Characteristic #35: Zealous Commitment

By | November 15, 2013

[November 15, 2013]  Commitment is the one senior leader attribute that makes all others possible. Leaders understand that success is not a single event.  Success is a continuous experience.  That is why senior leaders are zealous about commitment, for the reason that it provides them the intense, inner motivation to sustain success over the long haul. Commitment simply… Read More »

Characteristic #34: Extraordinary Ambition

By | November 14, 2013

[November 14, 2013]  Successful senior executive leaders are highly motivated and have the inner drive to be the best at what they do.  For leaders, ambition1 is a major source of motivation, passion, and inspiration – there is no adequate substitute. The desire to grow as a leader, to improve, to increase knowledge and qualifications, and to have… Read More »

Characteristic #33: Passion

By | November 13, 2013

[November 13, 2013]  A major theme in the philosophy of leadership is the concept that passion is an essential trait of leaders.  For senior executive leaders, passion is fundamental to their ability to guide their organization and is a characteristic without peer.  Passion is ultimately about winning and success – it is in our human nature to be… Read More »

Characteristic #32: Professional Competence

By | November 12, 2013

[November 12, 2013]  Senior executive leaders must be sufficiently competent in their professions to survive.  High-quality leaders have the capability to perform the duties of their job with an acceptable level of quality – a combination of knowledge, judgment, and skills. Technical competence by itself will not assure a leader’s success since there are other traits that are… Read More »

Veterans Day

By | November 11, 2013

[November 11, 2013]  Today we recognize all those who have served in the US military.  I believe that it is the duty of senior executive leaders to pursue significant and important activities involving their employees who are veterans. It is up to leaders to personally deliver the message of sacrifice, service, and patriotism. Across the nation, we will… Read More »

The Philippine Typhoon

By | November 10, 2013

[November 10, 2013]  It is now just becoming known the horrific damage done by Typhoon Haiyan this past Friday.  The ability of senior leaders to deal with crisis is an attribute that is often overlooked until such an event occurs. Senior leaders in the Philippines and across the world are ramping up aid to this unfortunate nation after… Read More »

Profile: Lady Gaga

By | November 10, 2013

[November 10, 2013]  My previous famous leader profiles may have been biased toward world legendary people, all of which proved themselves over decades.  The greatest leaders possess a long-term record of success. However, this profile of “Lady Gaga,” the stage name for a recently famous musician and philanthropist, shows that leaders can have millions of followers if you… Read More »

Characteristic #31: Experienced Judgment

By | November 9, 2013

[November 09, 2013]  Judgment is the essence of leadership.  The ability of first-class leaders to make good judgments and the cumulative impact of those judgments will determine the quality, effectiveness, and success of the leaders’ organizations. The exercise of good judgment in the workplace is the special quality sought in leaders of all kinds.  In particular, this is… Read More »

Characteristic #30: Having Big Ideas

By | November 8, 2013

[November 08, 2013]  Senior executive leaders develop big ideas. Big ideas are a framework, a way of making sense of something about the world we live in that solves a problem or makes something better.  They help us “see,” to organize desperate facts and details into a picture that gives us insight. Charles Darwin wrote that his theory… Read More »

The Great War

By | November 7, 2013

[November 07, 2013]  Next year in 2014, the 100th anniversary of World War I will be marked by a number of significant events pointing to the heroic sacrifice made by brave men and women of the United States.  “The War to End all Wars” or “The Great War,” as it has been called, was being fought while the… Read More »