Category Archives: Characteristics

Characteristic #32: Professional Competence

By | November 12, 2013

[November 12, 2013]  Senior executive leaders must be sufficiently competent in their professions to survive.  High-quality leaders have the capability to perform the duties of their job with an acceptable level of quality – a combination of knowledge, judgment, and skills. Technical competence by itself will not assure a leader’s success since there are other traits that are… Read More »

Characteristic #31: Experienced Judgment

By | November 9, 2013

[November 09, 2013]  Judgment is the essence of leadership.  The ability of first-class leaders to make good judgments and the cumulative impact of those judgments will determine the quality, effectiveness, and success of the leaders’ organizations. The exercise of good judgment in the workplace is the special quality sought in leaders of all kinds.  In particular, this is… Read More »

Characteristic 29: Dealing with Crisis

By | November 4, 2013

[November 04, 2013]  The best way to deal with a crisis is to simply be prepared.  Planning, resourcing, rehearsing, organizing, and placing the right people on the job is key.  The upside?  Lives and property are saved and organizations survive.  The downside?  It detracts from other priorities and is expensive.  It is difficult to replicate crises experiences but… Read More »

Characteristic 28: Relevant Experiences

By | November 1, 2013

[November 01, 2013]  We all want our leaders to be problem solvers and overcome all obstacles.  Fundamentally, relevant experience is what makes this possible.  While experience is necessary for all leaders, our most senior leaders need a broader array of experiences.  Senior executive leaders should have the experience of sufficient moral preparation to stay right, to act quickly… Read More »

Contrasts in the Passion of Leadership

By | October 30, 2013

[October 30, 2013]  Over the last two days, I visited a soon-to-deploy military combat unit (with their families) and visited a Veterans’ Administration hospital.  The contrast between the two in the “passion” of the personnel at each event was noteworthy. Both the personnel conducting the troop and family event, as well as those attending, were unparalleled in their… Read More »