitioning is based on gender ideology, those who support it on ideological grounds are seeing their support fade and are pushing back. That is why the pushback is getting ugly.”

  4. The Kid

    Gen. Satterfield, you overlooked ‘abortion.’ I think that is the biggest medical scam and scandal the world has ever seen. Just me thinking.

    1. Douglas R. Satterfield Post author

      The Kid, wow, I sure missed that one. Two brains here are better than one. Yes, abortion is undoubtedly the biggest medical scandal the world has ever experienced and it continues unabated. Those affected most in the U.S. are blacks but they don’t see it, not yet anyway.

      1. Rev. Michael Cain

        Gen. Satterfield, good follow up. Abortion is horrific but most of America is convinced that it is just a medical procedure. Who is supporting this? Everyone part of our culture and that says alot about our lack of morality. 🙏 Pray for the lost souls from abortion.

      2. False Idols

        Gen. Satterfield, there are many here who are clueless about abortion and about failed abortions. We need more education on this. A smart and brave person once said that we will never be able to convince the ideologically driven fanatics (on gender ideology or marxism or similar ideologies) but we can help create better people with morals. Let’s work that side and do so with all our strength. In the meantime, let us pray for the lost babies. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  5. JT Patterson

    Gen. Satterfield, a long-overdue article on the biggest medical scandal in the world.

    1. Gibbbie

      I agree JT. That is huge, of course, but we can put a stop to it effecting children. But what about convincing adults (who have a level of freedom) that a medical transition does not solve their problems, but actually makes their life WORSE off over time? We aren’t going to do that anytime soon.

  6. Yusaf from Texas

    Imagine that, the scandals of the Biden family is happening at exactly the same time as the medical community trans scandal. Gheeee what a coincidence.

  7. Under the Bridge

    This fight is going to get uglier, esp if Joe Biden or Kamala Harris are in the White House. They too are corrupt, esp. Joe Biden’s crime family.

  8. Liz at Home

    Deserves to be reposted:
    “I don’t think kids can ever consent to having full bodily functions taken away at a young age before they even know what that means,” – Luka Hein, double mastectomy at 16
    Wishing Luka Hein all good things in her fight against this scandal in the medical community.

    1. Patriot Wife

      Funny thing that it is MEN who are fighting back on this the most while our weak women just stand there and watch. What has happened to American women?

  9. Doug Smith

    Been getting uglier since the LGTBQ XYZ “community” started going after our kids.

    1. Willie Strumburger

      Yep, and they will have to go thru my dead body to get to my kids. They have no idea how much a hornet’s nest they conjured up with going after kids.

    2. Audrey

      Nailed it. Our children are our children. They do not belong to the crazies of our time. 😁

      1. Plato

        Nailed it Audrey, Willie, and Doug. This is where we have drawn the line. Of course, they went over that line and that is why the general population is starting to fight back. And the “crazy” trans community (note there is not “community”) is pushing back and doing to in their typical fashion of going off on innocents. They cannot stand that you disagree with their newest religion of trans ideology / gender ideology. It is a religion to them and “facts” be damned. You will never convince them otherwise.

        1. Silly Man

          Start to talk to young people and change their minds TODAY. Later they will be sucked into the gender ideology maw of craziness.

    3. Boy Sue

      Correct! We can pray for them today and that is all we can do for this “community.” They do not know what they do.


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