Reading List (Update)

By | December 18, 2013

[December 18, 2013]  Two more books to consider reading.  I’m especially taken in with the book by Abbot on Cyrus the Great.  Perhaps it is more the lessons we can take from the great Persian leader.  Nonetheless, two worthwhile books to read. Today, more books that I am now reading and find interesting: Cyrus the Great by Jacob… Read More »

Intellectual Laziness

By | December 17, 2013

[December 17, 2013]  One would think that in the United States where rewards are given for the proper exercise of a person’s mental prowess, that the majority of people would strive to improve themselves intellectually.  Furthermore, one would expect leaders to be encouraging others to improve their knowledge and intellectual abilities.  Sadly, this is not the case. Intellectual… Read More »

Characteristic #41: Dealing with Criticism

By | December 16, 2013

[December 16, 2013]  All leaders must learn to deal with criticism.  One way of distinguishing the more senior leader from others is by the level of criticism that targets them and the effort they take to overcome the criticism. “It is difficult to name any leader who was spared criticism.”  – Donald Rumsfeld It can be said that… Read More »

No Soldier Left Behind

By | December 15, 2013

[December 15, 2013]  Many military veterans are often asked about combat.  With our small military, the American public has little connection to them anymore and consequently most obtain their information from movies like “Black Hawk Down.”  One question (perhaps more of a concern) is asked about military personnel left on the battlefield.  For some reason there is some… Read More »

Profile: Kim Jong Un

By | December 14, 2013

[December 14, 2013]  Any attempt to profile the leadership characteristics of a leader from a different culture is fraught with uncertainty.  For the North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, a relatively young and new leader to the country, this is certainly true.  He is an enigmatic figure.  Leaders need to understand how senior leaders from different cultures function… Read More »

Loyal Dissent

By | December 13, 2013

[December 13, 2013]  There comes a time in every leader’s career when one must face the prospect that one’s boss has acted out of bounds on some behavior or decision.  As a subordinate, it is our obligation to present a dissenting view of what should take place but do so in a manner that adheres to allegiance to… Read More »

Timely Decision Making

By | December 12, 2013

[December 12, 2013]  Making timely decisions is the hallmark of a good leader.  And, the ability to come to grips with the fact that leaders make decisions and do so in a way that benefits the group should be ingrained in all of us. “Be willing to make decisions.  That’s the most important quality in a good leader.” … Read More »

Characteristics #40: Perpetual Optimism

By | December 11, 2013

[December 11, 2013]  Senior executive leaders have perpetual optimism.  This may appear to be self-evident at first.  It may even seem obvious to the accomplished leader.  However, a strong and resolute optimism is one of the keys to creating a winning team and successful organization. I was told many times as a boy playing sports (usually little league… Read More »

Leaders Create Structure

By | December 10, 2013

[December 10, 2013]  One of the more interesting things about people is that we love structure in our lives.  From having that cup of coffee in the morning to watching our favorite television show – humans crave structure and predictability.  Leaders who help create structure in the lives of their employees will be more successful leaders.  It is… Read More »

The Broken Window Theory and Leadership

By | December 9, 2013

[December 09, 2013]  The idea of this theory is that by paying attention to and correcting small problems, many bigger problems will be prevented.  Specifically, if small problems are not dealt with in a determined and timely manner, more serious problems will be tolerated and grow.  The “broken window theory” was an idea first put forth by criminologists1. … Read More »