Category Archives: Leadership

Wanted: Adult Supervision at Columbia

By | June 25, 2024

[June 25, 2024]  One of the most difficult challenges to a new Army Company Commander is an external evaluation of his leadership abilities.  I don’t know if these are conducted anymore, given the horrific stories coming out of our woke military today.  A recent opinion piece by the Washington Free Beacon editors strikes to the heart of leadership. … Read More »

The Boxer Rebellion

By | June 23, 2024

[June 23, 2024]  In June 1900, Chinese nationalists began the siege on Peking’s diplomatic district (later Beijing).  They were known as the “Boxers” because they believed in calisthenics and martial arts.  Their goal was to drive out all foreign influences in China, and they killed Christian missionaries and diplomats from foreign countries.  The Boxer Rebellion was a formal… Read More »

Radical Leftists’ Obsession Over Symbols

By | June 18, 2024

[June 18, 2024]  In my preoccupation studying totalitarian regimes, their military systems, governmental policies, and ideologies, one of the more fascinating ideas that keep cropping up is their obsession over symbols.  This idea of the fear of or attraction to symbols is a particularly strong feature of radical leftist political ideas. The old flag that I’m using as… Read More »

The Nashville School Shooter’s Manifesto

By | June 13, 2024

[June 13, 2024] After a 14-month-long censorship of Nashville Christian school shooter Audrey Elizabeth Hale’s manifesto by police and the FBI, local news outlets released parts of her writings. Ben Johnson from The Washington Stand gives us a good analysis of the depravity of Audrey’s descent into the madness of transgender ideology. “The handwritten entries, which deeply reflect… Read More »