Monthly Archives: August 2023

Incompetence and the Maui Fire

By | August 20, 2023

[August 20, 2023] Investigations into what caused the apocalyptic blazes on parts of Maui will continue for years and, to no one’s surprise, the outcome will be unsatisfactory.  I’ve often written that when leaders are incompetent, bad things happen.  Unfortunately, early information from the Maui fire suggests an unusually high degree of government incompetence that made things much… Read More »

We Outsource our Sanity

By | August 15, 2023

[August 15, 2023] Dr.Jordan Peterson tells us that we are mentally sane as independent beings because others will correct us whenever we do something stupid.  People are giving corrections to us all the time, non-stop, and we are broadcasting sanity signals back and forth.  We smile at people if they behave properly and act like we would like… Read More »

UK Police Arrest ‘Bullying’ Autistic Girl

By | August 13, 2023

[August 13, 2023] Shocking video of the UK Police violently arresting an autistic 16-year-old girl.  The West Yorkshire police arrested the girl for saying a policewoman looked like her “lesbian nana.”  This is deemed a ‘hate crime’ in the UK.  The terrified girl was dragged away by seven police officers charging her with a “homophobic public order offense.”… Read More »