AI-Generated Beauty with Movement

By | January 4, 2025

[January 4, 2025]  I’ve been interested in seeing those things that are beautiful, and I’ve written about how beauty challenges us.  Becca Segovia, a graphic designer, creates modern recreations from old paintings. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is changing the landscape, bringing to life what was, at one point, a static or fixed piece of portrait art.  We are going… Read More »

Photography and Beauty

By | January 14, 2024

[January 14, 2024]  Look to where beautiful things are and where life’s outcomes are lovely.  The Epoch Times covered the winner of the International Wedding Photographer of the Year (link here).  Annually, prizes are handed out for the best photographs in several categories.  This year, the prize went to Tara Lilly of Whistler, Canada, for a superbly well-timed… Read More »

What is Beauty?

By | November 28, 2022

[November 28, 2022]  There is nothing more valuable than beauty.  We all know this to be true, but most of us cannot explain it, nor can we fully understand why that is the case.  To articulate an explanation of beauty stretches our minds.  What is beauty, and why is it so valuable?  Why is beauty confusing?  Moreover, why… Read More »