The Origin of Species – Charles Darwin

By | November 24, 2013

[November 24, 2013]  The Origin of Species was published November 24, 1859, just 154 years ago today.  But its applicability to human organizations and psychology is clear.  Yesterday I wrote about the necessary immense adaptability of senior leaders.  We can learn much from Darwin’s writings.  Below I have listed some of my favorite quotes from Darwin.  “A man… Read More »

Workplace Dysfunctions: Disrespect and Anger

By | November 24, 2013

[November 24, 2013]  I originally wrote this blog post with the title “Disrespect to Leaders” but realized that I was actually leaving out a big part of the picture by not including “anger.”  What brought me to this conclusion was an article published a couple of days ago entitled “America’s Anger Epidemic: Why?” by Dan Bowens.  In order… Read More »

Characteristic #36: Immense Adaptability

By | November 23, 2013

[November 23, 2013]  To paraphrase Charles Darwin, “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.”  Although written for a theory to explain how species survive, the idea has applicability to success in human organizations.  Adaptability is at the core… Read More »

Senior Leader Transitions

By | November 22, 2013

[November 22, 2013]  Fifty years ago today in 1963, US President John F. Kennedy was assassinated.  The nation was shocked and grief stricken.  Nevertheless, there was an orderly and peaceful leader transition to the new President, Lyndon B. Johnson. Organizations transition senior leaders for a variety of reason.  While it can be a good thing when replacing an… Read More »

Insulated Leaders

By | November 21, 2013

[November 21, 2013]  Everyone has probably seen the classic 1939 movie The Wizard of Oz.  One subplot is about the problems that occur when the Wizard of Oz (a senior leader) is naive about what is going on around him.  It is a risk to senior leaders, protected by well-meaning staffs, to find themselves insulated or protected from… Read More »

Military Veterans: Combat to College

By | November 20, 2013

[November 20, 2013]  Today I’m speaking to veterans who are beginning their college experience.  The message is simple – with passion, adaptability, and some basic college skills, they will succeed.  Senior leaders have the responsibility to help improve the success rate of our veterans; we owe them at least this much. The success rate of veterans in college… Read More »

The Gettysburg Address Vision

By | November 19, 2013

[November 19, 2013]  150 years ago in the mist of the American Civil War, US President Abraham Lincoln gave one of the best known, most quoted speeches in American history – known today as the “Gettysburg Address.” President Lincoln is recognized as one of the greatest senior leaders in American history.  The Gettysburg address is an example of… Read More »

Secret Information is Not Secret

By | November 18, 2013

[November 18, 2013]  Leaders have trouble remembering that “secret” information is not truly secret, especially in this age of evolving communication’s technology.  If you tell someone about anything, put it in writing, or place it where it can be seen, it will eventually become public and no longer secret. Most people will remember US Representative Anthony Weiner D-NY,… Read More »

Explaining Big Decisions

By | November 17, 2013

[November 17, 2013]  Training leaders in the basic principles of leadership always includes the subject of good communication techniques and the challenges associated with this topic.  Probably the most important aspect of communication that any leader can do is to explain why big decisions are made.  This simple articulation of the leader’s decision logic helps prevent employees, and… Read More »

Reading List (Update)

By | November 16, 2013

[November 16, 2013]  Today, another book that I found especially interesting:  Finding a Way to Win.  Bill Parcells  Bill Parcells gives great advice on what it takes to be a successful leader and gain the respect of those you lead. He gives common sense advice like “never discount stupidity as a factor” and “never ask people to do… Read More »