Books That Helped Me Become a Better Man

By | September 20, 2023

[September 20, 2023]  Manhood is not a new idea, but it is one that our modern society incorrectly labels toxic.  Now, if you know me and read this blog, you will predict with 100% accuracy that I reject the toxicity label because it is simply false, and obviously so.  The toxic label is false, and manhood is something to strive to achieve to be a better man, for it is a noble goal.  I believe what we men read is a start in understanding manhood.

If we look into those values that make a man a real man, what we see is no secret.  The tenets of manhood were passed down from those who survived under the most arduous circumstances and who could be relied upon to save others and themselves from threats.  Those same values were once common sense, but today, they must be purposefully and thoughtfully taught to young men.

For me, these books about manhood were not always available.  It was evident then that a few things were left out, things that I wish I could know.  I knew this made me want more and recent books fulfilled that need.  If you would like to further your knowledge of manhood and leadership, here are a few books to read:

  1. Cyrus the Great by Harold Lamb, 1976: This book retells ancient stories about Cyrus the Great by Herodotus and Xenophon. It gives us a perspective into Cyrus’ philosophies of war and administration, such as the fact that he would not force anyone to change their religion or faith and guaranteed freedom for all.
  2. War As I Knew It by George S. Patton, Jr. and Paul D. Harkins, 1966: The book tells us about Patton during World War II, from Operation Torch to the Nazi surrender. From Patton’s perspective, the book is about how he saw the war and what he did to help bring about an Allied victory.
  3. My Life on the Plains: Or, Personal Experiences with Indians by George A. Custer and Edgar I. Stewart, 1976: A truly great read on a short span of Custer’s life. What I gleaned from it was that Custer was a man who understood the Indian and was not racist like he is often portrayed.
  4. Hamburger Hill by William Pelfrey, 1987: This book is about Hill 937 in Vietnam and vividly describes the men who survived the battle.
  5. The Art of War by Sun Tzu and James Clavell, 1983: This classic book by Sun Tzu is augmented by comments from the translator and Chinese philosophers, giving a richer view and meaning. Sun Tzu strips away the veneer of war and reveals the essence of war and how to win.
  6. Night Drop: The American Airborne Invasion of Normandy by S.L.A. Marshall, 1984: A book packed with action about the night drop into France by the U.S. 101st and 82nd Airborne Divisions that preceded the June 6, 1944 landing on D-Day during World War II.
  7. Men Against Fire: The Problem of Battle Command in Future War byL.A. Marshall, 1947: Marshall was interested in understanding the ordinary rifleman during World War II and that only about a quarter of them fired their weapons even when fired upon. One learns a lot about the psychological impact of battle from this book.
  8. Company Command: The Bottom Line by John G. Meyer, Jr., 1990: A powerful book about the challenges for a young company commander during World War II. The book brings out the skills, insight, and morality needed to command troops in combat.
  9. Stonewall in the Valley: Thomas J. “Stonewall” Jackson’s Shenandoah Valley Campaign, Spring 1862 by Robert G. Tanner, 1976: This book is an account of Confederate actions during Jackson’s Valley Campaign and his philosophy of battle.
  10. Hell in a Very Small Place: The Siege of Dien Bien Phu by Bernard B. Fall, 1985: The 1954 battle at Dien Bien Phu, Vietnam, is detailed as a Viet Minh guerrilla force that destroyed a technologically superior French Army force.

Of course, no list of books that teach us about manhood could be more valuable than the Bible, particularly the Old Testament.  Yes, that’s right, the “Old Testament.”  I find the stories there extremely valuable, but they need to be interpreted in most cases.  Nevertheless, the Bible is it.


Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

Hello. I provide one article every day. My writings are influenced by great thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Jung, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jean Piaget, Erich Neumann, and Jordan Peterson, whose insight and brilliance have gotten millions worldwide to think about improving ourselves. Thank you for reading my blog.

23 thoughts on “Books That Helped Me Become a Better Man

  1. Boy Sue

    More great content. Thanks. Great list of books. I plan on reading some of them later. My wife now has a list of possible Christmas presents for me. 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎

    1. Good Dog

      If you want to read something that is the best of the best, this is it. Read Gen. Satterfield’s list of books. There are none better. Start with the Bible, or at least listen to those who have a good idea of the stories and lessons of the Bible, then read other books afterwards.

  2. Desert Cactus

    I’m a long time reader of this blog by Gen. Satterfield and I just want to say (like Lizzy below) that we all need to be encouraging to boys to read more. I think they are turned off from reading in school by teachers (mostly liberal women) who make boys read stories about “strong women” and then belittle men as being toxic. Gen. Satterfield has addressed this issue in the past but it deserves more attention and we need more lists like this one that maybe, just maybe, boys can read and find interesting.

      1. Qassim

        Yes, the best ideas can be found here in Gen. Satterfield’s leadership forum.

  3. Lizzy from Utah

    I only hope that the boys reading this blog don’t overlook this article because it is about reading. So many boys are turned off by reading. This is a good list and from me, a seasoned Librarian.

  4. Yusaf from Texas

    Great article, Gen. S. Thanks for giving us another winner and one that can be used easily.

  5. JT Patterson

    Gen. Doug Satterfield, sir, you have a wonderful list of books and some I’ve never read or even heard of. I see that many are slanted toward the military history that we can surely learn from. Thanks. I now have a couple of books that I will have to order. Let me add one more book, a book by Gen. Satterfield, titled ‘our longest year in iraq.” I think folks will enjoy learning about the insides of combat in Iraq. Thnak you.

      1. Jack of all Trades

        Great to see you are reading our comments and giving extra advice. I’ve already read all these books (now second time re-reading the Old Testament). thanks!!!!!!!!!

  6. Army Captain

    I always read books on combat and those that lead other soldiers into great danger. You can learn more than you might imagine by doing so. My favorite in this list is #8. Company Command: The Bottom Line by John G. Meyer, Jr., 1990: A powerful book about the challenges for a young company commander during World War II. The book brings out the skills, insight, and morality needed to command troops in combat.

  7. Max Foster

    1. Cyrus the Great by Harold Lamb, 1976: This book retells ancient stories about Cyrus the Great by Herodotus and Xenophon. It gives us a perspective into Cyrus’ philosophies of war and administration, such as the fact that he would not force anyone to change their religion or faith and guaranteed freedom for all.
    I read this book many years ago and also gained a lot from it. I think that the author unintentionally gave some great ideas for boys growing up to be MEN, men instead of the whinny, victimhood, crazies like our stupid president (who is Evil by the way). Gen. Satterfield, please continue to post articles like this one. I now have a list of more books to read.

  8. Pastor John

    Great list.
    Bible is the most important, I predict.

    1. Rev. Michael Cain

      For Gen. Satterfield, this goes without saying …. he is a real man, not a fake, politicized, basement dwelling “man” like we are told we should adore. Real men are rare and are created in bad times so that they may bring about good times. 🙏

      1. Winston

        Yes, and read his book, “55 Rules for a Good Life” to get a good idea of what makes him a good man and what can make your boys, good men.


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