Category Archives: Information

Ambassador Nominee Embarrassment

By | February 15, 2014

[February 16, 2014] Good leadership means building productive teams and organizations by ensuring the best and brightest leaders are ready for the job.  Leaders are a reflection of that organization and its senior executive leadership.  Yet, it appears that the U.S. has embarrassed itself over several recent nominations to ambassadorships1 (a senior leadership position).  The nominee to be… Read More »

Like Us on Facebook

By | February 15, 2014

[February 15, 2014] Like us on Facebook. Yes, that’s right.  TheLeaderMaker is on Facebook.  Please click to like the page.  The more visitors, the more people have a chance to read about Senior Executive Leadership. Thanks to all our friends who support this effort and for helping get the word out. ————————— A direct link to the new… Read More »

Is Tribalism on the Rise in Organizations?

By | February 15, 2014

[February 15, 2014]  While human organizational capability has improved over the past several thousand years, one remarkably successful but old system has remained – Tribalism.  Tribalism is a way of thinking and behaving, with loyalty to a group, and strong identity.  Good and bad leadership thrives in the tribal environment.  Tribalism is usually about strong ethnic or cultural… Read More »


By | February 14, 2014

[February 14, 2014]  Gatekeepers are in every organization and they are the ones who exercise control over access to something.  In the old days, this meant limiting access through the city gate.  Today, the term is used metaphorically, referring to people who decide whether you gain access to something; like to information, a person, a service, an interview. … Read More »

Duck Dynasty

By | February 11, 2014

[February 11, 2014]  Some people say that this television reality show has nothing to do with leadership … I disagree.  In case you’ve been living under a rock for the past several years, one of the most popular shows on television lately has been “Duck Dynasty.”  It’s a series that portrays the lives of the Robertson’s out of… Read More »

Physical Fitness

By | February 9, 2014

[February 09, 2014]  Most people in leadership positions will tell you that staying in good physical shape has some obvious benefits other than health: clarity of thinking, stamina, and will power.  Furthermore, it demonstrates the leader’s discipline and ability to balance many aspects of one’s life. This is all true, of course.  I propose that staying physically fit… Read More »

Leader Feedback

By | February 8, 2014

[February 08, 2014]  Leader feedback on performance, attitude, and foresight is essential regardless of the maturity or position of a leader.  This feedback should ideally be from their immediate supervisor, their peers, those that work for them, and other stakeholders. The US Army uses what they call MSAF360 (Multi-Source Assessment and Feedback).  The system is good in providing… Read More »

Just Do Something

By | February 6, 2014

[February 06, 2014]  “Just do something,” is a common catchphrase we hear frequently from leaders.  I think a better quote would be, “Just do something, anything at all.”  Some people believe that any action is seen as better than no action, irrespective of whether the action is beneficial or damaging. Frankly, this is not leadership.  It’s a sign… Read More »