Category Archives: Leadership

Too Dumb to Be a Senior Leader

By | July 13, 2024

[July 13, 2024]  After watching President Joe Biden give a press conference last night and him taking “pre-approved” questions from “pre-selected” journalists, I’m reminded of several times in my military career when I worked for people too dumb to be a senior leader.  I’ve written about them before, so I won’t open that can of worms.  But I… Read More »

SCOTUS Justice Sotomayor’s Political Hack Job

By | July 11, 2024

[July 11, 2024]  Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor delivered a dissenting opinion on the majority opinion that presidents are immune from prosecution for actions related to their core duties.  Her hysterics show that she is nothing but a political hack and seriously uneducated on U.S. law, the military, and American culture, or, more likely, she wants to be… Read More »

U.S. Military in Full Panic: Victor Davis Hanson

By | July 10, 2024

[July 10, 2024]  Historian Victor Davis Hanson gives us his thoughts on the American military in full panic because they cannot reach their recruiting goals.  People, mostly men, make up the bulk of the Army, and when you don’t have the bodies, your ability to fulfill your mission is weakened.  I will make a better point, and that… Read More »

A Lying Dog-Faced Pony Media

[July 6, 2024]  I want to thank Joe Biden for the moniker Lying Dog-Faced Pony Soldier, and today I’m using it as a descriptor for America’s left-wing media that has known about Biden’s mental decline for years but has failed to clue us in on the “secret.”  Carl Bernstein, the fabled Watergate reporter and anti-Trump cheerleader, just said… Read More »

Do Fear the Reaper!

[July 5, 2024]  A couple of days ago, Scott Johnson at PowerLineBlog posted an amusing post about the Presidential “campaign songs.”  This article is devoted to figuring out what the Biden-Harris theme song will be.  And Scott goes back a few years to give us examples from Bill Clinton, Al Gore, John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama. … Read More »

That Which is Hidden: President Joe Biden

By | June 30, 2024

[June 30, 2024]  The U.S. presidential debates between Joe Biden and Donald Trump this past Thursday were eye-opening for many in America.  Say what you will about the format of the presidential debates.  Yet, when we see the two presidential candidates on stage and answering questions without a written script, that is truly democracy in action.  The problem… Read More »