Category Archives: Professional Development

Leaders Had Better Be Squeaky Clean

By | December 28, 2023

[December 28, 2023]  One of the earliest articles I wrote for my blog was about leader transparency.  Titled A Few Thoughts on Leader Transparency, my core idea was that people must know that their leaders are open about their decision-making and that they provide an honest assessment of the results of their decisions.  Leaders had better be squeaky… Read More »

The Three Stooges: Ivy League Presidents

By | December 8, 2023

[December 8, 2023]  The Three Stooges, a popular slapstick comedy from 1922 to 1970, is about three guys getting into constant trouble because of their stupidity.  On Tuesday of this week, three Ivy League presidents testified in front of the U.S. Congress.  Their inept performance showed the world that they are the three stooges of this century.  Why? … Read More »

Piers Morgan on Harry & Meghan

By | December 6, 2023

[December 6, 2023]  My wife accuses me of shooting fish in a barrel when discussing the failures of “celebrities.”  My sister says I’m picking on retards, and it’s unseemly.  But this time, I’m merely quoting Piers Morgan on his recent comments about stripping race-baiting hypocrites Harry and Meghan of their royal titles.  Leave it to a Brit to… Read More »

Small Things Matter

By | November 26, 2023

[November 26, 2023]  The growth of violent crime in many American cities has been in the news lately, a surprising change to a prolonged decline in crime.  There are many theories as to why.  One explanation, however, is that the leaders of those cities have failed to fix the small things.  The lesson?  Small things matter. Years ago,… Read More »

Enabling Failure in Institutions

By | November 8, 2023

[November 8, 2023]  We’ve all seen supervisors who give excuses for employees who are failures in their jobs.  Like the alcoholic whose family enables the alcoholic’s drinking behavior, leaders are also enabling failure in other leaders. Whatever the reason or excuse, there is an emerging trend in U.S. institutions where leaders fail to take quick, effective action to… Read More »

American Youth are Rejecting Mentorship

By | August 29, 2023

[August 29, 2023]  Much has been written (and will be written) about America’s youngest adult generation.  Subjects discussing our youth are many, for good and for bad, but something is going overlooked.  We are beginning to notice that they reject mentorship from leaders.1 Mentorship is, of course, the most effective and efficient way to improve life and leadership… Read More »