War is Not the Answer

By | October 19, 2020

[October 19, 2020]   Walking my dog early this morning before the sun came up, I strolled by a car with a bumper sticker that read, ‘WAR is NOT the ANSWER.’  My dog smelled the tires, and we went on our way.  Later, I got to thinking too many folks don’t understand or simply deny the reality of war, what can be done to prevent conflict, and the real cost of war.

War is not the answer is a familiar bumper sticker.  It’s a statement meant to contemplate but never fully grasp.  It is also an answer in search of a question.  I certainly do not believe I am anywhere near as smart as the person who will figure out the solution to war but what I do know is that war is not going away.  In all likelihood, the fight will never go away.  The technology of action will change, but the fundamentals of leadership will remain the same.

Leadership is an outgrowth of human beings, our fundamental flaws and imperfections, the realities of human existence, and the malevolence not so well hidden in every human heart.  As regular readers of my blog know, I have plenty of time on the battlefield to have searched for the answer to evil and have not come up with anywhere near the answer to preventing the reality of war.

I get to walk my yellow Labrador, a 90-pound female, any time I want and just about anywhere I want.  The reason is that many before me were smart enough, brave enough, and good enough to make sure we have real freedom in the United States.  Yes, there has been a degradation of that freedom in the last 50 years.  Most of that is the result of our politicians outsourcing decision making.  But we still remain free.

In a few weeks, we will have an election in the U.S. for the next President.  The current President, Donald J. Trump, has said he is getting us out of endless wars; those wars both Republicans and Democrats got us into.  He believes that war doesn’t pay.  Maybe he is why that bumper sticker I saw this morning is on so many cars.  Or, possibly his rival, Joe Biden, is making people think Trump is a warmonger.  I’m not sure.

The nation is divided.  Only a great leader can bring us together.  I don’t think Joe Biden can do it because he no longer has his full cognitive abilities.  Many will disagree with my conclusion, one that I did not arrive at lightly.  Those who follow politics and Joe Biden know this to be true.  Of the two political opponents, only Trump can bring the nation together.  The big question is, can he do it.

The real cost of war can never be known.  Hidden costs lurk under every stone.  The costs are something even our ancients told us about when they wrote that to best way to prevent war is to be prepared for war.  I will add a little to their sage advice; the best way to avoid war is to be militarily strong and politically committed enough at using the tools of war, so that no sane opponent would dare take us on.

Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

Hello. I provide one article every day. My writings are influenced by great thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Jung, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jean Piaget, Erich Neumann, and Jordan Peterson, whose insight and brilliance have gotten millions worldwide to think about improving ourselves. Thank you for reading my blog.

23 thoughts on “War is Not the Answer

  1. John

    Thanks for illustrating the mentality that leads to destructive war after destructive war i.e. wars are just human nature and we will never stop them and those that want to are a bunch of fuzzy-heads. A defeatist attitude if you have any interest in preventing war.

  2. Drew Dill

    US Pres Donald Trump believes that wars don’t pay off. That is his philosophy and curious that you brought it up. I think Trump has a point. All previous Presidents just continued the old policy of using military force when the economic power of the USA could be brought to bear in many better ways to get what we want. And, what we want is peace and fair economic trade. Those who claim otherwise are not listening.

  3. Watson Bell

    I’m glad you walked your dog this morning. I too found a number of bumper stickers with unwritten questions. Like COEXIST. What a stupid comment in that we all assume it is right but in reality how many times have we not coexisted and for a variety of reasons?

    1. Tony B. Custer

      Good point, Watson. Haven’t seen you on Gen. Satterfield’s leadership blog in a few weeks. Hope all is well.

  4. Eddie Ray Anderson, Jr.

    War is never the answer but always the method. Just look at human history. If another country invades your country, what is the answer?

    1. Anita

      Not like anyone would like to answer that question. They simply don’t understand the concept of being prepared. You cannot have a military created over night. It takes a long time to mold into a proper fighting force and, more importantly, to develop a military culture that is aligned with our democratic values.

    2. Scotty Bush

      The answer is, of course, to fight back. Keep up the great work here Gen. Satterfield. I enjoy my early morning dog walks too.

      1. Roger Yellowmule

        Ha Ha…. me too. I have a black lab and he is a great dog. Because he’s black people tend to be afraid of him. But he’s the friendliest dog in my neighborhood. Keeps me healthy by forcing me to go on walks with him. That’s what I have in common with Gen. S.

  5. Willie Shrumburger

    Wow, great article today. War is not the answer as a bumper sticker is overly simplistic. I too think it’s an answer looking for a question. But, the point is that we don’t know the question and only assume we know it. I know that I’m probably not making sense here but if you know the “answer” but not the question, it makes no sense at all. It would be like a word salad.

  6. Bryan Z. Lee

    Gen. Satterfield, I think you are right that only a great leader can bring us together. The socialist agenda of the radical leftists in America can only be brought to heal thru politics and once a great economy is back up and running, then we will see it crushed. But only if Trump wins the election to show that America knows how to truly win.

  7. Tom Bushmaster

    Yes, and most folks out there will completely miss the point that war may not be the answer in the minds of the ignorant, but it works and it cannot be avoided. So prepare or die.

    1. Gil Johnson

      More than 300 years ago, maybe less, if you weren’t prepared for war (or to protect your community), you were either a slave or you were dead.

    2. Tony B. Custer

      And don’t expect much more. Today our kids are taught to follow the liberal PC ideology because that makes them better than us. That is why … it makes them feel good and feelings are what count (so they say).

      1. Joe the Aussie

        That is the heart of and the downfall of socialism and other PC-like ideologies. Cheers!

        1. Mr. T.J. Asper

          Hi Joe, haven’t heard from you in a long time. I hope Austrailia is well. I hope also that the PC ideologies are not taking over like in the US. We’ll find out shortly here in the USA after the election. If Biden wins, PC all the way.

          1. Joe the Aussie

            Thank you Mate. I’m afraid the Political Corr virus is here as well.

          2. Dead Pool Guy

            I’m afraid that you might be right, Mr. TJ. All the more important that conservative values win out over the Marxists.

      2. JT Patterson

        “Feelings” are what count. “Intentions” are what count. Reality is irrelevant. The bylaws of the radical left.


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