Category Archives: Information

VA Scandal: Shinseki Resigns

By | May 31, 2014

[May 31, 2014] Interim Veterans Administration chief Sloan Gibson stated that the VA as a whole needs “a change in culture.” The scandal of hiding wait times that appears to have resulted in military veteran deaths is shameful. However, the fix is not in better management systems and processes but in the elimination of the VA’s current employment… Read More »

Comments from Readers

By | May 28, 2014

[May 28, 2014] A number of readers have had trouble making their comments seen. The reason is that I’m using a spam filter that removes comments that the reader has not signed-up for posting. At the end of each article is a place to sign-up. It’s easy and no information obtained will be distributed to anyone, period. Your… Read More »

News Media: A Positive Update

By | May 25, 2014

[May 25, 2014] I’ve written a number of times proposing that the news media in America is in decline; its leadership more interested in aligning with certain political views than the news and a disinterested in exposing corruption, hypocrisy, and scandal – its traditional mission. There is a glimmer of hope. There are journalists who are willing to… Read More »