Category Archives: Leadership

Libs of TikTok

By | February 21, 2024

[February 21, 2024]  Libs of TikTok is a social media exposé of radical-left wing activities using their leftists’ own accounts.  Those same left-wing users are lashing back at LoTT for the exposé of the Woke agenda.  I’m unsure how many followers there are, but it appears there are about 2 million on Twitter/X.  The woman behind Libs of… Read More »

Putin: Biden is Better for Russia

By | February 16, 2024

[February 16, 2024]  Understanding the thinking of your enemies and friends is at the pinnacle of successful senior leadership.  An old military saying says the best way to win is to “get into the mind of your enemy.”  Lately, with the Tucker Carlson interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin, we’ve seen several “experts” trying to do just that. … Read More »

Jordan Peterson: Symbol of Truth and Freedom

By | February 4, 2024

[February 4, 2024]  The war of ideas is ON.  Dr. Jordan Peterson, psychologist and bestselling author, just lost the appeal that ordered him to undergo “remedial social media training” because of what he believes.  His “debauchery” was for tweeting his opinions, something Canada’s College of Psychologists of Ontario did not like. “Canada’s constitution guarantees freedom of conscience, religion,… Read More »

Will America’s Appeasement of Iran Spark War?

By | February 3, 2024

[February 3, 2024]  Headlines read, “America and Iran step closure to the brink of war.”  The question that’s answer puzzles senior military and political leaders today in America is whether our appeasement of Iran will lead to a war with Iran.  The answer is yes.  Political appeasement is dangerous, and history tells us that it often does not… Read More »

The ‘Siege of Paris’ by French Farmers

By | February 1, 2024

[February 1, 2024]  Earlier this week, large numbers of French farmers surrounded the city of Paris in protest of the EU’s Green Deal.  Thousands of harvesters, tractors, trailers, and other farm vehicles blocked major highways in and out of Paris, Lyon, Limoges, and Toulouse. Like other farmers from Ireland and Germany, they are joining a Europe-wide fightback against… Read More »