The Twelfth 9/11 Anniversary (Updated)

By | September 11, 2013

[September 11, 2013]  Today marks the 12th year since the multiple, horrific attacks that put the United States on a path to weeding out an enemy who had long been against all things western.    Today we honor those who were killed and wounded in this attack and to say thank-you to the men and women who have put their… Read More »

Characteristic #2: Building Trust and Confidence

By | September 9, 2013

[September 9, 2013]  A fundamental attribute of the senior executive leader is the ability to build trust and confidence in the people who work for us, supervisors, peers and associates, and clients. Building and management of that trust and confidence ranks as one of the top factors to achieve and sustain high levels of organizational strength.  It is… Read More »

Characteristic #1: You’re Living in a Fishbowl

By | September 9, 2013

[September 9, 2013]  You live in a fishbowl for all to see. As a senior executive leader, if you work in a highly visible organization, in particular those that are taxpayer or privately funded or a highly competitive commercial corporation, then expect that your public and private life will be seen and judged against diverse moral, legal, and… Read More »

Characteristics of a Senior Executive Leader

By | September 8, 2013

[September 8, 2013]  As promised, this blog is about the exploration of attributes and character of the senior executive leader. This allows a dive more into the depths of those points that distinguish the senior executive leader from the beginner and junior leader.  Truthfully, many characteristics will be distinguished by degree; laying along a continuum of strength or… Read More »

Leading from Behind

By | September 7, 2013

[September 7, 2013]  In Nelson Mandela’s autobiography, he uses a metaphor to illustrate the leading from behind leadership style. He writes, quoting a regent’s axiom: “… a leader … is like a Sheppard. He stays behind the flock, letting the most nimble go out ahead, whereupon the others follow, not realizing all along they are being directed from… Read More »

What is a Senior Executive Leader?

By | September 6, 2013

[September 6, 2013]  Whether you are the CEO of a large commercial firm, the President of a university, the head of an international non-profit organization, or a General/Flag officer in the military, you are a “senior executive” and by definition a “leader”.  Does this make you the “top dog”, the “old man”?   Well…yes. There are also many positions… Read More »

Professional Reading List

By | September 4, 2013

[September 4, 2013]  I just added a professional reading list.  While the books and articles are personal favorites of mine, I find others have enjoyed them and they are popular.  The books range from topics on classic leadership to the psychology of people to stories of courage.  The list will grow over time.  At some point I will… Read More »

Basic Leadership versus Senior Executive Leadership

By | September 4, 2013

[September 4, 2013]  Is there a difference in basic leadership and senior executive leadership?  To answer the question, we must get to the fundamental concept of leadership and its various meanings.  Leadership, at its heart, is the ability to get people to accomplish a goal they would not necessarily have done.  Now, many people will argue with me… Read More »

Why a Senior Executive Leadership Blog?

By | September 3, 2013

[September 3, 2013]  Why publish a blog on “senior executive leadership”?  With so many high-quality blogs on leadership and thousands of pages written on the internet and in books, why would anyone want to add to those voices?  Simple, I do not believe there is sufficient writing dedicated to the subject of senior executive leadership.  One reason for… Read More »