Category Archives: Respect

Pearl Harbor Day

By | December 7, 2015

[December 7, 2015]  One of the most infamous days in American history was the surprise attack by the Japanese military on United States’ air and naval bases in Hawaii on this date in 1941.  The attack was a tactical success, even perhaps better than those planning the raid could have hoped.  However, it proved to be a strategic… Read More »

Hero: Zofia Kossak

By | December 3, 2015

[December 3, 2015]  About once a month or so I highlight a “hero” who showed an unusually high degree of physical or moral courage.  It’s rare to find those who display both and why I’m pointing out the case of Zofia Kossak (later Kossak-Szczucka).  Although there are many who were killed and their names will never be known,… Read More »

Veterans Day 2015 … Thank You America!

By | November 11, 2015

[November 11, 2015]  Today is Veterans Day in the United States.  There will be parades, speeches, and many who will make a special effort to honestly thank our military veterans for their service to the nation and contribution to our freedoms.  To those people, I say, thank you.  But, in reality, while there is much to celebrate, all… Read More »

Got Your 6

By | November 6, 2015

[November 6, 2015]  The point at which those who have served in the U.S. military have the greatest chance of failure is when they transition from military to civilian life.  For me, as for all those I have known, this was of the greatest worry and concern.  Formed in 2012 Got Your 6 is a non-profit organization1 whose… Read More »

Hero: Alonzo Cushing

By | November 4, 2015

[November 4, 2015]  Although I occasionally highlight a real hero in this leadership blog, it’s important to remind readers that while the majority of the heroes are produced as a result of many acts of physical courage, it is moral courage that is most difficult.  In the case of our hero featured today, Lieutenant Alonzo Cushing, he possessed… Read More »

Asian Leadership Takes a Positive Step

By | November 3, 2015

[November 3, 2015]  The hostile and unfriendly relationship among nations in Asia is persistent and historical.  Yet despite all obstacles, key leaders of South Korea, Japan, and China have taken measures to resolving regional cooperation; providing a positive step for Asian leadership in the region.  This may seem unimportant for Westerners who don’t appreciate the rich history of these… Read More »