News Media Credibility in Decline

By | March 19, 2014

[March 19, 2014]  I’ve written about news media credibility before to explain that there is an unfortunate trend where the media is losing much of their credibility by selective and misleading reporting.  I discussed it in the context of bias reporting on the military but it extends far beyond the military.  The failure of the news media senior… Read More »

Venezuela Violence is Overshadowed

By | March 18, 2014

[March 18, 2014]  While Americans and the rest of the world are focused on the developments in the Ukraine and the mystery of Malaysia Airlines flight 370, there are important U.S. leadership matters regarding Venezuela that are being overshadowed.  Attention to the slow disintegration of the socialist economy and on-going violence, in our own hemisphere, has more key… Read More »

Second Order Effects

By | March 17, 2014

[March 17, 2014]  As leaders we need to be aware of the effects of our actions.  I remember as a new Infantry Platoon Leader that to increase physical fitness scores, I provided an incentive for Soldiers to run faster than me (I gave them a day off).  Yet, many Soldiers actually performed worse on their run times. Five… Read More »

The CIA, the U.S. Senate, Spying, and Leadership

By | March 16, 2014

[March 16, 2014]  Earlier this week, the Senate Intelligence Committee Chairwoman accused the CIA of “spying” on the committee that she leads.  The CIA accused her committee of unauthorized access to CIA computer systems to obtain classified information.  At the heart of this unusual situation is the committee’s investigation of CIA interrogation techniques following the 9/11 terrorists attacks. … Read More »

Profile: Sun Tzu on Leadership

By | March 15, 2014

[March 15, 2014]  When I was growing up in the Deep South, I was exposed to a variety of community leaders and as successful as each was they displayed many recurring qualities that fascinated me.  Years later I realized some of those common traits were key to being a successful leader.  After reading the Art of War by… Read More »

People Want Leadership and They’re Not Getting It

By | March 14, 2014

[March 14, 2014]  People want leadership and they are not getting what they want.  At least they are not getting it from our senior leadership in Washington DC, either from the White House or from Congress.  The citizenry is losing faith in our political elites of both parties.  That’s the message from a number of political publications on… Read More »

Are Affordable Care Act Mandates Dissolving Law?

By | March 13, 2014

[March 13, 2014]  Earlier we wrote about the problems with the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) and the problems its website was experiencing (link here) and the subsequent loss of trust and confidence in government due to multiple significant failures to get it right.  This is a significant leadership issue that is not being fully… Read More »

Socialism and Leadership (Part 2)

By | March 13, 2014

[March 13, 2014]  In Part 1 of this two-part series, I pointed out how Socialism “contains a number of beautifully crafted ideas that are appealing to just about anyone … but ultimately destructive in practice.”  In Part 2, we discuss the impact of Socialist ideology on individuals and some of their characteristics that may influence them and explain… Read More »

Socialism and Leadership (Part 1)

By | March 12, 2014

[March 12, 2014]  I have been toying with the idea of a blog feature on Socialism for some time now.  So, what would be the point in discussing the not-so-obvious connection between Socialism and senior leadership?  I believe that Socialism contains a number of beautifully crafted ideas that are appealing to everyone … but ultimately destructive in practice.… Read More »

US Senate and Climate Change

By | March 11, 2014

[March 11, 2014]  Earlier today (link here), I wrote about how the US Congress was seen in the eyes of many of our citizens as being dysfunctional and held in low regards.  To many, the belief that Congress lacks good leadership is an important observation and should be a wake-up call to our elected representatives. Part of good… Read More »