Category Archives: Leadership

The Bombastic Style of Donald Trump’s Leadership

By | March 16, 2024

[March 16, 2024]  For those who study leadership, we know that style varies over circumstances and time.  Each leader has their preferred way of leading others, a method they are most comfortable with and have had past achievements using.  Donald Trump has a popular, bombastic approach to leadership. One of my favorite military commanders I worked for in… Read More »

West Point and Its Woke Ideology Shows

By | March 15, 2024

[March 15, 2024]  West Point continues down its current path to Woke, simultaneously denying the obvious.  West Point is failing at its mission to train battle-worthy cadets to enter the U.S. Army.  In a recent article by reporters Bill Gertz and Mike Glenn, they point out that West Point is deleting “duty, honor, country” from its mission statement.… Read More »

Surround Yourself with Hard Workers

By | March 11, 2024

[March 11, 2024]  Several years ago, shortly after my retirement, I wrote articles reflecting lessons I’d learned about a successful career.  But, I soon realized that those lessons also applied to everyone, not just leaders.  Below is the first of these articles.  I’m republishing it today because it is precisely the kind of lesson we need.  The lesson? … Read More »

Banning Iconic WWII Kissing Photo

By | March 8, 2024

[March 8, 2024]  RimaAnn Nelson,1 the Assistant Under Secretary for Health Operation at the Department of Veterans Affairs, distributed a memo calling for the banning of an iconic WWII photo of a U.S. Navy sailor kissing a woman in Times Square.  My old, grisly, tough-as-nails Vietnam Veteran friend says, “Welcome to Woke America.” “To foster a more trauma-informed… Read More »

Military Disarmament is a “Moral Obligation”

By | March 6, 2024

[March 6, 2024]  Word from Roman Catholic Pope Francis this past Sunday that military disarmament is not optional but a “moral obligation” for all countries.  Earlier, the Pope suggested that if we are serious about world peace, the solution is to “ban all weapons.” “The line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor… Read More »

International Hero: Javier Milei

By | February 25, 2024

[February 25, 2024]  Javier Milei is Argentina’s hero, and I will add that he is also an International hero.  Why?  He has single-handedly turned around the social and economic fortunes of Argentina and shown the world that the insidious Woke/Progressive/Leftist modern ideologies are inherently destructive and morally unfair. As Argentina’s new President, he has embarked on a one-man… Read More »