Would I Recommend Joining the U.S. Army?

By | February 10, 2022

[February 10, 2022]  I admit to putting off the publication of this article for several months.  I wrote it back in July of last year and decided to wait for several reasons.  I list those reasons below.  Some folks I trust implicitly, all in the U.S. Army, have told me about internal policy changes and evolving military priorities that concern them deeply.  None of it is good.  The question still stares at me in the face.  Would I recommend joining the U.S. Army (or any military service)?

I have never wavered from the view that anyone qualified to join, should join the U.S. Army.  To answer my own question about whether someone should join the army, I say Yes!  That said, I will also point out, contrary to just about everyone asked this question, I would leave it there.  In the past, many young people thinking about joining have come to me for advice on this very issue, and they freely got their questions answered.

You can look up many reasons for joining, both pro and con (you can find some good ones here, here, and here).  If you decide to join and are qualified, be prepared to get hit by reality.  Several years ago, I wrote two articles on what you should know before joining the Army and being an Army Officer.1,2  They will give you a flavor of the military culture.

Most Americans are not qualified to join the U.S. military; the figure runs around 3 out of 4 cannot join.  The remaining few may or may not want to be part of the military, which is perfectly okay.  I’m not writing this article to encourage anyone to raise their right hand and swear allegiance to the U.S. Constitution.  My goal here is to educate and recommend.

Do you have my recommendation to join the U.S. Army?  Yes!

Why, then, would I give my blessing to those wanting to join, when the military is in such bad shape?  I do so because we need future advanced leaders to show us the way out of the swamp we are currently experiencing.  This need is at the NCO and Officer level, from junior to senior leaders, and across the spectrum of those who support our military.  We need you now to be a candlelight for a better military.  This “woke” ideology will not last.  It is inevitable to crash and burn.  We need good folks there to pick up the pieces.

Now, why did I delay publishing this article?

  1. President Joe Biden placed several senior people at the head of the Department of Defense, Army, Navy, etc., who are entirely “woke” to the Progressive ideology that argues America is an inherently racist, misogynistic, homophobic society. Policies coming down from these senior leaders is depressingly ignorant and ignore the primary purpose of a military.  They are no longer interested in prioritizing our fighting forces to deter or, when necessary, win wars.  I believe our military is in decline, as measured from a warfighting capacity.3
  2. Our elite military academies and our military professional and occupational schools have lowered their physical and mental standards for acceptance. They also allow for much lower moral character and are reluctant to remove even the most derelict, corrupt cadet or Soldier from their mist.  The focus on race and gender as reasons to get a pass on complex academic subjects, demanding physical training, and failure to perform simple tasks has multiplied.  Meritocracy matters less today than ever.  The victim group you identify with is, sadly, becoming the new ticket to an advancing career.
  3. A question that I ask myself is whether I should recommend someone join the military and yet know at the same time, they will be going into an organization in moral and readiness decline. Indeed, this is a serious dilemma.  I know better than most, the actual risks, however, I balance that with the clear need for those who are well-grounded in American values and an understanding of our history, an appreciation for our position on the world stage, and the responsibilities we possess as the world’s leading superpower.


  1. https://www.theleadermaker.com/10-things-to-know-before-joining-the-army/
  2. https://www.theleadermaker.com/10-things-know-army-officer/
  3. https://www.theleadermaker.com/the-decline-of-our-great-u-s-military/


Please read my new book, “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” at Amazon (link here).

Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

Hello. I provide one article every day. My writings are influenced by great thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Jung, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jean Piaget, Erich Neumann, and Jordan Peterson, whose insight and brilliance have gotten millions worldwide to think about improving ourselves. Thank you for reading my blog.

30 thoughts on “Would I Recommend Joining the U.S. Army?

  1. Dennis Mathes

    Great job, Gen. S. on this blog post. How about whether you would recommend any citizen of the US to join any large “woke” organization and what to do about surviving among so many nuts. Thanks – just a thought.

    1. Billy Kenningston

      Boycott ‘woke’ organizations, never join them, or work for them, never spend money on them. Boycott as much as you want. It’s your right.

      1. Unwoke Dude

        Yes, please do more article posts like this one, Gen. Satterfield. You’ve got a whole bunch of fans out here in “flyover country” ….. keep up the great work on your leadership blog. I like your recent focus on junior leadership and for giving us those practical things to make us better.

  2. Ernest

    3 out of 4 young adults are NOT qualified to join the U.S. military. Shocking!

    1. Valkerie

      That is why General Satterfield considers it a National Security issue. When so many young folks are unqualified due to being too fat, a criminal record, and too stupid (I add too lazy), then where are we going as a country?

  3. Colleen Ramirez

    Professionally written, and I understand the struggle to recommend. I will also note that the US military has serious recruiting challenges, massive challenges. As more and more see our military declining value system and moral corruption of its woke leaders, the fewer will join. The people of America know our army is in decline.

  4. Wild Bill

    Gen. Satterfield, excellent article. I’m glad you published it. 😊

    1. Eye Cat

      Thanks Greg, good article. I am a vet and happy that I joined. I’m not so sure today that I would stick it out.

  5. Idiot Savant

    This is why it is so important that we have a religous foundation growing up. Also that we grow up in a two-parent family that values the family and are taught the value of our society, family, and individual freedom. That is not being taught anymore.

    1. Veronica Stillman

      You nailed it. And no wonder our politicians discourage and attack Christianity. They know that doing so removes our moral foundation and makes us easier to manipulate.

      1. Harry Man

        The attacks on Christianity has been ongoing for thousands of years but normally it has been protected by Western govts. Not any more, now the western govts are attacking Christians thru discrimination, taxes, one-sided policies, and taking them to court. This is a radical, unwinnable tactic the leftist are undertaking.

  6. Dead Pool Guy

    Be the spark that keeps our military going. We need people that are true Americans to join. None of this Marxist crap being pushed on them by Gen. Milley. How embarrassing and sad that an evil man like U.S. Army Gen. Milley is in charge.

  7. Max Foster

    Folks, read this again:
    “A question that I ask myself is whether I should recommend someone join the military and yet know at the same time, they will be going into an organization in moral and readiness decline. Indeed, this is a serious dilemma.”
    Remember this and give the proper advice to those who want to join. They will be swimming upstream in the moral decline of our military services. Americans have recognized this now and we see American’s no longer respect our military. So sad. This is what happens when you put anti-Americans in charge.

    1. Lynn Pitts

      Yep, you are right on target Max. Thanks. I will be seeing a number of my younger cousins next week and this will be part of our discussion.

  8. Maureen S. Sullivan

    I see your hesitation. Yet, I’m happy you chose this path, Gen. Satterfield to recommend joining. That is the right, moral answer.

  9. American Girl

    “Now, why did I delay publishing this article?” I see your hesitation but it must be said. Yes, join the Army … or Navy, Marines, Air Force, or Coastguard. Join them, do your time and be proud of America. Ignore the propaganda that America is bad. Remember evil is in charge. Hold onto your beliefs and be a real patriot.

    1. E.T.

      Good enough for me. My son will be joining the Marines any day now. I’ve had this conversation with him and he understands. I told him, as a patriot, to keep his mouth shut about politics and religion while serving.

    2. Bryan Z. Lee

      American Girl, good comment. Yes, we do need patriots in the military. We shouldn’t have it any other way.

  10. Laughing Monkey

    Excellent article, very convincing. I understand where you are coming from and your hesitation Gen. Satterfield. We need future leaders who can resist the Biden/Austin/Milley propaganda.

  11. Gil Johnson

    Interesting but I’m too old to join, ha ha ha. But would I if I was younger? Yes! Definitely yes.

    1. Yusaf from Texas

      I’m not so sure with all the “wokeness” being used to crush everyone’s patriotism. Woke means hating America. How can you defend America when people like Gen. Milley and DECDEF Austin say you MUST hate America? They need to resign now.

      1. H. M. Longstreet

        Any President with a brain cell and guts would have fired them long ago. I would have Jay-Walked them out under armed guard and stripped them of their position in front of thousands of soldiers and civilians to show what happens to traitors like these two.

    2. Jonnie the Bart

      Too bad things are so bad. No wonder there is a huugge recruiting and retention problem. Marxists are in charge.


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