[February 16, 2023] During my first combat tour in Iraq, I had two photos. One of my children, nicely framed and sitting where I could see them every day. And a second of a motivational poster starring Jane Fonda sitting on a North Vietnamese anti-aircraft gun surrounded by NVA soldiers. The poster read, “Treason. Yes, it was – still is.” In my opinion, Jane Fonda is a traitor and a hypocrite.

Jane Fonda 1972
Alas, this is not the point of my blog post today. Yesterday in a FoxNews story, we heard that the 85-year-old confessed to dating a 90-year-old Richard Lugner, and he’s paying her to accompany him to the Vienna Opera Ball today. She admitted that she accepted the Austrian tycoon’s invitation because he offered to “pay me quite a bit of money.” In her own words, she needed the money to pay her bills.
Nothing like a Hollywood hypocrite to make us smile. But as John Adams said, “Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.” Mark Twain said that “Facts are stubborn things…” Ain’t that the truth?
In 1972, she traveled to North Vietnam to support the anti-Vietnam War effort by meeting with soldiers and political leaders of North Vietnam. Today, she “regrets” doing so. In a 2018 article, she says that Vietnam War veterans still confront her, and she “welcomes the encounters.” That latter comment is, of course, a lie.
Nonetheless, being the traitor that Jane Fonda is, I’m not surprised.
A good read: Shaming of Vietnam War Protesters is a Must
Please read my books:
Jane Fonda Floats ‘Murder’ as Response to Abortion Laws
Tells us alot about where liberals are in their heads. Of course, Hanoi Jane is a traitor anyway and so she has plenty of stupid ideas that should be aired publically so that we can properly ridicule her.
Right, Jane Fonda said she had “thought of murder” when asked during a television appearance about what people who are upset about abortion laws can do aside from protesting.
Just another Democrat, liberaly nutjob.
Cougar! I don’t think so. She is the opposite. But she will take money from anybody willing to say good things about her and treat her out to a meal. Hmmmmmmmm
Being a traitor means betraying your country. Jane commie Fonda is a traitor. Read the ancients on betrayal and you will see how horribly they treated traitors.
Traitor Jane Fonda. Never can say that too often.
Treason is still treason, yesterday and today and tomorrow. Jane Fonda is the poster child for treason.
Hell yeah. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
I just Googled “Jane Fonda traitor.” The search turned up just 216,000 hits. It is clear to me that Google is suppressing the search. I would not be surprised if the real number is in the 10s of millions. But, of course, Jane Fonda (US traitor) is loved by the hard leftists of Google.
As the law, whoever links with the enemy, attacks the national interest, they face the treasonous crime. Therefore, Jane Fonda who committed the serious treason during the US government and allies were fighting against the Global Communist Bloc in Vietnam battlefield, actually, Vietcong was an early terror’s organization and also the genocide. Nevertheless, Jane Fonda has adored Ho Chi Minh is a great leader of Vietnam Communist party, therefore, Ho Chi Minh did many things that the people condemn:
Welcome Mr. Truong and thank you for your spot-on comment.
Right and it is not poss. To express my disdain for the evil Jane Fonda. Scumbag, yeah I said it.
I am now shocked at this terrible person. Blessings on General Satterfield for his words.
Yes, indeed, Jane Fonda is a traitor but worse. She is scum. And a prostitute by taking money from a man for “favors.” And so many women love her. What morons they are.
Prostitute? Well, yes, of course she is. She’ll take many to pay her bills from anybody and dress up and smile. But take note that is no brain behind the smile.
It disgusts me to even think of her name. JF is a traitor.
👍👍👍👍 Benedict Arnold has nothing on Jane Fonda as a traitor to her nation. I guess the real question for us here on Gen. Satterfield’s website, is “Why are so many of us disgusted by her betrayal of her country?” And, she profits from the very country she disparages. And yet she will not leave! I’ll buy her a 1-way first class plane ticket to anywhere in the world, if she promises never to come back.
Good question. Indeed.
It’s still prostitution (even without sex and in this case I’m sure there was none). Jane Fonda is not sexy or someone with any brainpower. You know, drugs and alcohol can wreck havoc on the body. But, credit to her, she did have an exercise program. But it was the plastic surgery that kept her face from falling into her boobs. Jane Fonda is not just a traitor but a disgrace to women everywhere. Never purchase anything with her name on it. But if you throw up looking at that face, then have at it.
My wife had a VHS exercise tape of Jane Fonda (traitor). I threw it out years ago and she never missed it.
Good for you Nick. Boycott Jane Fonda and anything she endorses. 👍
Oops I forgot to mention that this Lugner must be just as guilty as her.
Top traitor in America and worse than Benedict Arnold. Jane Fonda is a traitor and never ever forget it.
I know I never will.
Well said, Gen. Satterfield and I’m sure anyone from the military at your desk would have agreed. And if they didn’t agree, they would either have kept their mouth shut or walked away humiliated by supporting her.
Right JT. And that is at it should be. Note that she is a Democrat Party darling. Always was, always will be. The party of death and traitors is still alive and well.
Democrat Jane Fonda … traitor.
Democrat Jane Fonda … traitor.
Democrat Jane Fonda … traitor.
Democrat Jane Fonda … traitor.
Democrat Jane Fonda … traitor.
Democrat Jane Fonda … traitor.
Democrat Jane Fonda … traitor.
👍👍👍👍👍 You da man, USA Patriot II
Never back down when you call her a traitor. What I would like to see is Gen. Satterfield go into more detail on why we hate traitors so much. Now that would be, indeed, a great article to read and contemplate over. And discuss as well. Just a recommendation from a humble person.
….. and she’s a spoiled bitch. 🐩
BRAVO! Calling out Jane Fonda as a traitor (which she is, and there is no argument over that fact) is to be commended by all. She made millions of dollars over being a traitor just like John Kerry. But we should all continue to villify her at every chance we get.
Bam, you are sooooo right. I never use her name without TRAITOR being in front of her name. “Traitor Jane Fonda.” Yep. That is the right thing to do.
Wonderful to hear from you Army Vet and to know you are still out there making America a great country. All the traitors are welcome to leave any time and go anywhere. They will not do it because they know they live in the best country in the world and they stand against good and for evil.
Bryan, you are spot on with that comment. I will repeat that Jane Fonda is a traitor. There should be some meme out there that is funny dealing with her evil.
Guns, here are some:
Yes, and even us Brits hate her.
All hate traitors 🥸
Politicians, wars, and scandals come and go but hating traitor Jane Fonda is forever.