When Politicians begin to Whine

By | August 7, 2022

[August 7, 2022]  The state of Minnesota is at the center of the debate over the destructive policies of Democrat governors that put into place draconian measures to supposedly save us from COVID-19.  Tough questions are being asked of those governors and their medical advisory teams.  It looks like those questions are just too hard to think about.  In the case of Minnesota, their Department of Health commissioner (a politician) Jan Malcolm claims PTSD from the experience.  The big whine is starting.

At PowerLineBlog.com, Scott Johnson was front and center in the controversy.

I had tuned in to the briefings following [Governor] Walz’s March 25, 2020 emergency order that arbitrarily shut down the state. Following the data, I saw that 80 percent of the deaths attributed to Covid by MDH occurred in long-term care facilities. I sought an answer to the question why the state was being shut down because of a crisis in long-term care about which the authorities themselves remained silent.

Yesterday, Minnesota’s Star Tribune editorializes about a JAMA study on undefined “harassment” of public health officials, such a Jan Malcolm.

In an interview this week, Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) Commissioner Jan Malcolm said the study is tough to read. “I’ll just be really honest with you, I’m having a little PTSD,” she said, referring to post-traumatic stress disorder.

Kevin Roche, at healthyskeptic speaks about in response to Jan Macolm’s whine.

Your policies and actions caused the following, and much more:

  1. You forced thousands of nursing home residents to be isolated from what little social contact they had. These residents then gave up, developed what is euphemistically referred to as “failure to thrive” syndrome and died.  You compiled one of the worst records in the country in regard to nursing home deaths and serious illness.

  2. Your constant harping on danger and safety led hundreds of thousands of Minnesotans to miss needed health care, including child immunizations, leading to sharp rises in serious disease and to increases in death from causes such as dementia, heart disease, hypertension and diabetes. We will pay the price for this terror campaign for years to come.

  3. Your policies caused a sharp increase in deaths from drug and alcohol abuse. You supported open-border policies which allowed enormous quantities of fentanyl and other dangerous drugs to flood into our communities, you supported destroying effective police forces to stop this flow of drugs and you have done nothing, absolutely nothing to limit the use of these drugs.  Adolescents, young adults and minorities are most at risk due to your policies and inaction.

  4. You supported and enforced school closures which destroyed the educational and social lives of Minnesota’s children, and led to thousands of minority children simply dropping out of school.

  5. You supported lockdowns which disrupted all Minnesotans lives, leading to the loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs and the closure of tens of thousands of businesses, resulting in financial and mental health distress.

  6. You constantly provided misleading and incomplete information to the public and continue to do so to this day. You have been more interested in giving out only what data supports your messages as opposed to the truth.  You suppressed a study on the ineffectiveness of masks.  You refused to release communications with teachers’ unions showing that your school closure policies were just payback for campaign contributions to Walz and Democrats.  You hid data showing that most hospitalizations attributed to CV-19 were not primarily for treatment of that condition.  You supported crazy approaches to attributing deaths to CV-19.  You continue to refuse to provide full data on breakthrough infections and reinfections that would allow an honest assessment of vaccine effectiveness and immunity from prior infection.

  7. You lied about vaccine effectiveness and supported vaccine mandates which worsened health care staffing problems and led to worse health care. Your policies caused many workers to lose jobs even though they were no more likely to get infected or to transmit than were persons who were vaccinated.

We can at least conclude that health officials from the state of Minnesota (and other Democratically run states) are guilty of spreading misleading and false information about COVID-19.


Please read my new book, “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).

Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

Hello. I provide one article every day. My writings are influenced by great thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Jung, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jean Piaget, Erich Neumann, and Jordan Peterson, whose insight and brilliance have gotten millions worldwide to think about improving ourselves. Thank you for reading my blog.

18 thoughts on “When Politicians begin to Whine

    1. Wilson Cox

      Got that right, American Girl. Jan Malcolm, like so many leftists (progressives or whatever new name they have), will say anything, do anything for the attention and the chance to force others to do what she wants. Damn the rest of us, she is “morally superior” and don’t you dare question her (or, whine, you will hurt me and now I have PTSD). Give me a break.

  1. ZB22

    PTSD from being asked hard questions. 😢 Cry me a river. This woman is just what Joe Biden ordered. Just what we all should be aware of as evil stalking us. When evil is caught, it runs away like a cockroach.

  2. Plato

    Powerful 7. How can you refute this list of failures? Obviously you cannot. That is why Jan Malcolm – who claims PTSD from the experience – is shocked. When reality meets the liberals, reality usually wins out.

  3. Autistic Techie

    Excellent article exposing the behavior of an infantile mind.
    “Jan Malcolm claims PTSD from the experience. “

    1. Silly Man

      Kick ’em in the butt. That way they feel the pain (of course, for the FBI agents reading this, I mean it rhetorically).

  4. Willie Strumburger

    Typical liberal. Caught in the act of being stupid and then trying to claim ‘victim’ status to avoid the fallout.

  5. Otto Z. Zuckermann

    Hi Gen. Satterfield, thanks for making us aware of this on-going issue in the state of Minnesota. I believe it is playing itself out in other places too. Elections have consequences and now it’s time to give the liberal/progressive PC ideology the boot once and for good.

    1. JT Patterson

      So true, thanks Otto. Let’s keep supporting this leadership blog by Gen. Satterfield. As many of you know, I’ve been one of his longest running fans and have often commented here. This forum is a place where you can bounce ideas around. My idea of the day is that Gen. Satterfield has done us a great thing by creating this space and place for free thought.

      1. New Girl #1

        I also supported him by getting a copy of his book, “Our Longest Year in Iraq.” That’s a good start.

  6. Laughing Monkey

    Minnesota is the canary in the mine of free thought and freedom as persons under the law. Democrats want nothing to do with freedom at all. It runs counter to their narrative.

    1. Jerome Smith

      Hardly a surprise that someone who is caught doing something stupid (and probably immoral) and that was definitely destructive, now to be ashamed (but unwilling to admit it) now suddenly is SHOCKED, well, I have no sympathy.

      1. Veronica Stillman

        I’m surely not surprised by her weak reaction. The whole Minnesota democrat party is a bunch of whiny imbeclies.


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