Destroy the Palestinian Culture of Death

By | November 14, 2023

[November 14, 2023]  After the Hamas terror attacks on Israel, killing more than 1,400 civilians, I wrote an article that proposed the only way to stop Palestinian violence was to utterly destroy their culture of death (October 17).  And yet few thinkers have dared to agree.  But I found one of them, John Hinderaker, at PowerLine (November 13).  He uses World War II as the classic example.

“The Germans and Japanese started the war, but did it lead to a cycle of violence?  No.  The war’s conclusion brought about a peace that continues to this day, as far as those combatants are concerned.  Why is that?  Because the war had a decisive result.  Germany and Japan were crushed.  There were millions of civilian casualties.  The German and Japanese people understood that they had lost the war, and the war had been a catastrophe for them.  They had no desire to renew the violence.” –  John Hinderaker

Hinderaker gives other examples from the past.  I will illuminate his and my idea that the Palestinian culture must be crushed by offering the U.S. Civil War as another example.  The Union sent large federal armies deep into the South, General Sherman being the most well-known.

“Sherman’s march to the sea” was based upon a scorched earth policy designed to destroy military targets, as well as industry, infrastructure, and civilian property, thereby crushing the very fabric that supported the Confederacy.  The Union’s efforts were so destructive that some towns and cities in the South did not celebrate America’s birthday on July 4th until the 1960s, a hundred years later.  John Hinderaker applies this lesson to Gaza.

“They have continued to launch terrorist attacks and wars against Israel from 1948 to the present, most recently and most horrifically last month.  Why is that?  Most fundamentally, because the Palestinians do not believe that they have been defeated by Israel.  On the contrary, they–especially the Gazans–seem to have believed that they were doing pretty well.  Intifada was good to them, yielding vast quantities of international aid and considerable international respect.” – John Hinderaker

As long as we have the pandering to Palestinians, “humanitarian aid,” ceasefires, a push for a two-state solution, and talk of a proportion response by Israel, the violence will continue.  Like in all past wars serving as evidence, this means a massive and overwhelming force that exacts a soul-crushing defeat upon Hamas and brutal retribution upon the civilian population until they are convinced they have been defeated.  Their only way forward is to rid themselves of Hamas and its Evil ideology.  Ultimately, that means destroying the Palestinian culture of death.


Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

Hello. I provide one article every day. My writings are influenced by great thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Jung, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jean Piaget, Erich Neumann, and Jordan Peterson, whose insight and brilliance have gotten millions worldwide to think about improving ourselves. Thank you for reading my blog.

24 thoughts on “Destroy the Palestinian Culture of Death

  1. corralesdon

    The destruction of the Palestinian culture needs to be total. They need to believe that what they do will only get them and their families killed. That is the only solution. I know that under Joe Biden, this will NEVER happen. That means more deaths in the future. And these deaths will be on his hands and he will burn in hell for it.

  2. The Toad

    “Their only way forward is to rid themselves of Hamas and its Evil ideology. Ultimately, that means destroying the Palestinian culture of death.” CORRECT

  3. Eddie Gilliam

    Excellent job. With so much hatred going on in the world Love your neighborhood thyself will turn this around. Hatred is easy to do, however Love is hard to do by man standings. It’s not that With God standings.

    1. Gibbbie

      Great point, Eddie. I think that the idea of love your neighbor as you love yourself means also to respect others and treat them well enough to help make them better people too. Yes, hatred is easy. In fact, we see politicians today encouraging hate and violence and distancing themselves from the results of their words. Today’s leaders in government are dangerously weak. This causes more violence and hatred. Pres Joe BIden is a horrible president and we are seeing the results worldwide.

  4. American Girl

    With Joe Biden as the US President, the world is more dangerous than ever. He is so weak, even Iran can push him around. God Bless the USA and let’s get rid of the Biden Crime Family ASAP.

  5. Gilley the Brother

    Lots of crazies out there supporting the Palestinian cause. I’m not so sure what they say that “cause” is, other than “from the river to the sea.” Of course, none of them can name the river or the sea, but hey, nothing gets in the way of a great slogan from progressives than total ignorance. Good idea to ship them to Gaza for a real life adventure.

  6. Shawn C. Stolarz

    Best article in a long time (excluding your letters to your granddaughter). Just curious, what kind of response did you get on yesterday’s article on North Korea? Let us know. The NK supporters are radicals in every way. They’ve killed off the moderates. And these people too are vey sick in the head with decades now of propaganda and gaslighting.

  7. Willie Strumburger

    It’s Time to Destroy the Palestinian Culture of Terrorism, October 17, 2023
    Hamas, the terror organization that governs the Palestinians, must be eliminated brutally and all its leaders and followers killed. The Palestinians, specifically Gazans, have a sick culture, the sickest on the planet. There is little of value that comes from Gaza. Their product is an ideology of Jew hatred. That culture must be changed, so the Palestinians must want to change. And that means destroying everything they value, starving them, crushing their cities, cutting off all outside aid, and occupying and ruling them with a strict governance.

    1. Greg Heyman

      Right! And in this article, Gen. Satterfield used exactly the same examples used by the PowerLine guy, Mr. Hinderaker.

  8. Eye Cat

    This is new to me. Gen. Satterfield is on it.
    ““Sherman’s march to the sea” was based upon a scorched earth policy designed to destroy military targets, as well as industry, infrastructure, and civilian property, thereby crushing the very fabric that supported the Confederacy. The Union’s efforts were so destructive that some towns and cities in the South did not celebrate America’s birthday on July 4th until the 1960s, a hundred years later.” You have to have lived in the South to understand how long the Civil War has impacted and STILL IMPACTS the South.

    1. Bryan Z. Lee

      Excellent point Eye Cat. Let’s see if America has more or less WILL to deal with terror.

  9. Delf "Jelly" Bryce

    The sooner the Palestinian peoples are crushed and dispersed throughout the Muslim world, the better everyone will be.

    1. Melissa Jackson

      but but but but ….. [list the typical liberal progressive excuses here]

        1. Kerry

          Nailed it guys! And yes the West has zero will to destroy evil. That is sad. How far we have fallen in less than 30 years. The war on terror proves we don’t have the will and EVIL sees it. That means more and more suffering and death. Best to cut out the terror culture.

    2. Pumpkin Spice

      Jelly, great to hear from you again. I know that Gen. Satterfield wants your articles here, so please write soon.


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