Never Underestimate the Competition

By | August 10, 2014

[August 10, 2014] An old military axiom is to “never underestimate your enemy”. The British underestimated General Washington and in 1777 the Brits lost the Battle of Princeton when they thought Washington had been defeated and was fleeing. The British General Cornwallis said, “We’ve got the old fox safe now. We’ll go over and bag him in the… Read More »

Take Credit for Your Decisions

By | August 8, 2014

[August 08, 2014] A few years ago I lived in a town that took advantage of the law. The law allowed city governments to charge cable companies for operating in their jurisdiction. Most communities do this today. It’s a subtle way of obtaining additional revenue without directly taxing citizens. Unexpectedly, the cable companies put a line-item on their… Read More »

Reading List (Update)

By | August 8, 2014

[August 08, 2014] A good friend and military veteran passed along a book reference he thought I might like. Most of the books on senior leaders I’ve read or at least heard about but this one somehow got pass me. The book by Edgar Puryear is about four famous generals: Eisenhower, Bradley, Marshall, and Patton. I have not… Read More »

Reinforce Success

By | August 7, 2014

[August 07, 2014] My old drill sergeant was right. I dislike admitting that he could give advice on military tactics that I could agree. I was not particular fond of him since he brought a bit too much terror into my life as a basic trainee. He had seven Infantry combat tours in Vietnam, a very rare and… Read More »

Good Habits #8: Transparency

By | August 6, 2014

[August 06, 2014] The demands made on military commanders are awesome; yet little is provided in the way of guidance. Commanders that make rapid, sound decisions are highly valued and promoted quickly to higher levels of responsibility. The problem is that decisions made rapidly often encounter resistance in application. Regardless whether the decision is the best or not, how… Read More »

Characteristic# 70: Philanthropy

By | August 6, 2014

[August 06, 2014] “Giving back.” My grandmother told me many times that the trait that separated the most honorable people from the “average Joe” was the giving to those in need. Her philosophy was a religious one and something she believed in deeply. Senior leaders do more than give a few dollars to charitable organizations. The best of… Read More »