Category Archives: Respect

Holden Amenta: the Kid Hero

By | December 5, 2023

[December 5, 2023]  Nine year old Holden Amenta is a kid hero.  He is a superfan of the Kansas City Chiefs, a professional football team (you might have heard of them) and one that Holden goes all-out to support.  The team colors are black and red.  Recently a black sports writer accused young Holden of being a racist… Read More »

Letters to My Granddaughter, No. 40

By | December 4, 2023

[December 4, 2023] My great aunt Marie Tabor was a beautiful woman, tall, energetic, smart, articulate, motivated, and dedicated to my Mom.  She was the sister of my maternal Bigmama (Grandmother Blankenship).  Aunt Rea lived her entire life in Little Rock, Arkansas, in a classic upscale neighborhood and was a hairdresser.  She had no children, which may be… Read More »