Category Archives: Leadership

Contrasts in the Passion of Leadership

By | October 30, 2013

[October 30, 2013]  Over the last two days, I visited a soon-to-deploy military combat unit (with their families) and visited a Veterans’ Administration hospital.  The contrast between the two in the “passion” of the personnel at each event was noteworthy. Both the personnel conducting the troop and family event, as well as those attending, were unparalleled in their… Read More »

The Senior Leader Challenge

By | October 28, 2013

[October 28, 2013]  A frequent question asked is: “What is the most challenging part of a senior leader’s job?” Most believe that dealing with the impact of America’s unstable economic situation, overwhelming organizational bureaucracy, or working with insufferable government agencies unfamiliar with the leader’s organization would the challenge.  While these are a bit demanding, they are not the… Read More »

Characteristic #26: Extraordinary Persistence

By | October 24, 2013

[Updated December 28, 2013] Great leaders have extraordinary persistence.  Yes, possession of large doses of persistence is a prerequisite for great senior executive leaders. The dictionary defines persistence as, “Firm or obstinate continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition.”  In other words, do not expect persistence to be easy.  In fact, it’s hard. For… Read More »

Core Values: U.S. Army

By | October 21, 2013

[October 21, 2013]  By discussing core values, it is again easy to select an organization that clearly articulates its values. The U.S. Army has seven values which follow the acronym LDRSHIP.  They are: Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Integrity, and Personal Courage.  There is the expectation that every Soldier, regardless of rank, memorizes and lives by those values.… Read More »